Feb 13, 2025
Geology Teacher Education Minor
Website: http://www.suu.edu/cose/physci/geosciences/
The SUU Geology program trains students for professional, academic, governmental, or teaching careers in the Earth Sciences. Our program is research-oriented with strong laboratory and field components. Students have direct access to rock-preparation, mineralogy, geochemistry, paleontology, and GIS lab facilities for hands-on learning during individual research, class work, and group projects. The geology program places great emphasis on experiential learning outside the classroom. With its location on the boundary between the Colorado Plateau and the Basin and Range, near numerous national parks, The Geology program offers undergraduate research and outdoor learning opportunities that are unmatched by other universities. Students typically spend time discovering geological phenomena while camping and hiking in the beautiful landscape of southern Utah, combing the deserts of Nevada, exploring lagoons and reefs in the Bahamas, the rift basins of southern Africa and other exotic localities. Within the area surrounding SUU, our students can study ancient, continental rocks nearly 2 billion years old, rocks deposited in ancient oceans, a diverse assemblage of dinosaur fossils, some of the largest volcanoes preserved in North America, and some of the youngest volcanic deposits on the continent.
Geology faculty strive to provide students at Southern Utah University with excellence in earth science education. Our integrated efforts are directed toward those methods we feel produce the best possible educational experience. The primary goal of the geology faculty is to ensure academic excellence while demanding integrity and building self-esteem in our students. Students who graduate in the geology program must do so with a minimal grade of “C” in each course required for the major or minor.
Required Courses (16 Credits):
Electives (select 4 Credits)
Choose 4 credits from the following: Note
- Credits greater than 10 years old will not be accepted for this minor
- A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in each course before it can be counted in a physical science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other course.
* Courses are taught every other year or as needed. Consult your advisor. |