Feb 13, 2025  
2022-2023 General Catalog 

Registration Policies and Procedures


Each student should complete registration for classes at the time and place designated by the University. Times and dates for each semester are on the web. Registration after the first week of instruction must be approved by the course instructor or department.

Information on registration procedures can be found on the Registrar’s Office web page.

Changes in Registration (Add or Drop)

Any student may change their schedule of courses during applicable registration times, subject to the following limitations:

  1. Registration changes made after the first week of classes must be approved by the course instructor or department. Deadlines for shorter parts of term (1st Session, 2nd Session) are prorated based on the shortened term dates. See the online Academic Calendar for specific dates and deadlines. For full semester-length courses, withdrawal from an individual course must be completed before 60% of the course is completed. If the student drops during the first 21 calendar days, no record of the course will appear on their transcript. If the withdrawal occurs between the 22nd calendar day and the 60% mark, a “W” for that course will appear on the transcript.
  2. Student should be aware that all classes they drop must be properly processed through the Registrar’s Office. If a student stops attending a class without officially withdrawing, they will receive a “UW” (failure) for the course. The “UW” grade is calculated in the GPA the same as an “F.”

Students are encouraged to make class selections only after consultation and guidance from their Student Success Advisor.


  • The University has placed limits on the number of times students may enroll in a course. For more information, see Grades and Credits .
  • For students intending to drop a class in which they have been issued University property–such as uniforms, instruments, or lab equipment–all property must be returned before dropping the class. If students fail to do so, a hold will be placed on their record.

Credit/Audit Status

During open registration, if space in the class is available, students may register for a course under audit status; that is, students may register for the course with the understanding that they will receive neither credit nor a grade. On the transcript, audit status indicates that students had a seat in the class, but may or may not have participated in class activities. Please note that the normal registration deadlines apply. No course may be changed to audit status after the fourteenth calendar day of the semester. Students pay the same tuition and/or fees whether taking courses for credit or audit status.

Faculty-Initiated Withdrawals

An instructor can withdraw a student from a course if the student has not satisfied the entrance requirements. To do so, the instructor or department must notify the student of the impending withdrawal and then request the withdrawal through the Registrar’s Office. Students should not expect that an instructor will withdraw them for nonattendance. The primary responsibility for course withdrawal rests with the student.

Prerequisite Waivers

Students wishing to enroll in a course for which they have not completed the necessary prerequisites must obtain Department Chair approval. If the prerequisite being waived is a requirement for the student’s degree, this does not waive the need to take the course. It merely allows the student to take a higher-level course prior to completing the prerequisite.

Senior Citizen Registration

Utah residents age 62 and over and eligible veterans are permitted to enroll, on a space available basis, at any of the state’s public universities and colleges, on a tuition-free, audit basis. They will be required to pay a semester administrative fee. Where applicable, senior citizens will be charged a fee for use of consumable materials. Senior citizens must register at the Registrar’s Office on or after the first day of class. Senior citizens must be enrolled as Non-Degree Seeking to be eligible for the benefit.

Registration Calendars

Registration information and dates are available through the Registrar’s Office. Critical dates for the full semester and for shorter parts of term (1st Session, 2nd Session) are available on the SUU Academic Calendar.

Withdrawal from the University

SUU courses are scheduled within various parts of term and are of varied length and modality. Students may withdraw from an individual course until 60% of that course has elapsed. A student withdrawing from a course after 20% of the course has passed will have a “W” recorded on their academic record for that course. Withdrawal and drop deadlines are noted on the University Academic Calendar. Grades for each course will be posted within three (3) business days from the course’s grade submission deadline.

A student may totally withdraw from the University at any time prior to the start of final exams for a given semester. Grades for courses that have ended and that have been entered onto the student’s permanent academic records during an earlier part of term will remain on the student record. For those courses that are in progress, the student will receive a “W,” indicating enrollment for more than 20% of the course.

To totally withdraw from the semester, a student must complete the Online University Withdrawal process, including their request to withdraw and an exit interview. The Registrar’s Office is available to assist with questions regarding this process at registrar@suu.edu or at 435-586-7715.

Emergency Withdrawal

The University recognizes that extenuating circumstances occur. An extenuating circumstance or health issue may so significantly impact a student’s academic work that an emergency withdrawal for the semester is needed. The student requesting an emergency withdrawal should:

  1. Complete an Emergency Withdrawal Request form;
  2. Provide written documentation of their extenuating circumstance from a care provider; and
  3. Write a personal statement explaining their circumstances and their specific request.

The completed packet should be submitted to the Registrar’s Office in the Sharwan Smith Student Center or through the secure file sharing URL. This should be completed in a timely manner, preferably before the end of the semester for which the student is making the request. Requests submitted without supporting documentation will not be considered. Please note that there is no difference in appearance on the academic record between an emergency withdrawal and a regular academic withdrawal.

Important Information Concerning Withdrawals for Students Receiving Financial Aid

Students who withdraw from the University need to be aware of Federal law impacting financial aid eligibility. Complete withdrawals may result in a financial obligation by the student to return the unearned portion of any federal aid disbursed. The student may have to repay Southern Utah University and/or the U.S. Department of Education for the unearned aid which was applied toward tuition and fee charges. A repayment may also be required for unearned aid disbursed directly to the student. Students considering withdrawal from the University are strongly encouraged to discuss the potential financial consequences with a representative in the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships.

Questions about These Policies

For questions about these policies, contact the Registrar’s Office.