Jan 31, 2025
Information Systems Composite, B.S.
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Recommended for students who seek careers in information systems or who wish to pursue graduate education. This is a SUU composite degree (a minor is not required).
Credits older than 10 years must be approved by the CSIS Department Chair before being allowed to count towards the major due to the rapid change in the industry.
General Education Core (33 Credits)
See General Education - Core Course Requirements (must take MATH 1040 ) 13 credits
- Knowledge Areas Requirements (must take CSIS 1010 ) 20-22 credits
Experiential Education University Requirement - EDGE Program (3 Credits)
NOTE: As of 7/12/2019, students pursuing this bachelor’s degree are no longer required to complete the EDGE courses for graduation. See Experiential Education . Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Degree Requirement (12 Credits*)
B.S. Degree - Math or Science minimum requirement (12 credits) * Note: Most or all of the B.S. requirements may be met by fulfilling the General Education Core and Knowledge Areas. Because of this, these credits are typically not counted in the degree total at the bottom of page. Transfer students not majoring in a math or science field may need additional math/science courses to reach the minimum 12 credits. Consult a Student Success Advisor for details. CSIS Common Core (36 Credits)
IS Core Required (27 Credits)
IS Business Electives (9 Credits)
Choose three of the following classes: IS Major Electives (15 Credits)
Choose 5 of the following classes: Total Credits, B.S. degree: 121-124
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