Oct 22, 2024  
2023-2024 General Catalog 

General University Policies

Additional information on these policies is available on the Southern Utah University Policies webpage.

Academic Honesty

The University’s goal is to foster an intellectual atmosphere that produces educated, literate people. This can best be achieved in a community committed to honor, respect, trust, and moral courage. These values define academic integrity which is expected of all SUU community members. Cheating and plagiarism are at odds with this goal and therefore will not be tolerated in any form. All work submitted by a student must represent that student’s own ideas and effort. When the work does not represent the student’s own work it must be properly cited; if it is not, the student has engaged in academic dishonesty. Cheating, forgery, plagiarism, or the use of work belonging to another are all considered academic dishonesty.

The following are specific examples of such conduct:

  • purchasing a paper or other project for which one then seeks to receive credit;
  • copying from another student with the intent of receiving credit as one’s own work;
  • using “crib notes” or other stored information (on any electronic device) without express permission from the faculty member;
  • misrepresenting yourself or someone else in an exam setting;
  • collaborating on assignments or exams when such collaboration is forbidden; and
  • failing to properly document source material in a paper or project; “cutting and pasting” source material from various Internet sites and submitting it as your own work without proper citation.

Use of translation devices (print, electronic, or otherwise) in an academic setting is only permitted when prior authorization from the instructor has been obtained.

Note: The list above is intended only to provide general guidelines in recognizing and avoiding common types of academic dishonesty. It is in no way an exhaustive or comprehensive list of all the types of academic dishonesty.

Except in cases of major offenses, responding to academic dishonesty is the responsibility of the instructor of the course in which the violation occurs. If a student is found responsible for academic dishonesty, the student may be dismissed from the class and may receive a failing grade. Other penalties may include suspension or expulsion from the University, and notation on the student’s permanent University record.

Once a decision is rendered, a copy of the finding of facts and the corresponding sanctions will be forwarded to the office of the Vice President of Student Affairs. While a decision about a specific incident will be based solely on related information (prior conduct history cannot be introduced), prior conduct history can be considered relative to a student’s ability to remain enrolled at Southern Utah University. When repeated violations occur, the University’s conduct process may determine whether the student shall be permitted to continue at the University. When this process is used, the focus of the Conduct Review will be on continued enrollment; such reviews will not be used to “re-hear” the facts of any case that has already been decided. (See SUU Policies 6.33 Academic Integrity and 11.2 Student Conduct Code.)

For more information about academic honesty, see the Southern Utah University Policies webpage.

Catalog Contents Policy Statement

The purpose of the Southern Utah University Catalog is to provide current, articulate, and accurate information about Southern Utah University to all University constituencies including faculty, staff, students, educational agencies, and administrators.

Catalogs, bulletins, course and fee schedules, etc., are not to be considered as binding contracts between Southern Utah University and students, prospective students, faculty and staff, or any other third party. The University and its divisions reserve the right at any time, without advance notice, to (a) withdraw or cancel classes, courses, and programs; (b) change fee schedules; (c) change the Academic Calendar; (d) change admission and registration requirements; (e) change the regulations and requirements governing instruction in, and graduation from, the University and its various divisions; and (f) change any other relations affecting students. Changes shall go into effect whenever the University so determines, and shall apply not only to prospective students but also to students who are degree-seeking at the time. When economic and other conditions permit, the University will attempt to provide advance notice of such changes. In particular, when an instructional program is to be withdrawn, the University will make every reasonable effort to ensure that students who are within two (2) years of completing the graduation requirements, and who are making normal progress toward the completion of those requirements, will have the opportunity to complete the program which is to be withdrawn.

SUU is an equal opportunity campus and the SUU Nondiscrimination statement is available at www.suu.edu/nondiscrimination.

Note: The courses contained in this Catalog do not preclude or limit the University in its offerings for any semester or session, nor do they restrict the University to the time block (semester or session) represented by the approved academic calendar.

Classroom Expectations for Performance and Conduct

Academic expectations are outlined in course syllabi and must be met in order to earn a passing grade. Instructors may make reasonable accommodations for students who confront unforeseen unique circumstances that limit or restrict class participation or performance; however, instructors are not expected to minimize expectations. To ask faculty to do so devalues the work of all other class participants; therefore, students who are unable to complete required coursework and attend class regularly should talk with their instructors or their advisor about alternatives. In the classroom, subject to the responsibility of the instructor to maintain order and to monitor time limitations, the discussion and expression of all views relevant to the subject matter are permitted. In addition, the following shall apply:

  1. Student academic performance shall be evaluated solely on an academic basis.
  2. Students shall be free to take exception to the material or views offered in any course of study and to reserve judgment about matters of opinion, but they are responsible for learning the content of any course of study in which they are enrolled. This right to take exception does not permit the disruption of class or infringement on the rights of others to learn.
  3. Requirements of participation in classroom discussion and submission of written exercises are not inconsistent with this section.
  4. Information about student views, beliefs, and political associations acquired by faculty in the course of their work as instructors, advisors, and counselors is confidential and is not to be disclosed to others unless under legal compulsion.
  5. Should a faculty member determine that a student is disrupting a class and ask the student to leave the classroom, the student shall do so immediately.
  6. Children are not permitted in institution classrooms or laboratories unless they are an integral part of instruction; nor should parents/guardians leave children unattended in hallways and restrooms.

When a student believes that he/she has been unjustly treated in the classroom, either by the denial of freedom of expression or by improper evaluation, or on any other right enumerated above, the student should discuss the concern with the instructor. The student may appeal the faculty member’s decision first to the department chair, and then to the appropriate academic dean.

Emergency Management

In case of emergency, the University’s Emergency Notification System (ENS) will be activated. Students are encouraged to maintain updated contact information using the link on the homepage of the mySUU portal. In addition, students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the Emergency Response Protocols posted in each classroom. Detailed information about the University’s emergency management plan can be found at www.suu.edu/ad/em.

Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA)

Southern Utah University adheres to the federal Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) and maintains a current record of “student consumer disclosures” at www.suu.edu/heoa.

Information Technology Resources

Students are expected to adhere to the policies, procedures, and expectations regarding the use of Information Technology resources. Specifically, the sharing of copyrighted material through peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing, except as provided under U.S. copyright law, is prohibited by law. Complete information can be found by reviewing SUU Policy 5.51 Information Technology Resources.

Right of Appeal

You have the right to appeal any academic policy or requirement if either of the following conditions is present:

  • Extenuating circumstances make it impossible for you to comply with the policy or requirement; or
  • An undue hardship would result from a strict application or interpretation of the policy or requirement.

Please note, however, that extenuating circumstances must be beyond your control and that undue hardship must be a condition far more serious than simple inconvenience. Documentation will be required and the timeliness of the appeal will be taken into consideration.

If you appeal an academic policy or requirement, that appeal will most likely be reviewed by the dean of the college/school responsible for your major. (Please see SUU Policy 11.4 Student Complaints.) For more information about appeals and grievances, navigate to the Southern Utah University Policies webpage.

Student Classification

The university classifies each student according to the definitions provided below:

Student Classifications
Classification Definition
Freshman Has earned 0-29 credits
Sophomore Has earned 30-59 credits
Junior Has earned 60-89 credits
Senior Has earned 90 or more credits or is pursuing a second baccalaureate degree
Graduate Has earned a baccalaureate degree, has been admitted to Graduate Studies, and is pursuing a graduate degree

Student Code of Conduct

Southern Utah University establishes high expectations and community standards for its students through its policies and procedures. The University’s Student Conduct Code (the Code) identifies actions and behaviors that are prohibited. The Code also establishes the process and procedures that are used to resolve allegations of student misconduct. Students are encouraged to review the Code. Additional information can be found at SUU Policy 11.2 Student Conduct Code. This document provide students with information about their rights which are consistent with state and federal laws.

Student Records

Southern Utah University routinely collects and maintains information about prospective, current, and former students. These records include such items as your application for admission, correspondence related to that application, your permanent transcript, and all materials that document that transcript. Faculty members also maintain files containing advising records, grade sheets, and correspondence.

In general, you have the right to review documents that constitute your official student record.

The following sections provide more detail about your official record at Southern Utah University, about your rights and responsibilities regarding that record, and about policies and procedures governing the information that your record contains. Complete information can be found by reviewing SUU Policy 5.39 Records Access and Management.

Changing Personal Information

Address Changes

It is the responsibility of the student to immediately inform the Registrar’s Office of any change in your address. Past students may do so in person, online, or by submitting a Personal Information Change form. Currently enrolled students should update address information through the mySUU Student Portal.

Name Changes

Currently enrolled students should promptly report a change of name to the Registrar’s Office. You may do so by completing a Personal Information Change form and returning the form to the Registrar’s Office. You must provide evidence that your name has officially changed, such as a certified copy of a court order, a marriage certificate, or a dissolution decree reflecting the new name in full. If you have ever been an employee of the University you must report your name change to the Department of Human Resources; documentation requirements may differ.

Confidentiality & Privacy

The purpose of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended, is to protect the privacy of education records, to establish the right of students to inspect and review their education records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings. FERPA affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. They are:

  • the right to inspect and review the student’s education records;
  • the right to request the amendment of a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading; and
  • the right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.

The following information is designated as directory information by SUU and may be shared with a third-party without express permission

  • Student name
  • Local and permanent address
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Program/major field(s) of study
  • Dates of attendance
  • Student Classification (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior)
  • Enrollment status (full- or part-time)
  • Degrees, certificates, honors, and awards and dates earned
  • Student image
  • Photos or videos of students participating in public activities or performances
  • Photos or videos of art or other student projects intended for public display

Any student wishing to restrict third-party access to their directory information may place a Directory Information Block on their account through the Registrar’s Office. The Directory Information Block is valid until the student submits a subsequent request to release the block.

In addition, SUU is required by federal law (the Solomon Amendment) to provide student information (name, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, level of education, academic major, degrees received, the educational institution in which the student most recently was enrolled) to United States Military Recruiting and Reserve Officer Training Corps personnel upon their request unless the student has submitted a nondisclosure request according to SUU procedures.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

It is the policy of Southern Utah University to comply fully with the terms, provisions, and intent of the Family Educational rights and Privacy Act of 1974. A complete statement of the SUU policy and procedures relative to this act may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office. For specific rights and protections granted to students, see SUU Policy 11.3 Family Education Rights and Privacy Act.

Transcript Records

The Registrar’s Office maintains the records associated with your official university transcript. You have the right to appeal any information on your transcript that inaccurately reflects your academic history. However, information on a transcript is changed only in extraordinary or extenuating circumstances. If there is an error or omission on your transcript, send a detailed description of the error or omission, along with copies of the relevant documents, to the Registrar’s Office.

Verification of Enrollment Status

Southern Utah University regularly receives requests from third parties to verify student enrollment. Requests for verification often come from employment agencies, insurance companies, and lending agencies. For example, a lending agency may request verification of your enrollment status to determine if you are enrolled at least half-time and therefore are eligible for continued deferment of a student loan.

Student enrollment status is considered directory information unless you have made a written request that your records be made confidential (see Confidentiality and Privacy above). In responding to inquiries from outside the university, Southern Utah University calculates your enrollment status according to the table below:

Schedule Used to Determine Enrollment Status
Level Number of Credits (currently enrolled) Enrollment Status
Undergraduate 12 and over Full-time
  9-11 Three-quarter time
  6-8 Half-time
  fewer than 6 Less than half-time
Graduate 6 and over Full-time
3-5.99 Half-time
fewer than 3 Less than half-time
Note: To qualify for full benefits from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, students must be full-time. Occasionally, other agencies outside the University, in order to qualify students for certain benefits, may require a different level of enrollment than that which is defined above.

Student Rights & Responsibilities

Southern Utah University challenges its students to reach their highest levels of performance, encourages them to excel in academics and extra-curricular activities, and invites them to participate in the many cultural and social events available at the University. At the same time, Southern Utah University expects students to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the University’s function as an institution of higher learning. Therefore, we have published this Catalog to acquaint students with their rights and responsibilities as students.