Oct 06, 2024  
2016-2017 General Catalog 

Graduate Studies

The University awards masters degrees and offers programs for the educational administrative/supervision license and elementary, secondary and special education teaching licenses. Master degree requirements may or may not include a thesis.

Master of Accountancy (M.Acc.) 
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) 
Master of Arts in Arts Administration (M.A.)  
Master of Arts in Professional Communication (M.A.) 
Master of Education  

Master of Education Degree with Administrative/Supervisory License (M.Ed. LEAD)  
Master of Education Degree with School Library Media Endorsement (M.Ed.)  
Master of Education Degree - Educational Leadership Preparation Program (ELPP)   (Nevada)
Master of Fine Arts in Arts Administration (M.F.A.)  
Master of Music Education  
Master of Music in Music Technology  
Master of Public Administration (M.P.A.)   
Master of Science in Cyber Security and Information Assurance (Online)  
Master of Science in Sports Conditioning and Performance (M.S.S.C.P.) 
Master of Social Work (M.S.W.)
  (University of Utah Degree at SUU)

Special Education Hybrid Licensure Program  

Website: www.suu.edu/graduatestudies/

University Advisement for Graduate Students Who Are Pursuing a Graduate Degree:

M. Ed. & Licensure

Robin Boneck
Kim Craft
Rachel Parker Bishop
Matthew H. Barton
Bart Reynolds
Rachel Parker Bishop
Thomas Herb
Ravi Roy
Rob Roberston
Steve Meredith
Mark DeBeliso
Scott R. Sorensen

(435) 586-7773
(435) 586-5414
(435) 586-7873
(435) 586-7970
(435) 865-8125
(435) 586-7873
(435) 586-7893
(435) 865-8153
(435) 865-8560
(435) 865-8709
(435) 586-7812
(435) 586-1938

Graduate Studies at SUU

Dean of Graduate Studies
Dr. Mark Atkinson
Hunter Conference Center (CC) 103J
(435) 586-1966

Mission Statement

The Southern Utah University graduate school provides accessible and affordable professional education within a private institution atmosphere. The School offers unique and rigorous graduate education in a dynamic and personalized environment. Our programs enhance career opportunities and increase critical thinking, communication, and leadership skills while promoting integrity and empathy.

Graduate Admission

Steps for Admission

  1. Apply to the University. Applicants for graduate study who hold a baccalaureate degree from regionally accredited institution must first apply to the University. Applicants should submit an application for admission and an official transcript for each institution attended to:

SUU Graduate Programs Admissions Office
SUU Box 8008
Cedar City, UT 84720

Graduate applications can be found on-line at: https://www.suu.edu/apply-graduate.html. ​Applicants must be eligible for readmission at the last school attended. A non-refundable processing fee must accompany the application.

  1. Review Specific Graduate Program Requirements. General requirements for admission to an SUU graduate degree program are as follows:
    • A baccalaureate degree that will be completed before matriculation in the graduate program.
    • A 3.0 or higher grade point average on the last 60 semester or 90 quarter credits.
    • Appropriate admissions test, where applicable.
    • Three letters of recommendation.

Each academic unit or department offering graduate degrees has written policies and procedures governing admission to its programs. These include the policies and procedures for accepting or denying admission and other information relevant to the admissions process. All requests for specific academic program information, including admission requirements, should be directed to the department or other academic unit housing the degree program.

  1. Complete Necessary Admission Exams (where applicable.) Take the Graduate Record Exam (GRE), Millers Analogies or, if applicable, Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) as appropriate and ask that scores be directly submitted from Educational Testing Service (ETS) to the appropriate department at SUU. Applicants to certain programs must submit scores from the appropriate subject test of the GRE. Check with your department for this requirement.

Leave of Absence Policy

  1. Students are discouraged from taking a leave of absence from graduate studies. However, as this may be necessary in some cases, the student must communicate with respective specific graduate program prior to an absence. Leave of absence policies vary between programs as to allowable reasons for a leave of absence, and requirements for continuing after an absence.
  2. The student must be in good standing (eligible to return) at SUU and at any institution attended since the last period of enrollment at SUU.
  3. If the student has attended another institution since the last period of enrollment at SUU, official transcripts must be forwarded directly to the SUU Admissions Office by the Registrar of the other institution(s).

Undergraduate Preparation, Prerequisite Courses, and Departmental Requirements

  1. Undergraduate preparation of graduate program candidates for a master’s degree will correspond to requirements for the same or a similar baccalaureate degree at SUU. Candidates lacking such preparation may be required to complete additional coursework.
  2. Each applicant for admission to graduate studies should consult the portion of the catalog that deals with the academic program the student wishes to pursue. Additional information may be required by individual colleges and/or departments. Each applicant should make an appointment with the appropriate college official to plan a program of study.

International Student Admission

International applicants must satisfy all University and College requirements for admission that apply to U.S. citizens. In addition, applicants are required to:

  1. Satisfy admission requirements for International Students found in Academic Policies & Procedures. On the web:  https://help.suu.edu/policies/
  2. English Proficiency: Proof of English proficiency is required for all applicants whose first language is not English. Graduate applicants may show proficiency in English by providing scores for any one of the following:
    • Test of English as a Foreign Language - A minimum score of 550 on the paper-based test, or 213 computer-based, or a 71 IBT is required to be admitted. The official TOEFL score must be sent directly to the International Admissions Office by the educational testing service and must not be over two years old at the time of application. Registration information regarding the TOEFL is available at www.toefl.org.
    • IELTS International English Language Testing System - Students are required to have a minimum score of 6.0 or higher to be admitted. Students who wish to take the IELTS should visit the IELTS website www.ielts.org for information.
    • Applicants with an undergraduate or graduate degree from an accredited college or university in the U. S. may not be required to take the tests listed above.

International students on F-1 or J-1 visas are not eligible to enroll as non-degree-seeking students. Students on F-1 visas are required to register for a full-time course load.

Exceptions, Waivers & Appeals

Admission Appeals

An applicant who has been denied admission to graduate study at SUU may request reconsideration by writing to the University within 30 days of the date of denial. Requests should be sent to the Dean of Graduate Studies and should include the reasons for requesting reconsideration. Supporting materials and information justifying the request should be supplied. The applicant will be provided timely notification of this determination.

Conditional Admission

In general, applicants who do not meet all programmatic admission criteria or who meet quantitative criteria but lack an appropriate undergraduate course background, may be admitted for up to one year on a conditional basis. However, policies can vary by program. Students should consult with program in such cases.

By (or before) the end of the conditional admission, the academic department must notify the Admissions Office of the final action to be taken on the student’s admission, by either fully accepting the student or removing the student from degree-seeking status.

Applicants and Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities may contact the Disability Support Center for assistance. The Center may, at its discretion, based upon the facts of a particular situation, authorize accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services for temporary disabilities. On the web: http://www.suu.edu/disabilityservices/

Transfer of Graduate Credit from Other Institutions

Up to 12 semester graduate-level credits from a regionally-accredited university may be transferred to a graduate program at SUU. All transfer credits must be evaluated as graduate credits by the major department, be approved by the major college/school and have been completed with grades of B- or higher. Some programs may accept less than 12 transfer credits.

Recency of Credit

No credit that is more than ten years old at the time the degree is awarded may be counted toward a graduate degree at SUU. Credits transferred into, or applied to, a SUU program are considered as earned in the first semester of enrollment.

Classification of Residency

For the purpose of assessing registration and tuition fees, a student is classified as an AUtah@ or an Anon-Utah@ student. Additional information on Utah residency may be obtained from the admissions office. Residency status is determined at the time of application. Students who are online only, and do not live in Utah, qualify for resident tuition.

Graduate Application Deadlines

For Application Deadlines specific to Graduate programs, please see Graduate Application Deadlines

Graduate Degree Requirements

First Master Degree

  • A minimum of 30 credits is required for any master degree.
  • At least two-thirds of the credits in any master degree program (including thesis or project) must be designated as 6000-level courses, or above, or meet departmental approved standards. The student’s department chair or designee must approve other courses.
  • A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 is required on all work completed in a graduate program.
  • If a thesis is required that deals with research involving any federally mandated compliance issues, approval by the appropriate dean or designee must be received prior to any collection of data. All students conducting human subjects research are required to comply with policies and procedures of the Institutional Review Board on Human Subject (IRB) before they may begin data collection on their study. Students should consult that portion of the catalog dealing with his/her chosen program for any special or additional requirements for the graduate degree sought.

Second Master Degree Requirements

A second master degree may be earned at SUU. Students should consult the sponsoring department for details. A second degree represents additional work in residence and until all of the requirements of the College awarding the degree have been fully met.

Residence Requirements

The number of hours taken in residence will be determined by the college/school offering the degree.

Student Advisement

Academic Advising

Upon entry to a graduate degree program, each student will be assigned an advisor by the department chair or program director. Initial advisement will focus on determining deficiencies, requesting transfer credit where applicable, and establishing a proposed program of study (academic plan). If applicable, the advisor should be succeeded by a supervisory or research committee, as defined below, as soon as possible.

Academic Policies and Regulations

Continuous Enrollment

Unless otherwise exempted by the college/school dean, depending on program requirements, graduate students may be required to enroll for at least one credit during at least two consecutive semesters (fall, spring, or summer) or at least two consecutive summer sessions in order to remain eligible for the degree. Students should consult their department for more information.

Grading System

The grading system for graduate students is the same as the undergraduate grading system. SUU has a plus/minus (+/-) grading system. However, at the graduate level, the grades of A through C and P are passing grades. The grades of C+, C, while considered passing for graduate students, may be indicative of unsatisfactory work and may not be accepted for some programs. The grades of C-, D+, D, D-, and F, are failing grades. In extraordinary circumstances, the faculty may record “I” or “T”, which will appear on the transcripts until the situation is resolved. No credits are earned in courses in which grades of F, W, UW, I, T, AU are received.

All thesis grading will be Pass (P)/Fail (F). Students who register for a course but fail to meet the course requirements, without officially dropping the course, will receive a grade of UW in the course. See Add/Drop section. Please refer to the catalog Grading section for further information (Grades and Credits).

Satisfactory Academic Performance

Continuation in a graduate program at SUU requires satisfactory progress toward a graduate degree. Evidence of such progress includes, but is not limited to, maintenance of at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA throughout the course of graduate study.  However, some programs may have greater requirements and may not accept certain individual grades. Please check with program for specific academic standards policy.

Academic Appeals/Exceptions to Policies and Procedures

Students have the right to appeal decisions that affect them academically according to established University policies and procedures. Exceptions to graduate policies and procedures must be approved by the college/school dean and in some cases the Provost. The student may contest a ruling by submitting an appeal to the Dean of Graduate Studies for final review through their college/school’s representative.

Tuition and Fees

For general information about Tuition, Fees and Financial Assistance, please see Tuition & Financial Aid.  For the most up-to-date graduate tuition rates, please visit the SUU Cashier’s website at: http://www.suu.edu/cashier/tuition.html   

Graduate Assistantships

Please inquire with respective programs.

Registration and Records

Registration for Entering Degree-Seeking Students

New graduate students may register during the registration period online or in-person. Qualified seniors may enroll in graduate courses for no more than six credit hours before they graduate.

Course Load

Students are considered full-time if they are registered for a minimum of nine (9) semester hours of course work. Students who drop courses during a regular semester and reduce their registration below 9 semester hours will be regarded as part-time students. Graduate students in good standing may enroll in up to 15 credit hours during each semester and up to 12 credit hours during the summer session (including Maymester). M. Ed graduate students may enroll in up to 9 credit hours (6000 level courses) during each semester and up to 12 credit hours (6000 level courses during the summer session. Graduate students on probation are limited to nine (9) credit hours per term including summer and are prohibited from taking Maymester courses.


Transcripts of a student’s SUU academic record are available from the Registrar’s Office upon written request or request online, made by the student. Transcripts will be released to the student or sent to a designated address. There is a fee for official transcripts. On the web: http://www.suu.edu/registrar/transcripts.html

Award of Degree

Graduation Procedure

Students are responsible for meeting all degree requirements. Each student who plans to graduate is required to complete the steps to do so, listed on the website below. Students should carefully follow dates on the Academic Calendar. A fee is charged for applying for graduation. The Application for Degree form must be signed by the academic advisor or program designee prior to being submitted to the Registrar’s Office. On the web: http://www.suu.edu/registrar/applytograduate.html

Graduation Exercises

Candidates for Spring/Summer degree posting need to complete the online application and pay the graduation fees by December 15th. Candidates for Fall must complete the process by October 15th. Please note, degrees will not be posted until all transfer work has been received and approved. Appropriate clearance of outstanding charges must be done through the Cashier’s Office by April 15th.

All degree candidates are expected to attend graduation exercises in May. Those unable to attend must notify the Registrar’s Office prior to April 15. Caps and gowns are required for graduate’s participation in commencement ceremonies and must be ordered and paid for by February 1st at the Cashier’s Office. Subject to the approval of the program director, students who are candidates for graduation during the summer term, who have 12 credit hours or less to complete their degree requirements, will be given the option of participating in the commencement exercises of the current year or of the following year.

Conditions and Timetable for Graduation

Formal course work for a master degree should be completed in a timely manner within limits set by each degree program. Students are urged to form their thesis or project committees as early as possible. SUU will confer the master degree when the following conditions have been met:

  1. Submission of the required online application, by the stated deadline.
  2. Receive approval from respective graduate program, meeting all requirements. Requirements may vary, please see program advisor for details.
  3. Certification by the academic dean that all requirements of the degree being sought have been completed
  4. Achievement of the grade requirements as defined by the department
  5. Thesis submission should follow program guidelines please see a program advisor for details

The Registrar will promptly notify the candidate and the college or school if graduation is not approved for any reason.

Financial Assistance Opportunities

Graduate assistantships and/or tuition waivers are available on a limited basis, as well as other forms of financial aid, including federal work study. Information can be obtained from respective programs and the Office of Financial Aid.

Student Responsibility and Discipline

Utah’s universities are dedicated to the intellectual, social and moral development of students in order to provide responsible leaders who can work effectively in a democratic society. Under the authority granted by the Utah State Board of Regents, universities have the right and responsibility to determine: who will be admitted to the institution, student conduct or behavior acceptable to the institution, and under what conditions one may continue as a student. As a condition for admission to one of the state universities, students agree to abide by the policies and regulations of the institution.

The President of the University or his designee has responsibility for student conduct and discipline. Every student is subject to federal and state law, respective county and city ordinances, and all University rules and regulations. Violations of these laws, ordinances, or rules and regulations may subject the violator to appropriate disciplinary action by University authorities. The President has the authority, after notice to the student of the charges and a hearing thereon, to expel or otherwise discipline any student who shall be found to have violated a rule or regulation of the Regents or the University or any law or ordinance. The President will have the authority to order any student to cease and desist any activity which in his/her judgment disrupts the orderly operation of the institution. Any student failing to abide by the cease and desist order will be subject to suspension, pending a hearing.

The conviction of a student for a criminal offense of a kind that interferes with the educational or orderly operation of the University or of a kind that, if the student were allowed to remain enrolled, would endanger the health, safety or property of members of the academic community, will be sufficient grounds for expulsion or other disciplinary action against such student.

Except as provided above, in all student violations of non-academic rules and regulations, a student will be afforded adequate notice of charges, a reasonable time to answer, a fair and impartial hearing and a decision. The final administrative appeal will be to the President or approved designee who may make or accept determination of punishment.

Rural Master of Social Work

Southern Utah University cooperates with the University of Utah in making this degree available on the SUU campus. For more information call Scott Sorensen CN 213L ~ (435) 586-1938.