Feb 08, 2025
Physical Science Composite - Teacher Education Emphasis, B.A.
Return to: Department of Physical Science
Website: http://www.suu.edu/cose/physci/
The mission and role of the Physical Science Teacher Education degree is to provide an environment that fosters academic breadth in the disciplines of chemistry, geography, geology, physics and education in order to obtain the competencies required to teach physical science in a secondary school.
Physical Science Teacher Education Student Learning Outcomes:
- Scientific Knowledge: Students should demonstrate knowledge of the major facts, theories, and models in the physical sciences.
- Problem Solving Skills: Students should be able to define problems clearly, develop testable hypotheses, design and execute experiments, analyze data using appropriate statistical methods, and draw appropriate conclusions.
- Field and Laboratory Skills: Students should understand responsible disposal techniques, understand and comply with safety regulations, understand and use material safety data sheets (MSDS), recognize and minimize potential chemical and physical hazards in the laboratory, and know how to handle laboratory emergencies effectively.
- Communication Skills: Students should be able to present information in a clear and organized manner, write well-organized and concise reports in a scientifically appropriate style, and use technology such as poster preparation software, word-processing, chemical structure drawing programs, and computerized presentations in their communication.
All teacher candidates are required to complete an appropriate PRAXIS II Subject Assessment and the PRAXIS II PLT (Principles of Learning and Teaching) Assessment adopted by the Utah State Office of Education (USOE). The Physical Science PRAXIS Subject Assessment content knowledge test measures fundamental knowledge common to physics and chemistry, and competencies necessary for a beginning teacher of one of the physical sciences in a secondary school.
Experiential Education University Requirement - EDGE Program (3 Credits)
NOTE: As of 7/12/2019, students pursuing this bachelor’s degree are no longer required to complete the EDGE courses for graduation. See Experiential Education . BA Degree Requirements (16 Credits)
BA Degree - Foreign Language Requirement (16 credits or proficiency test) Physical Science Composite - Teacher Education Emphasis Curriculum Summary
Required courses (68 credits):
Plus four (4) credit hours from the following list:
Secondary Education Licensure (37-40 Credits)
Please see the degree requirements for Secondary Education Licensure . Some classes required for the licensure cannot be taken until the teacher candidate has been admitted to the Teacher Education Department. Please consult your advisor or the Teacher Education Department for further instruction. Total Credits, B.A. degree: 156-161
- This is a composite degree, a minor is not required.
- Courses in computer science are strongly recommended additional electives
- Secondary Teaching Certification requires specific professional education courses, (see below) consult the department of teacher education for additional advisement.
- This degree does not include the requisite number of upper division hours. Students completing this degree will fill the upper division requirements while completing course work for the Secondary Teaching Certificate.
- Bachelor of Arts degree must meet language requirements as outlined in “Degree Requirements” in Obtaining a Degree .
- Credits greater than 10 years old will not be accepted for this degree.
- A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in each course before it can be counted in a physical science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other course.
* Courses are taught every other year. Consult your advisor. ** If you are not prepared for this math course, please see your advisor for alternate recommendations. |
Return to: Department of Physical Science