Mar 14, 2025
INFO 4800 - Advanced Library Research: Literature Reviews for Capstone and Thesis 1 Credit(s) | $0 Fee
This course is intended for those students who are embarking on their thesis and capstone research projects. During the span of a single semester, students work on selecting a topic, building background knowledge on that topic, searching discipline-specific databases for relevant sources, engaging with these sources, and synthesizing information from those articles into a coherent literature review that situates their proposed research project in the existing literature. The assignments in this course guide students on the initial steps of their thesis and capstone research projects and has one final concrete deliverable: a finished literature review. Research and writing consults with Library faculty and The Writing Center are built into the course. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)]
Prerequisite(s): INFO 1010 or INFO 2010 or LM 1010 - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C- Prerequisite Can Be Concurrent? Yes
Repeatable for Add’l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 2
Registration Restriction(s): Junior or Senior standing required
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