Feb 11, 2025
Studio Arts - Illustration Emphasis (B.F.A.)
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Program Summary
The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Arts with an Illustration Emphasis is a program that focuses on intensive training in visual communication and design supported by a program of general studies. Students will develop essential illustration skills and a portfolio of artwork to assist in launching a career in the illustration market/s of their choice:
- Entertainment Art-Concept art for movies, cartoons, video games, etc.
- Publishing-Book covers, children’s books, graphic novels, comics, etc.
- Advertising-Printed or online ads and ad campaigns.
- Editorial-Printed or online magazines and newspapers.
- Licensing-Art for consumer products.
- Self-Publishing-Self-initiated illustration projects created for a self-procured audience.
The illustration program suits individuals who demonstrate creative ability and potential in visual art and strengths in problem-solving and self-motivation. Proficiency in drawing the human figure is essential. Graduates will have developed competencies in preparing illustrations in various media and subject matter, including the use of current illustration technologies. In addition, students will have developed practical communication and business skills related to their markets of choice. An illustration student’s degree will culminate in preparing a body of work that will enable them to promote a career and/or apply for further graduate studies.
Program Information
- All courses must be passed with a “C” (2.0) or better to be counted in the minor.
- Transfer students must complete at least 50% of their art credits at SUU.
General Education Requirement (30-35 Credits)
See General Education for course options. - Core Course Requirements (12-15 Credits)
- Knowledge Area Requirements (16-20 Credits)
Please note: All students must complete a minimum of 30 credits between the Core and Knowledge Area requirements. Studio Arts - Illustration Curriculum (85 Credits)
B.F.A. Art Foundation (28 Credits)
Illustration Emphasis Required Courses (30 Credits)
Art History Course (3 Credits)
Select one of the following: Illustration Emphasis Electives (24 Credits)
Select eight courses from the following: Free Electives (0-14 Credits)
Total elective credit is determined by General Education courses taken, degree type selected, additional credits earned, and any additional math or other prerequisite courses needed. For a bachelor’s degree, students must earn a minimum of 40 upper-division credits (courses numbered 3000-4999). Students may need to select additional upper-division courses not included in their major requirements in order to reach this minimum. Please consult your Student Success Advisor for details. Total Credits, B.F.A. Degree: 120
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