Mar 02, 2025
Agricultural Science and Industry, B.I.S.
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University Requirements
Experiential Education (3 Credits)
Agriculture Core (29 Credits)
And one of the following:
Select one of the following emphases:
Agribusiness Emphasis (18 Credits)
Animal Science and Industries Emphasis (17 Credits)
Plant Science and Industries Emphasis (18 Credits)
Natural Resources/Range Management Emphasis (18 Credits)
And one of the following:
General Agriculture Emphasis (17 Credits)
In addition to the core, students will select a minimum of 17 semester credits to meet a specific interest or career goal. That goal may not be satisfied by emphasis areas above. Examples might include agriculture journalism, natural resources, GIS/GPS, or international agriculture. The program must be approved by an advisor, department chair, and the dean. Other Electives
- Free Electives 37-39 credits
Total Credits, B.I.S. degree: 120
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