Mar 13, 2025
Master of Music in Music Technology - Studio & Game Audio Technology Emphasis (M.M.) (Online)
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Overview of Program
The Master of Music in Music Technology degree program is designed for two groups of working musicians: 1) Those who wish to use technology to enhance and expand their current skillset as a performer, educator, or composer and thus increase their employability, and 2) those who wish to work (or are already working) as technicians in the music profession and wish to expand their knowledge of the platforms currently in use. All students in the program will complete a capstone project showing mastery and synthesis of skills learned in their area of study, and will have the opportunity to work in preparation of that capstone project with an academic and professional mentor.
To provide students with both the core and advanced skills in music technology necessary to be successful in a wide range of musical endeavors, particularly as they relate to employment as musicians.
Program Learning Outcomes
Performance and Musicianship
- Students will be able to create high quality recordings in a home studio environment
- Students will be able to collaborate in the larger music industry to successfully complete music projects
History and Theory
- Students will be able to analyze contemporary popular songs and music
- Students will be able to identify historical influences in popular music
- Students will be able to work within the structure of the music business and the methods for making a living/career
Technological Mastery
- Students will be able to command a digital audio workstation
- Students will be able to notate music using software
- Students will be able to record, edit, and produce video for their performance and promotional needs
- Students will be able to set up, engineering, and run live sounds for events
Admission and Graduation Requirements
When applying for the program, prospective students must:
- Be successfully admitted to Graduate Studies at SUU;
- Provide transcripts showing a baccalaureate degree in music, or a baccalaureate degree in a field that supports graduate study in music technology (subject to approval by Area Coordinator);
- Submit audio or video recordings (in online form) that show the applicant’s current skill level as a performer, composer, and/or technologist; and
- Submit a résumé.
Application Assessment
All applicants will be approved by the Music Technology Area Coordinator in conjunction with the Professional Advisory Committee.
Program Information
- Graduate students must complete their program within six (6) years of matriculation.
- All courses must be passed with a “C” (2.0) or better to be counted in the program.
- Students must earn a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 to graduate.
Program Requirements
Master of Music in Music Technology - Studio & Game Audio Technology Curriculum Summary (30 Credits)
Required Courses (18 Credits)
Studio & Game Audio Technology Emphasis Courses (12 Credits)
Complete One of Two Clusters:
Cluster A: Studio Technology
Cluster B: Interactive Entertainment Technology
Elective Course - Not Required (Variable Credits, 1-3)
Total Credits, M.M. Degree: 30
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