Sep 23, 2024  
2016-2017 General Catalog 

Course Descriptions


Click here  for information on reading course descriptions.




  • MUED 6910 - Directed Readings in Music Education

    1 to 3 credits

    Student will work with professor on music education topics mutually agreed to by the student and professor. A contract will be made and must be approved by the Graduate Music Education Committee. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    Prerequisite: Admission to Master of Music Education Program. All topics must be approved by professor and the Music Education Graduate Committee.
  • MUED 6920 - Special Projects in Music Education

    1 to 3 credits

    Student will work with professor on music education projects mutually agreed to by the student and professor.  A contract will be made and must be approved by the Graduate Music Education Committee. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    Prerequisite: Admission to Master of Music Education Program.  All projects must be approved by professor and the Music Education Graduate Committee.
  • MUSC 0990 - Recital Attendance

    0 credits

    This course requires attendance at approved musical events and concerts to broaden the student’s intellectual and musical horizons. For music majors and minors. (P/F) (Fall, Spring)

    Co-Requisite: MUSC 1410 , MUSC 2410 , MUSC 3410 , MUSC 4410 
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 1010 - Introduction to Music

    3 credits

    This course is designed to expose the general student to the principal forms of traditional Western art music as well as multicultural music genres through the study of music history and literature. (Fall, Spring)

    General Education Course: Fine Arts Knowledge Area
  • MUSC 1020 - Popular Music in America

    3 credits

    This course will explore the rich and diverse genres of popular music in America from their origins to their development in the 20th century. (Fall, Spring)

    General Education Course: Fine Arts Knowledge Area
  • MUSC 1050 - Music of the World

    3 credits

    An introduction to music-cultural traditions in selected world cultures. Introduces content, scope, and methodology of ethnomusicology, focusing on understanding the musical styles, performance practices, and cultural functions of these musical traditions. (Fall, Spring)

    General Education Course: Fine Arts Knowledge Area
  • MUSC 1080 - Class Guitar

    1 credits

    A course in the basic techniques of playing the guitar. The student must supply his/her own instrument. (Fall, Spring)

    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 1100 - Fundamentals of Music Theory

    3 credits

    Topics covered are notation, meters, key signatures, scales, intervals, and triads for BFA Majors (musical theatre emphasis) and music majors who have not passed the entrance exam for MUSC 1110 . (Fall)

    Prerequisite: Departmental Placement
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 1110 - Music Theory I

    3 credits

    The first course in the music theory sequence, the course comprises primary triads, figured bass, non-harmonic tones, cadences, and voice leading. (Fall)

    Prerequisite: Student must pass music theory entrance exam
    Co-Requisite: MUSC 1130 
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 1120 - Music Theory II

    3 credits

    The second course in the music theory sequence, the course comprises all diatonic chords, sevenths, modulation, and further principles of voice leading. (Spring)

    Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in MUSC 1110 
    Co-Requisite: MUSC 1140 
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 1130 - Aural Skills I

    1 credits

    The first course in the aural skills sequence, the course covers melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic dictation of diatonic materials. Exercises in solfege develop sight-singing abilities. (Fall)

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
    Co-Requisite: MUSC 1110 
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 1140 - Aural Skills II

    1 credits

    The second course in the aural skills sequence, this course furthers abilities in dictation and sight singing and comprises all diatonic triads and intervals. (Spring)

    Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in MUSC 1110  and MUSC 1130 
    Co-Requisite: MUSC 1120 
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 1150 - Class Piano I

    1 credits

    A course to familiarize students with the fundamentals of piano playing, keyboard theory and interpretation. Prepares music majors for the piano proficiency examination. (Fall)

    Co-Requisite: MUSC 1100  for BFA in Theatre majors only
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 1160 - Class Piano II

    1 credits

    The second course in the class piano sequence, further develops keyboard skills, including scales, chords, and improvisation. (Spring)

    Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in MUSC 1150 
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 1170 - English & Italian Diction & Repertoire

    3 credits

    This course is designed to teach students the correct standardized pronunciation of English and Italian by utilizing the International Phonetic Alphabet. Students will learn pronunciation rules as well as study American, English, and Italian Art Song Literature. (Fall)

    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 1400 - Individual Applied Music Instruction

    1 credits

    Private lessons in vocal or instrumental music. 12 half-hour lessons, fee required. May be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring)

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 1410 - Individual Applied Music Instruction

    2 credits

    Private lessons in vocal or instrumental music. 12 fifty-minute lessons and a required studio class. Fee required. May be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 1620 - Introduction to Opera Production

    2 credits

    This course is designed to give students a broad base of understanding of opera including a brief overview of the history, basic acting techniques, stage terminology, and the basics for producing and directing a musical production and must be taken by voice majors prior to enrolling in MUSC 3370 . (Spring)

    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 2110 - Music Theory III

    3 credits

    The third course in the music theory sequence, this course introduces chromatic materials, including secondary dominants, Neapolitan, and augmented sixth chords. Successful completion of the Piano Proficiency Exam is required to obtain instructor permission. (Fall)

    Prerequisite: MUSC 1120 , MUSC 1140 , and instructor permission.
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 2130 - Aural Skills III

    1 credits

    The third course in the aural skills sequence, covering dictation and singing of chromatic materials. Successful completion of the Piano Proficiency Exam is required to obtain instructor permission. (Fall)

    Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in MUSC 1120 ,MUSC 1140 , and Instructor Permission. 
    Co-Requisite: MUSC 2110 
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 2140 - Aural Skills IV

    1 credits

    The fourth course in the aural skills sequence, this course furthers dictation and singing abilities in chromatic materials. (Spring)

    Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in MUSC 2110 , MUSC 2130 
    Co-Requisite: MUSC 3070 
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 2180 - Technology for Music Educators

    3 credits

    A course to familiarize students with current hardware and software applications relating to music education, music notation, and recording. (Spring)

    Prerequisite: MUSC 1110  & MUSC 1120  
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 2320 - Keyboard Collaborative Arts

    2 credits

    The course covers collaborative piano techniques and performance practices as they related to chamber music with keyboard instruments. (Fall, Spring)

    Prerequisite: One semester of MUSC 1400 /MUSC 1410 
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 2350 - Fundamentals of Conducting

    2 credits

    Development of basic conducting technique. Areas of study include conducting gestures, rehearsal planning and execution, and score analysis and interpretation. (Fall)

    Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in MUSC 1120 
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 2400 - Individual Applied Music Instruction

    1 credits

    Private lessons in vocal or instrumental music. 12 half-hour lessons, fee required. May be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring)

    Prerequisite: Average grade of B or higher in 2 credits of MUSC 1400 ; permission of the instructor
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 2410 - Individual Applied Music Instruction

    2 credits

    Private lessons in vocal or instrumental music. 12 fifty-minute lessons and a required studio class. Fee required. May be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    Prerequisite: A grade of B or higher in 4 credits of MUSC 1410 
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 2420 - Piano Literature & Performance History I

    2 credits

    A survey course designed to thoroughly familiarize the student with keyboard literature and performance practice.  (Fall even years)

    Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUSC 1410 
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 2430 - Piano Literature & Performance History II

    2 credits

    A survey course designed to thoroughly familiarize the student with keyboard literature and performance practice.  (Spring odd years)

    Prerequisite: Two Semesters of MUSC 1410 
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 2670 - German Diction & Literature for Singers

    3 credits

    This course is designed to teach students the correct standardized singing pronunciation of German by utilizing the International Phonetic Alphabet. Students will learn pronunciation rules as well as study German Art Song Literature. (Spring odd years)

    Prerequisite: MUSC 1170 
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 2680 - French Diction & Literature for Singers

    3 credits

    This course is designed to teach students the correct standardized singing pronunciation of French by utilizing the International Phonetic Alphabet. Students will learn pronunciation rules as well as study French Art Song Literature. (Spring even years)

    Prerequisite: MUSC 1170 
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 2710 - Instrumental Literature

    2 credits

    A class designed to increase student knowledge in the literature available for their instrument. The course will explore solo and chamber music and excerpts from orchestral literature. (Fall even years, Spring odd years)

    Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUSC 1410 
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3000 - Principles of Teaching and Learning In Music Education

    3 credits

    This course is designed to provide an overview of Music Educations as a profession, the Teacher Education Program at SUU, and the tools needed to teach literacy in secondary music ensemble classrooms. (Spring)

    Prerequisite: Instructor Permission
  • MUSC 3070 - Form and Analysis

    3 credits

    A course surveying musical forms with analysis by sight and ear. (Spring)

    Co-Requisite: MUSC 2140  
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3200 - Athletic Band

    1 credits

    The Athletic Band is an auditioned group for the purpose of providing entertainment through high energy and high quality music at athletic events, specifically football and basketball.  High school band experience is highly recommended. Non-majors are encouraged to participate. The ability to play a band instrument proficiently is required. (P/F) (Fall, Spring)

    Prerequisite: Audition, permission of instructor.
    General Education Course: No.
  • MUSC 3210 - Brass Ensemble

    1 credits

    The Brass Ensemble performs standard repertoire of the literature for various combinations of brass instruments. The ensemble comprises of both music majors and non-music majors. May be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring)

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3220 - Woodwind Ensemble

    1 credits

    The Woodwind Ensemble performs standard repertoire of the literature for various combinations of woodwind instruments. The ensemble comprises both music majors and non-music majors. May be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring)

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3230 - String Ensemble

    1 credits

    The String Ensemble performs standard repertoire of the literature for various combinations of string instruments. The ensemble comprises of both music majors and non-music majors. May be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring)

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3240 - Percussion Ensemble

    0.5 credits

    The Percussion Ensemble performs historically significant works for percussion, contemporary percussion literature and traditional non-Western world music. The ensemble comprises both music majors and non-music majors. May be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring)

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3241 - Advanced Percussion Ensemble

    1 credits

    The Advanced Percussion Ensemble performs advanced literature from the percussion ensemble repertoire.  The course is designed for students with considerable experience in playing and reading music. May be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring)

    Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor
    General Education Course: No.
  • MUSC 3242 - Drumline

    1 credits

    The Drumline is a marching percussion ensemble that prepares and performs music of the marching percussion repertoire.  Music to be learned includes cadences, street beats, in-stands music and marching percussion show music.  The ensemble performs at university events such as athletic events and recruiting events.  The ensemble comprises both music majors and non-majors. May be repeated for credit (Fall, Spring)

    Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3250 - Piano Ensemble

    1 credits

    The Piano Ensemble performs musical literature and studies performance practices as they relate to chamber music with keyboard instruments.  The ensemble comprises both music majors and non-music majors. Course may be repeated for up to 10 credits. (Fall, Spring)

    Prerequisite: Instructor Permission Required
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3260 - Pit Orchestra

    1 credits

    Practice and performance of music for musical theatre productions.  May be repeated for up to 4 credits. (Fall/Spring As Needed)

    Prerequisite: Instructor permission required
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3320 - Band

    1 credits

    This course involves the study and preparation of symphonic band literature as well as participation in marching and pep band units. May be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring)

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3330 - Jazz Ensemble

    1 credits

    An instrumental ensemble which specializes in performing jazz literature. May be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring)

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3340 - SUU Women’s Choir

    1 credits

    The SUU Women’s Choir is an auditioned choir specifically designed to provide a choral experience for women’s voices, focusing on the exploration of quality literature from various stylistic and historical periods, and the development of vocal, choral, and musical skills. This course meets the major ensemble requirement for music majors and minors. May be repeated up to 12 credits. (As needed)

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

    General Education Course: No

  • MUSC 3350 - Opus

    1 credits

    A highly select chamber choral ensemble performing advanced and diverse repertoire in many styles in frequent on and off campus performances. Admission by audition only. May be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring)

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3360 - Concert Choir

    1 credits

    Large select choral ensemble performing quality and diverse repertoire in many styles. Interview with director required. Major ensemble required for all vocal majors. May be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring)

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3370 - Opera/Musical Theatre

    2 credits

    This course involves the preparation and performance of compositions from the realm of opera and/or musical theatre. May be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring)

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3380 - Symphony Orchestra

    1 credits

    A course emphasizing the study and performance of the major symphonic literature. May be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring)

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3390 - Alternate Currents Performance Ensemble

    1 credits

    This course is designed to give students a contemporary music performance experience in an ensemble setting. Students can participate in a variety of roles in the ensemble, including composer, arranger, performer etc., depending on their experience and areas of expertise. Students will have opportunities to interact with other members of the ensemble to create live and recorded performances for audio and video distribution. Performance and/or demonstration of the works of this ensemble will be part of the assessment used in the course. Instructor permission required. May be repeated for up to 8 credits. (Fall, Spring)

  • MUSC 3400 - Individual Applied Music Instruction

    1 credits

    Private lessons in vocal or instrumental music. 12 half-hour lessons, fee required. May be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring)

    Prerequisite: A grade of B or higher in two credits of MUSC 2400 ; permission of the instructor
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3410 - Individual Applied Music Instruction

    2 credits

    Private lessons in vocal or instrumental music. 12 fifty-minute lessons and a required studio class. Fee required. May be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    Prerequisite: A grade of B or higher in four credits of MUSC 2410 
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3450 - Piano Pedagogy I

    2 credits

    A survey course for majors that covers historical and modern approaches to piano teaching and teaching repertoire.  This course also addresses the challenges confronting today’s studio teachers. (Fall odd years)

    Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUSC 1410 
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3460 - Piano Pedagogy II

    2 credits

    A survey course for majors that covers historical and modern approaches to piano teaching and teaching repertoire.  This course also addresses the challenges confronting today’s studio teachers.  (Spring even years)

    Prerequisite: MUSC 3450 
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3500 - Music History I

    3 credits

    A survey course for majors and minors that covers musical styles, trends, and examples of the various periods of music history from ancient times to approximately 1750. (Fall)

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3510 - Music History II

    3 credits

    The second course of the music history sequence, this course covers musical styles, trends, and examples of the various periods of musical theory from 1750-1900. (Spring)

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3530 - Twentieth Century Music: History & Theory

    3 credits

    An in-depth course on music of the Twentieth Century, including historical developments, important composers, events, and styles, and theoretical aspects. (Fall)

    Prerequisite: MUSC 3070
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3700 - Brass Methods

    1 credits

    Prepares music education students in the pedagogy, methods and techniques of teaching brass instruments. (Spring)

    Prerequisite: Music majors accepted into the Music ED program
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3710 - Class Voice

    1 credits

    Familiarizes students with the fundamentals of singing and provides experience in the public performance of art songs. (Spring)

    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3720 - Woodwind Methods

    1 credits

    This course is designed to prepare music education students in the pedagogy and methods of teaching woodwind instruments. (Fall)

    Prerequisite: Music majors accepted into the Music ED program
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3740 - Percussion Methods

    1 credits

    Prepares music education students in the pedagogy, methods and techniques of teaching percussion instruments. (Fall)

    Prerequisite: Accepted into the Music ED program
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3750 - String Methods

    1 credits

    Prepares music education students in the pedagogy, methods and techniques of teaching string instruments. (Spring)

    Prerequisite: Accepted into the Music ED program
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3800 - Junior Recital

    0 credits

    A half recital to fulfill the performance requirements for the BM or BA degrees. (P/F) (Fall, Spring)

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 3900 - Music for Elementary Teachers

    1.5 credits

    A course designed to cover the principles and practices of music in the elementary school classroom. (Fall, Spring)

    Co-Requisite: ART 3900
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 4060 - Orchestration & Arranging

    3 credits

    A course designed to teach the standard combinations of instruments and voices and how to utilize them in varying combinations as an arranger or composer. (Spring)

    Prerequisite: MUSC 3070 , MUSC 3530 
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 4180 - Survey of Music Technology

    3 credits

    This course introduces various types of computer technology and audio hardware and its application to music. The course includes instruction in music notation, MIDI sequencing, digital recording and hardware associated with recording and live performance. (Fall, Summer, As Needed)

  • MUSC 4350 - Advanced Instrumental Conducting

    2 credits

    An upper division course designed to teach advanced baton techniques, score preparation, and basic rehearsal procedures for instrumental ensembles. (Spring)

    Prerequisite: MUSC 2140 , MUSC 2350 , MUSC 3070 , MUSC 3500 , MUSC 3510 
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 4360 - Advanced Choral Conducting

    2 credits

    An upper division course designed to teach advanced hand and baton techniques, interpretive skills, and pedagogy relating to choral ensembles. (Spring)

    Prerequisite: MUSC 2140 , MUSC 2350 , MUSC 3070 , MUSC 3500 , MUSC 3510 
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 4400 - Individual Applied Music Instruction

    1 credits

    Private lessons in vocal or instrumental music. 12 half-hour lessons, fee required. May be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring)

    Prerequisite: A grade of B or higher in two credits of MUSC 3400 ; permission of the instructor
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 4410 - Individual Applied Music Instruction

    2 credits

    Private lessons in vocal or instrumental music. 12 fifty-minute lessons and a required studio class. Fee required. May be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    Prerequisite: A grade of B or higher in four credits of MUSC 3410 
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 4500 - Special Topics in Music

    1 to 3 credits

    A varied topics course to provide students with learning opportunities outside of the standard curriculum. (As Needed)

    Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor.
  • MUSC 4510 - Instrumental Pedagogy

    2 credits

    An upper division class designed to increase student knowledge of instrumental music teaching methodologies. This course will explore tone production, posture, breathing, articulation, bowing, sticking, as well as current published methods and materials. (Spring even years)

    Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUSC 2140 
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 4610 - Vocal Pedagogy for Singers

    3 credits

    Vocal Pedagogy is an upper division class designed to increase student knowledge of the vocal mechanism and teaching methodologies. This course will explore the anatomy and physiology of the singing voice including vocal sound, posture, breathing, phonation, resonation articulation, registration, and coordination. (Fall odd years)

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 4620 - Vocal Pedagogy Seminar

    1 credits

    This capstone project is designed as a practical application of the principals learned in Vocal Pedagogy for Singers. (Spring even years)

    Prerequisite: MUSC 4610 
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 4700 - Choral Literature

    2 credits

    An upper division class designed to thoroughly familiarize the student with chorale literature and its educational applicability. (Fall even years)

    Prerequisite: MUSC 2140 , MUSC 4610 
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 4710 - Instrumental Ensemble Literature

    2 credits

    An upper division class designed to thoroughly familiarize the student with instrumental ensemble repertoire and its educational applicability. (Fall even years)

    Prerequisite: MUSC 2140 
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 4800 - Senior Recital

    0 credits

    A full or half recital to fulfill the performance requirements for the BM or BMEd degrees respectively. (P/F) (Fall, Spring)

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 4810 - Classroom Management and Assessment in Music

    3 credits

    This course is designed to provide multiple planning/assessment models and classroom management perspective for Music Education majors.  An overall concert Unit Plan will be completed, and mock ensembles formed for secondary ensemble management practice. (Fall)

    Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Ed Block
    General Education Course: No.
  • MUSC 4830 - Readings and Conference

    1 to 3 credits


    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 4890 - Internship

    0 to 6 credits

    Supervised work experience in any music related field. Repeatable up to 12 credits. (As Needed)

  • MUSC 4960 - Choral Methods

    2 credits

    An upper division course designed to familiarize the student with choral methods for junior/senior high school teachers. (Fall odd years)

    Prerequisite: MUSC 2140 , MUSC 2350  
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 4970 - Instrumental Methods

    2 credits

    An upper division course designed to familiarize the student with instrumental methods for junior/senior high school teachers. (Fall odd years)

    Prerequisite: MUSC 2140 , MUSC 2350  
    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 4980 - Student Teaching

    2 credits

    (P/F) (Fall, Spring)

    General Education Course: No
  • MUSC 5180 - Survey of Music Technology

    2 credits

    This course introduces various types of computer technology and audio hardware and its application to music. The course includes instruction in music notation, MIDI sequencing, digital recording and hardware associated with recording. This course may serve as a pre-requisite for the Master of Music degree program in Music Technology for students needing remedial work prior to starting the program. (As Needed)

    Prerequisite: Admission into the Master of Music Education or Master of Music Technology degree programs, or permission of instructor.
  • MUSC 6100 - Introduction to Music Graduate Study

    2 credits

    This course is an orientation and introduction to graduate study in music at Southern Utah University, focusing on program technology requirements, current readings and trends in music technology, techniques of scholarly writing, and the application of the student’s personal experiences, opportunities, and ambitions as related to their anticipated career and life objectives within the music industry. (As Needed)

    Prerequisite: Admission into the Master of Music Technology degree program, or permission of instructor.
  • MUSC 6110 - Music Theory Pedagogy

    2 credits

    A graduate course in music theory, students will review music theory concepts and examine pedagogical approaches to teaching high school AP theory courses. (As Needed)

  • MUSC 6120 - Graduate Seminar in Music History

    2 credits

    In this course students will increase their fluency in the history of Western music by learning how to write and speak about the subject more proficiently, knowledgeably, and persuasively. Required for Master of Music Education students. (Summer, Odd Years)

  • MUSC 6300 - Live Sound/Concert Production I

    2 credits

    This is a survey course dealing with a wide variety of topics related to live sound and concert production, including sound reinforcement, lighting systems, concert promotion, ticketing and budgeting and legal issues. (As Needed)

    Prerequisite: Admission into the Master of Music Technology degree program, or permission of instructor. 
  • MUSC 6310 - Live Sound/Concert Production II

    2 credits

    This course is a continuation of concepts learned in Concert Production/Live Sound I. The course covers the components of a typical sound system, including loudspeakers, loudspeaker management, analog and digital mixing consoles, inboard and outboard effects, microphones, monitors and general stage setup. This course also touches on venue acoustics, basic aesthetics of live sound mixing, and working with clients (promoters, stage managers, and musicians on stage) as well as other technicians. (As Needed)

    Prerequisite: MUSC 6300 - Live Sound/Concert Production I   with a grade of C- or better, or permission of instructor.
  • MUSC 6320 - Audio Recording

    2 credits

    This course is a survey of the technical characteristics and performance of each component of audio recording and the recording studio. Topics include studio electronics and signal flow, computer-based digital recording and editing, recording console operations, microphone usage and placement, signal processing, and the role of the audio engineer. (As Needed)

    Prerequisite: Admission into the Master of Music Technology degree program, or permission of instructor. 
  • MUSC 6330 - Audio Recording II

    2 credits

    This course is an in-depth study of the digital audio recording studio and its operations as it relates to the artistic, technical and business elements of the music industry. It is designed to build on concepts learned in MUSC 6320 - Audio Recording  and to help prepare students to work as studio technicians and engineers.

    Prerequisite: Completion of  MUSC 6320 - Audio Recording  with a grade of C- or better, or permission of instructor. 
  • MUSC 6340 - Sequencing and Electronic Music

    2 credits

    This course presents an advanced study of the history and development of electronic music, synthesis, sampling and MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface). The course will focus on the history of synthesis, the application of synthesizers in the production of contemporary music, and the use of MIDI in the modern recording studio environment. (As Needed)

    Prerequisite: Admission into the Master of Music Technology degree program, or permission of instructor. 
  • MUSC 6350 - Music Technology and Business

    2 credits

    This course will focus on music technology tools, platforms and services used by the modern music entrepreneur. Study topics will include office technology, copyright/licensing services, royalty collection services, distribution platforms, multi-user project platforms, and the impact, both positive and negative, that technology has had on the music business. (As Needed)

    Prerequisite: Admission into the Master of Music Technology degree program, or permission of instructor. 
  • MUSC 6360 - Music and Video for Social Media

    2 credits

    This course is an experiential course in technology and techniques used in the creation of audio and video for use in social media. Concepts to be studied include the role of music and video in social media, how to produce and create materials for posting online, proper etiquette, limitations and benefits of the different social media outlets, how to use social media as a tool for promotion of their own career/brand and the monetization of their channels and accounts. Students will be required to participate in and manage their own social media accounts as part of this course. (As Needed)

    Prerequisite: Admission into the Master of Music Technology degree program or permission of instructor. 
  • MUSC 6370 - Music for Film/Video/Games

    2 credits

    This course is a practicum style course covering the technology and techniques used in the composition of music for film, video, and games. Students do not need to consider themselves composers to succeed in this course.  Concepts to be studied include knowing and scoring the dramatic arc of a scene, creation of professional MIDI mock-ups, audio mixing of a final product for delivery, file types and proper deliverables, effective interaction and communication with a Director, spotting, and the use of software sound editing platforms.  Students will also learn how to work within the confines of a “package deal” budget; the most common type of compensation they will encounter in the industry. (As Needed)

    Prerequisite: Admission into the Master of Music Technology degree program, or permission of instructor. 
  • MUSC 6550 - Digital Music Notation I

    2 credits

    This course is designed to give students to an intermediate skill level in the usage of AVID’s Sibelius music notation software. Essential concepts include template creation, note entry, changing meter, clefs and keys, part polyphony, text and shape entry, and exporting files in a variety of ways. (As Needed)

    Prerequisite: Admission into the Master of Music Technology degree program or permission of instructor. 
  • MUSC 6560 - Music Notation II

    2 credits

    This course is designed to give students an intermediate skill level in the usage of Finale music notation software. The course activities will focus on the role of score preparation, part extraction, workflow, and preparation for publishing. (As Needed)

    Prerequisite: Completion of ​​MUSC 6550  with a grade of C- or better, or permission of Instructor
  • MUSC 6570 - Audio/Video Post Production

    2 credits

    This course presents an overview of the technology and techniques used in the creation of music and audio for use in video, film and TV production. Concepts to be studied include basic video shooting techniques, synchronization and SMPTE time code, spotting, field audio recording, dialogue replacement, Foley, and the use of software editing platforms. (As Needed)

    Prerequisite: MUSC 6320 - Audio Recording  with a grade of C- or better or permission of instructor.
  • MUSC 6580 - Music in Multimedia Performance

    2 credits

    This course is designed to give students an introduction to the music technology and techniques used to create collaborative artistic performances. Topics of study include the historical and contemporary models of artistic collaboration and current multimedia technologies to provide context for collaborative projects. (As Needed)

    Prerequisite: Admission into the Master of Music Technology degree program, or permission of instructor.
  • MUSC 6590 - Online Performance Ensemble

    1 credits

    This course is designed to give students a modern, technology-enhanced performance experience in an ensemble setting. Students will participate in a variety of roles in the ensemble, including composer, arranger, performer, editor, compositor, etc. Students will virtually with other members of the ensemble to create live/streamed performances, virtual performances, and recorded performances for audio and video distribution. Performance and/or demonstration of the works of this ensemble will be part of the assessment used in the course. (As Needed)

    Prerequisite: Admission into the Master of Music Technology degree program, or permission of instructor. 

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