Feb 13, 2025  
2024-2025 General Catalog [Current] 
2024-2025 General Catalog [Current]

Biological Sciences Education (B.S.)

Location(s): Main Campus

Program Information

  • All courses must be passed with a “C” (2.0) or better to be counted in the major.
  • All Biology majors must show a minimal level of competency as demonstrated by the ETS® major field test in Biology. All students must satisfactorily complete the ETS® field test in Biology before taking any capstone course in the Department of Biology (BIOL 4070 BIOL 4220 BIOL 4400 BIOL 4410 BIOL 4500 BIOL 4650 ).
  • Courses may not be repeated more than two (2) times without instructor approval.
  • Credits over 10 years old may not be accepted for use in the major.

General Education Requirement (30-35 Credits)

See General Education  for course options.

  • Core Course Requirements (12-15 Credits)
  • Breadth Area Requirements (16-20 Credits)

Please note: All students must complete a minimum of 30 credits between the Core and Breadth Area requirements.

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Degree Requirement (12 Credits*)

  • Bachelor of Science Degree - Math or Science minimum requirement 12 Credits

* Note: A portion of the B.S. requirements may be met by fulfilling the General Education  Core and Breadth Areas. Because of this, these credits are typically not counted in the degree total at the bottom of page. Some students majoring in non-science fields may need additional math/science courses to reach the minimum 12 credits. Consult your Student Success Advisor for details. 

Biological Sciences Education Curriculum (69 Credits)

Core Requirements (29-31 Credits)

Required Support Courses (32 Credits)


* Students who are not prepared for this math course may need additional math credits/preparation. Please consult your Student Success Advisor for more information.

Biology Education Courses (8 Credits)

In order to meet state standards for a license to teach biology in middle and secondary schools in Utah, students will complete the following (in addition to the core requirements listed above):

Additional Coursework

Additional coursework in computer science, geology, and physics selected in consultation with the departmental advisor.

  • Secondary Teaching Certification requires specific professional education courses. Consult the department of teacher education for additional advisement.
  • This degree does not include the requisite number of upper-division hours. Students completing this degree will fill the upper-division requirements while completing course work for the Secondary Teaching Certificate.

Free Electives (16-32 Credits)

Total elective credit is determined by General Education courses taken, degree type selected, additional credits earned, and any additional math or other prerequisite courses needed. For a bachelor’s degree, students must earn a minimum of 40 upper-division credits (courses numbered 3000-4999). Students may need to select additional upper-division courses not included in their major requirements in order to reach this minimum. Please consult your Student Success Advisor for details.

Recommended Electives

Although not required, the Department of Biology recommends all Biology majors take the following variable credit courses:

Total Credits, B.S. Degree: 120

Professional Education Requirements for Secondary Licensure (36-37 Credits)*

To qualify for a teaching license, students must also complete the sequence of professional education courses listed by the Department of Teacher Education . Please see the degree requirements for Secondary Education Licensure . Some classes required for the licensure cannot be taken until the teacher candidate has been admitted to the College of Education and Human Development. Please consult your advisor or the Department of Teacher Education for further instruction.

* Students who complete their teaching methods course(s) and student teaching as part of their major requirements will earn fewer than 36 credits. Those course credits are counted only once in the degree total.

Block Courses: Block Application Required (6 Credits)

Advanced Teacher Education Program Courses (12 Credits)

Registration for student teaching is contingent upon passing any required content area Praxis test(s). (Praxis requirements changed for students in content areas on January 1, 2020. See advisor for current rules.)

Total Credits, B.S. Degree with Licensure: 120-132

Licensure Notification

This program typically leads to licensure/certification and was designed to meet such qualifications for the state of Utah. Students who are or may be planning to pursue licensure/certification in any other U.S. state or territory may need to meet additional education requirements. This is not a reflection of SUU’s accreditation or quality, as each state and territory regulates their own education requirements for occupational licensure.

Students enrolled in a teacher preparation program may potentially be able to use a Utah educator license to obtain licensure through reciprocity. Additional information may be found through the Department of Teacher Education’s reciprocity table.

An overview of all of SUU’s programs that lead to licensure/certification and the programs’ current determination statuses may be found at www.suu.edu/provost/licensure.html.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • All students will demonstrate an understanding of the following core concepts:
  1. evolution
  2. structure and function
  3. information flow, exchange, and storage
  4. pathways and transformations of energy and matter
  5. systems
  • Students will demonstrate understanding and ability to apply methodologies of science:
  1. scientific methodology
  2. reading, understanding, and critiquing peer-reviewed literature
  3. integrate and apply concepts from different within and beyond the sciences
  • Students will demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively in a variety of oral and written formats.
  • Students will use appropriate tools to carry out investigations in their intended fields, including:
  1. demonstrating competency in use of appropriate field and/or laboratory equipment
  2. successful completion of an SUU-approved experiential learning activity
  3. acquiring sufficient knowledge and training to successfully enter graduate or professional school or the workforce.
  4. completion of an independent research project.
  5. use appropriate mathematical, modeling, and simulation tools to address scientific questions
  • Students will develop an understanding of the social responsibility that is incumbent on all who obtain a degree in biological sciences, including:
  1. engagement in public and political conversations to promote learning based on scientific principles and rational thought
  2. knowledge of ethics in research, communications and reporting
  3. understanding the importance of environmental stewardship