Mar 02, 2025
Music - Piano Emphasis, B.M.
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Degree Requirements
An audition is required to be admitted into the music major. The music department follows National Association of Schools of Music Requirements. General Education Core (36-37 Credits)
See General Education - Core Course Requirements 16-17 credits
- Knowledge Areas Requirements 16 credits (Must take MUSC 1010 )
Select one from the following languages: French or German (4 Credits)
Experiential Education (3 Credits)
Music Core Requirements (43 Credits)
Other Requirements
- Music Theory: Students must be enrolled concurrently in Music Theory and Aural Skills classes.
- Piano Proficiency: Students must pass a piano proficiency exam. MUSC 1150 & MUSC 1160 may be taken to assist in preparation for the exam.
- Junior/Senior Recitals: the B.M. Degree requires a junior year half recital and a senior year full recital. Students must enroll in applied music each semester until the recital requirement is met.
- In order to move to upper level study (3410) the student must pass the Sophomore Gateway.
- All music majors must take Introduction to Music (MUSC 1010 ) as a prerequisite for MUSC 3500 and MUSC 3510 . MUSC 1010 may be used to fulfill the Fine Arts GE Requirement.
- To fulfill all graduation requirements, all zero credit courses must appear on the transcript.
- Each major or minor in music is required to abide by the policies and procedures set up in the Departmental Student Handbook. http://www.suu.edu/pva/music/handbook.html
- Foreign Language Requirement: four semesters of a foreign language are required for the BM degree in voice; two semesters of a foreign language are required for the BM degree in Instrumental music; one semester is required for the BM degree in piano performance. The foreign language requirement may be distributed among French and/or German.
- Every student is required to pass all classes in their major with a grade of “C” (2.0) or higher, except Applied Music which requires a “B” (3.0) or higher.
Piano Emphasis (41 Credits)
Small Ensemble Requirement- chosen from the following (4 credits)
Major Ensemble Requirement – chosen from the following (8 Credits)
Foreign Language Requirement (4 Credits)
One semester of French or German (must be different from the course that fulfills the Knowledge Areas Requirement.) 4 Credit hours of the foreign language may fulfill the university humanities GE requirement. Music Electives (13-14 Credits)
Total Credits B.M. Piano Emphasis: 120
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