Mar 31, 2025
University Info
Catalog Info
2024-2025 General Catalog [Current]
New for the 2024-2025 Catalog
University Requirements
General Education
- New Fine Arts Knowledge Area options:
- New Life Sciences Knowledge Area option:
- New Quantitative Literacy Core option:
- Fine Arts Knowledge Area designation removed from:
New Programs
School of Business
College of Engineering and Computational Sciences
College of Health Sciences
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
College of Health Sciences
Modified Programs
School of Business
College of Education and Human Development
College of Engineering and Computational Sciences
College of Health Sciences
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
College of Performing and Visual Arts
College of Natural Sciences
Discontinued Programs
School of Business
- Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (Certificate)
- Master of Accountancy - Managerial Accounting Emphasis (M.Acc.)
- Master of Accountancy - Public Accounting Emphasis (M.Acc.)
New Courses
School of Business
College of Education and Human Development
College of Engineering and Computational Sciences
College of Health Sciences
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
College of Performing and Visual Arts
College of Natural Sciences
Modified Courses
School of Business
College of Education and Human Development
- ECED 2950 - Integrated Curriculum and Assessment: PreK-3 (description)
- EDRG 3010 - Language Acquisition, Early Literacy, and Phonics (description)
- EDUC 2400 - Schools, Society, and Diversity (description)
- EDUC 6560 - Leading Effective Inclusive Schools (title, transcript title, description, semesters offered)
- EESL 4310 - Introduction to ESL & Bilingual Education (description)
- ELPP 6550 - Supervision and Evaluation of Instruction (title, transcript title, description, semesters offered)
- FLHD 2300 - Human Sexuality (number from 4300)
- FLHD 2600 - Foundations in Early Childhood Education (description)
- FLHD 4850 - Independent Research (prerequisites)
- SPED 2030 - Educating Exceptional Students (description)
- SPED 4120 - Creating and Managing a Learning Environment (description)
- SPED 4130 - Intervention Strategies in ELA for Students with Disabilities (description)
- SPED 4145 - Assistive Technology, Collaboration, and Post-Secondary Transition (description)
- SW 3250 - Street-Level Bureaucrats: Interactions Between CJUS and SocWk (prefix from FLHD, prerequisites)
- SW 3350 - Values and Ethics in Social Work (prerequisites, course consolidation)
- SW 3370 - Diverse Individuals and Families in Societal Contexts (prerequisites, course consolidation)
- SW 3600 - Research Methods in the Social Sciences (title, transcript title, prerequisites, course consolidation)
- SW 4500 - Family Law, Public Policy, and Social Welfare (title, transcript title, prerequisites, course consolidation)
College of Engineering and Computational Sciences
- AVTN 6000 - Introduction to Aviation (description, semesters offered)
- AVTN 6020 - Aviation Economics (crosslisting)
- AVTN 6410 - Air Traffic Control (crosslisting)
- AVTN 6430 - Aeronautical Decision Making and Crew Resource Management (crosslisting)
- AVTN 6640 - Aeromedical (crosslisting)
- AVTN 6770 - Jet Transportation Systems (crosslisting)
- CCET 1040 - Introduction to Residential Architecture Using AutoCAD (semesters offered)
- CCET 3670 - Civil Design (semesters offered)
- CE 3200 - Hydraulic Engineering and Hydrology (semesters offered)
- CE 3400 - Introduction to Environmental Engineering (prerequisites)
- CE 4100 - Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures (semesters offered)
- CE 4110 - Structural Steel Design (semesters offered)
- CM 3240 - Estimating and Bidding (semesters offered)
- CM 3880 - Planning and Scheduling (prerequisites)
- CM 4300 - Construction Project Management Leadership (semesters offered)
- CM 4880 - Construction Documents and Administration (semesters offered)
- CS 1400 - Fundamentals of Programming (prereq minimum grade)
- CS 1410 - Object Oriented Programming (prereq minimum grade)
- CS 2300 - Discrete Structures (description, prereq minimum grade)
- CS 2420 - Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures (prereq minimum grade)
- CS 2450 - Software Engineering (prereq minimum grade)
- CS 2810 - Computer Organization and Architecture (prereq minimum grade)
- CS 3000 - Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures (prereq minimum grade)
- CS 3150 - C and C++ Programming (description, prereq minimum grade)
- CS 3250 - Java Programming (prereq minimum grade)
- CS 3300 - Mobile App Development for Android (transcript title, description, prereq minimum grade)
- CS 3350 - Game Design and Development (prereq minimum grade)
- CS 3550 - Foundations of Computation Theory (prereq minimum grade)
- CS 3600 - Operating Systems (prereq minimum grade)
- CS 4100 - Virtual Reality Programming (description, prereq minimum grade)
- CS 4150 - Machine Learning (description, prereq minimum grade)
- CS 4200 - Big Data Analytics (description, prerequisites, prereq minimum grade)
- CS 4300 - Mobile App Development for iOS (description, prereq minimum grade)
- CS 4350 - Web Programming (prereq minimum grade)
- CS 4550 - Programming Languages (prerequisites, prereq minimum grade)
- CS 4720 - Artificial Intelligence (prereq minimum grade)
- CS 4800 - Computer Science Capstone Project (co-requisites, prerequisites, prereq minimum grade)
- CS 6150 - Database Design and Management (number from 6200, description, semesters offered, registration restrictions)
- CSCY 1000 - Introduction to Computer Applications and the Internet (description)
- CSCY 1200 - Critical Thinking for Logic and Design (description)
- CSCY 1300 - Programming with Python (prereq minimum grade)
- CSCY 1450 - Security Scripting (number from CSCY 1350, title, transcript title, description, prerequisites, prereq minimum grade)
- CSCY 2000 - Web Development (description, semesters offered)
- CSCY 3200 - Database Design and Management (prereq minimum grade)
- CSCY 4900 - Methods in Computing Education (description, prereq minimum grade)
- CSIA 6010 - Network and Cloud Security (prerequisites)
- CSIA 6060 - Cybersecurity Risk Management (description, semesters offered, registration restrictions)
- CSIA 6310 - Cybersecurity Policies and Compliance (transcript title, description, semesters offered, registration restrictions)
- CSIA 6320 - Cybersecurity and Enterprise Frameworks (transcript title, description, semesters offered, registration restrictions)
- CSIA 6390 - Special Topics in Cybersecurity (number from 6850, semesters offered, method of grading, registration restrictions)
- CSIA 6800 - Capstone/Internship Experience (number from 6500, registration restrictions)
- CYBR 2500 - Data Communications and Networking (description)
- CYBR 2650 - System Administration I (prereq minimum grade)
- CYBR 2750 - Systems Security (description, prereq minimum grade)
- CYBR 2900 - Technology Project Management (description, prereq minimum grade)
- CYBR 3100 - Emerging Technologies (description, semesters offered, prereq minimum grade)
- CYBR 3400 - Practical Cryptography (prereq minimum grade)
- CYBR 3450 - Defensive Security (description, prereq minimum grade)
- CYBR 3500 - Network Administration (description, prereq minimum grade)
- CYBR 3650 - System Administration II (prereq minimum grade)
- CYBR 3700 - Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime (prereq minimum grade)
- CYBR 3750 - Information Assurance (description, prereq minimum grade)
- CYBR 3800 - Offensive Security and Ethical Hacking (description, prereq minimum grade)
- CYBR 3850 - Cybersecurity Compliance and Risk Assessment (prereq minimum grade)
- CYBR 3900 - Virtualization and Cloud Security (description, prereq minimum grade)
- CYBR 3950 - Cyber Law (semesters offered, prereq minimum grade)
- CYBR 4400 - Emergency Technical Planning and Response (description, prereq minimum grade)
- CYBR 4500 - Network Design and Management (description, prereq minimum grade)
- CYBR 4600 - Enterprise Technology Design (description, prerequisites, prereq minimum grade)
- CYBR 4650 - Server Administration (description, prereq minimum grade)
- CYBR 4700 - Security Incident and Event Management (prereq minimum grade)
- CYBR 4750 - Cyber Warfare (prereq minimum grade)
- CYBR 4810 - Cybersecurity Capstone Project (description, prereq minimum grade)
- EE 2250 - Electric Circuits I (title, transcript title, description, semesters offered)
- EE 2255 - Electric Circuits I Lab (title, transcript title, semesters offered)
- EE 2780 - Digital Circuits I (prefix from EET, title, transcript title, description, prereq minimum grade)
- EE 3030 - Electronics (number from 4030, co-requisites)
- EE 3035 - Electronics Lab (number from 4035, co-requisites)
- EE 3080 - Digital Circuits II (prefix from EET, title, transcript title, description, prerequisites, prereq minimum grade)
- EE 3760 - Electronic Design and Fabrication (prefix from EET, semesters offered, prerequisites, prereq minimum grade)
- EE 3780 - Applications of Microprocessors (prefix from EET, prerequisites, prereq minimum grade)
- EE 4100 - Power Electronics (prerequisites)
- EE 4310 - Feedback Control (semesters offered, prerequisites)
- EE 4600 - Electromagnetics (semesters offered)
- EET 2750 - PC Hardware (semesters offered, registration restrictions)
- ENGR 1030 - Computer-Aided Design and Analysis Using Solidworks (semesters offered)
- ENGR 2010 - Statics (semesters offered)
- ENGR 2140 - Strength of Materials (semesters offered)
- ENGR 2145 - Strength of Materials Lab (semesters offered)
- ENGR 2170 - Programming for Engineers (semesters offered)
- MATH 0990 - Math Essentials II (description, semesters offered)
- MATH 3190 - Fundamentals of Data Science (prerequisites)
- MATH 3800 - Partial Differential Equations (description)
- ME 2030 - Dynamics (semesters offered)
- ME 3055 - Engineering Design (prerequisites)
- ME 3300 - Fluid Mechanics (semesters offered)
- ME 3305 - Fluid Mechanics Lab (semesters offered)
- ME 4900 - Special Topics (semesters offered)
College of Health Sciences
- AGSC 2920 - Agriculture Science Workshop (semesters offered, contact hours, repeatability)
- AGSC 3035 - Forage Crops Lab (title, transcript title, description)
- AGSC 3350 - Horse Science and Industry (description, semesters offered)
- AGSC 3400 - Feeding and Nutrition of Horses and Livestock (semesters offered)
- AGSC 3405 - Feeding and Nutrition of Horses and Livestock Lab (semesters offered)
- AGSC 3560 - Soil Science (title, transcript title, prerequisites)
- AGSC 3565 - Soil Science Lab (title, transcript title)
- AGSC 3620 - Managing the FFA and SAE Programs (description, semesters offered, registration restrictions)
- AGSC 3700 - Principles of Irrigated Soils (semesters offered)
- AGSC 3705 - Principles of Irrigated Soils Lab (semesters offered)
- AGSC 4920 - Agriculture Science Workshop (semesters offered, repeatability)
- KIN 4450 - Therapeutic Modalities (semesters offered)
- NFS 6000 - Dietetic Professionalism II (semesters offered)
- NFS 6250 - Foodservice (semesters offered)
- NURS 6110 - Nursing Leadership Theory (registration restrictions)
- ORPT 1030 - Introduction to Backpacking (semesters offered, schedule type, contact hours)
- ORPT 1050 - Canyoneering I (semesters offered, schedule type, contact hours)
- ORPT 1055 - Canyoneering II (schedule type, prerequisite minimum grade)
- ORPT 1241 - Mountain Biking (semesters offered, schedule type, contact hours)
- ORPT 1300 - Leave No Trace Trainer (description, schedule type, contact hours)
- ORPT 1310 - Survival Skills and Ten Essentials (title, transcript title, description)
- ORPT 1510 - Wilderness First Aid (schedule type)
- ORPT 1525 - Bouldering (description, schedule type, contact hours)
- ORPT 1527 - Climbing I (schedule type)
- ORPT 1528 - Climbing II (schedule type)
- ORPT 1542 - Wilderness First Responder (semesters offered, schedule type, prerequisites)
- ORPT 2000 - Outdoor Skills Seminar (semesters offered, schedule type, contact hours)
- ORPT 2030 - Backpacking II (contact hours, prerequisites)
- ORPT 2800 - Park, Recreation, and Tourism Professions (number from 3000, title, transcript title, description, schedule type, contact hours, co-requisites, course consolidation)
- ORPT 3030 - Foundations of Recreation Resources Management (prerequisites)
- ORPT 3040 - Leadership in Outdoor Recreation (prerequisites)
- ORPT 3060 - Behavioral Aspects of Outdoor Recreation (prerequisites)
- ORPT 4500 - Recreation Ecology (description, semesters offered, schedule type, prerequisites)
- ORPT 4740 - Organization and Administration for ORPT (prerequisites, registration restrictions)
- ORPT 4900 - ORPT Senior Seminar (schedule type)
- RANG 4400 - Wildland Restoration (prerequisites)
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
- ANTH 3360 - Introduction to Forensic Anthropology (number from 2220, crosslisting)
- ANTH 3500 - Environmental Anthropology (title, transcript title, description)
- CJ 3020 - Criminal Justice Management (semesters offered)
- CJ 3250 - Street-Level Bureaucrats: Interactions Between CJUS and SocWk (prerequisites)
- CJ 4700 - Police Systems and Practices (semesters offered)
- CJ 4710 - Comparative CJ Systems (semesters offered)
- COMM 2900 - Content Creation (title, transcript title, description)
- COMM 3080 - Digital Design (title, transcript title, description)
- COMM 3930 - Crisis Communication (semesters offered)
- COMM 4030 - Social Media Management (semesters offered, prerequisites)
- COMM 4502 - Corporate/Political Speechwriting and Analysis (title, transcript title, description, content)
- COMM 4504 - Health Communication (semesters offered)
- COMM 6900 - Masters Capstone Thesis (semesters offered, registration restrictions)
- COMM 6910 - Masters Capstone Project (title, transcript title, description, semesters offered, registration restrictions)
- ENGL 3030 - Intermediate Fiction Writing (semesters offered)
- ENGL 3280 - Young Adult Literature for Educators (semesters offered)
- ENGL 4020 - Advanced Fiction Writing (semesters offered)
- HSS 1120 - Living in a Globalized World (title, transcript title)
- INDS 2000 - Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies (description, semesters offered, credits, contact hours)
- INDS 3000 - Interdisciplinary Studies Research Methods (description, semesters offered, credits, contact hours, prerequisites)
- INDS 4000 - Interdisciplinary Studies Capstone (description, credits, contact hours, prerequisites)
- PSY 3405 - Experimental Analysis of Behavior Lab (contact hours)
College of Performing and Visual Arts
- ART 1110 - Drawing I (description, registration restrictions, GE designation)
- ART 1120 - 2-D Design (description, registration restrictions, GE designation)
- ART 2500 - Introduction to Illustration (prerequisites)
- ART 3230 - Graphic Design I (prerequisites)
- ART 3550 - 3D Digital Illustration (semesters offered)
- ART 4110 - Drawing III (semesters offered)
- ART 4240 - Junior/Senior Design Studio (prerequisites)
- ART 4290 - Special Topics in Design (semesters offered, repeatability)
- ART 4320 - Letterpress (semesters offered)
- ART 4520 - Conceptual Illustration (semesters offered)
- ARTH 3750 - History of Non-Western Art (semesters offered)
- ARTH 4700 - History of Graphic Design (semesters offered)
- ARTH 4740 - Nineteenth-Century Art (semesters offered)
- DANC 2315 - Dance Production and Design Lab (semesters offered)
- DANC 4300 - Dance Ensemble (semesters offered, credits)
- DANC 4890 - Internship (credits, contact hours, repeatability)
- FILM 2100 - Filmmaking Fundamentals (semesters offered)
- FILM 4500 - Business of Film (semesters offered)
- MUED 5820 - Orchestra Instrument Repair Workshop (description, credits, contact hours, repeatability, registration restrictions)
- MUSC 1110 - Music Theory I (description, semesters offered, prerequisites)
- MUSC 1130 - Aural Skills I (description, semesters offered, prerequisites)
- MUSC 3200 - Sound of Southern Utah (title, transcript title, description, semesters offered, method of grading)
- MUSC 3340 - Luminosa Treble Choir (prerequisites)
- MUSC 3350 - Opus Chamber Choir (prerequisites)
- MUSC 3500 - Music History I (description, prerequisites)
- MUSC 3510 - Music History II (description, prerequisites)
- MUSC 3550 - Popular Music History (semesters offered)
- MUSC 3560 - Survey of Classical Music (semesters offered)
- THEA 2403 - Beginning Stage Management (number from 3013, title, transcript title, description, semesters offered)
- THEA 4412 - Acting VI: Professional Portfolio (description, credits, contact hours)
- THEA 4471 - BFA Showcase (description, credits, contact hours)
College of Natural Sciences
- BIOL 3550 - Plant Taxonomy (description)
- CHEM 1120 - Elementary Organic Bio-Chemistry (prerequisites)
- CHEM 3510 - Biological Chemistry (semesters offered, co-requisites)
- CHEM 3515 - Biological Chemistry Lab (semesters offered, co-requisites, prerequisites)
- CHEM 4165 - Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Lab (contact hours)
- CHEM 4980 - Student Teaching (prerequisites, registration restrictions)
- CHEM 4990 - Chemical Literature and Seminar (semesters offered)
- GEOG 2900 - Geospatial Field Methods: GPS and Drones (semesters offered, contact hours, prerequisites)
- GEOG 3110 - The Earth from Space: Intro to Remote Sensing (schedule type, credits, contact hours, co-requisites, prerequisites, course consolidation)
- GEOG 3550 - Spatial Analysis (title, transcript title, description, semesters offered, schedule type, credits, contact hours, co-requisites, prerequisites, course consolidation)
- GEOG 4150 - Advanced Geographic Information Systems Methods (title, transcript title, description, semesters offered, schedule type, credits, contact hours, prerequisites)
- GEOG 4500 - Geospatial Research Project (Capstone Project) (contact hours, prerequisites)
- PHYS 3510 - Electricity and Magnetism (prerequisites)
Deleted Courses
School of Business
- BE 4950 - Teaching Office and Computer Subjects
- HRHM 4600 - Strategic Leadership in HRHM
- HRHM 4601 - Strategic Guest Service
- MGMT 6510 - Project Management Fundamentals
College of Education and Human Development
- EDUC 4620 - Critical Pedagogy
College of Engineering and Computational Sciences
College of Health Sciences
- NFS 4991 - Senior Seminar: Dietetics
- PE 3400 - Clinical Observation
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
- ANTH 6070 - Medical Anthropology
- ANTH 6090 - Issues in Global Health
- CJ 2890 - Internship
- COMM 4440 - Multimedia Storytelling
- COMM 6220 - Contemporary Audience Analysis
- INDS 6910 - MIS Capstone Thesis
College of Performing and Visual Arts
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