2024-2025 General Catalog [Current]
Department of Teacher Education
Overview of Programs
Our undergraduate and graduate teacher education programs offer preparation and continuing professional development for teachers, supervisors, curriculum specialists, and other professional personnel pursuing careers in early childhood, elementary, and secondary education settings. The Master of Education program is designed for persons who desire to engage in a graduate program that will help them improve their competencies as educators. The Educational Leadership Program is designed to prepare current educators for administrative roles.
The mission of the Department of Teacher Education is to prepare teachers and educational leaders to nurture relationships with students and key stakeholders. We foster creativity and innovation grounded in sound, contextually based research to meet the ever-changing needs of students and our communities through experiential learning opportunities. We work to develop and nurture educators who value all people in the communities they serve.
We in the SUU Department of Teacher Education highly value:
Relationships and Community - We acknowledge education is a relationship-driven endeavor. Our learners embrace making and maintaining relationships within schools with students, parents, colleagues and the community. We model this engagement through investing in faculty-student relationships and in highly valuing institutional relationships with our community and partner schools. Our faculty demonstrates the values of integrity, honesty, humility, trust and servant-leadership.
Innovation and Creativity - We celebrate innovation and creativity within the classroom. We support and mentor our students to consume and produce research in diverse and innovative ways and to develop and deliver curriculum and instruction based on sound methods of inquiry. Our faculty acknowledge educational expertise and teach with passion, continually exploring the challenges and meeting the needs of the classroom and school leadership.
Experiential Learning - We recognize that the heart of transformative learning is the intersection of curriculum, pedagogy, and hands-on experiences, based on research. Our learners transform into highly competent, reflective teachers and leaders through sustainable in-school teaching, internships, and mentorship.
Inclusivity and Equity - We decry inequity and injustice in our educational system and greater society. We commit to developing and nurturing educators who value all people in the communities they serve. Such professional educators will act as agents of change, advocate for equity and justice in their schools and communities, and will embolden students to do the same.
Goals of Professional Teacher Education
- Offer sound and accessible pre-professional and professional preparation at undergraduate and graduate levels;
- Provide scholarly contributions, leadership, and service at state, national, and international levels; and
- Contribute to the instructional, intellectual, economic, social, and cultural diversity missions of the University.
The Department strives to:
- Develop maximal potential of individuals and groups for learning, living, and working;
- Enhance the emotional, intellectual, and adaptive capabilities of children and adults across the life span and in a variety of settings;
- Promote life-long learning of capable, knowledgeable, caring professionals through initial, advanced, and continuing education; and
- Respect the dignity of each person and all cultures.
Professional Teacher Education Program Mission
The mission of the Professional Teacher Education Program (PTEP) at SUU is to direct the operation of a coherent professional education program to produce teachers and administrators who possess the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to positively impact learning for all students in diverse classroom environments.
Professional Teacher Education Program -
Success Model to Create Caring,
Competent, and Knowledgeable
Professional Educators

The Beverley Taylor Sorenson (BTS) College of Education and Human Development’s Professional Teacher Education Program has a reputation for both academic rigor and solid connections to educational practice in the public schools.
Graduate Program Mission
Graduate Studies in Education prepares professional educators who create equitable learning spaces for all, practitioner-researchers who fully participate in decision-making processes to resolve their school’s and students’ needs, and educational leaders who transform schools and shape tomorrow’s society.
Graduate Program Vision
Promote exemplary schools by preparing exemplary educators.
Department/Program Learning Outcomes
The graduate is grounded in a strong foundation of education, developmentally appropriate practice, human development over the lifespan, marriage and family relationships, and family services.
- The graduate has developed skills to work with children, young adults, and families across the family life cycle in a wide variety of settings.
- The graduate has developed an interdisciplinary understanding of education and practice and how to best serve children, families, and communities.
- The graduate is sensitive to the diverse cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds of the children, families, and communities they serve.
- The graduate understands their personal values and professional ethics as they relate to best serving children and families.
Other Information
Note on Graduation Requirements and Licensure
Graduation requirements as listed in the catalog apply to SUU only. It is possible that additional, unforeseen university and/or Utah State Teaching License requirement changes may add additional course work, examinations, etc., to the program. In order to be recommended for a Utah State Teaching License, all such requirements must be met, even though they may not appear in the current version of the Catalog. BTS College of Education and Human Development and Student Success Advisors will provide updated information.
The Praxis State Licensure, Teacher Performance Test, and Program Requirement Exams
The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) adopted a series of tests for initial teacher licensure. Required tests are dependent upon major area of concentration and grade level teacher candidates are preparing to teach. In addition, the Professional Teacher Education Programs require certain exams be taken in order to be eligible for student teaching and graduation prior to licensure. Praxis requirements changed for students admitted after January 1, 2020. See advisor for current rules.
Elementary and Secondary education majors are required to complete a teacher performance assessment (TPA) during student teaching. SUU has elected to use the PPAT assessment. All education majors must pass the PPAT in order to be eligible for licensure.
If Secondary Education majors add a content area minor, an additional content area Praxis exams for each additional minor might be required; please check with an advisor to see current requirements.
All SUU Elementary Education students desiring to be recommended for licensure must take the Utah Foundations for Reading assessment. Information about the test can be found at ut.nesinc.com. Students are advised to take the Utah Foundations for Reading Assessment after they have taken EDRG 3010 - Language Acquisition, Early Literacy, and Phonics ; this course will provide students with the content to do well on the required assessment.
Registration and testing dates are published and announced. All tests are offered either on campus through the SUU Testing Center or at approved ETS testing sites. For registration forms and test dates and times consult the Praxis Bulletin or contact ets.org.
Teacher candidates must meet the requirements as listed above, respective to Elementary and Secondary Education programs, to be recommended by the BTS College of Education and Human Development for a Utah Professional Educator License, issued by the USBE. Contact a Teacher Education Student Success Advisor for required content test.
Program |
Various Exams |
Teacher Performance Assessment |
Elementary Education License |
Foundations of Reading test; see advisor for details. |
Elementary K-6 |
Secondary Education License |
See advisor for Praxis details; required for some minors. |
Secondary 7-12 |
Special Education License |
Elementary K-6 or Secondary 7-12 (depends on program) |
Utah Administrative Supervisory License |
Educational Leadership. See ets.org for State of Utah Requirements. |
N/A |
Undergraduate Admissions Information
Admissions Procedures for Elementary Education
Admission to the elementary education program is a separate process from Southern Utah University admission. Admission to the Professional Teacher Education Program does not guarantee recommendation for license.
Note: There is no longer any “program” admission separate from Block admission for Secondary students. However, in order to register for Block, candidates must have “C” (3.0) grades or better in all major and Education courses and have completed SCED 3180 and SCED 3720 . Additionally, in order to register for 3180 and 3720, students must have attained at least Junior standing. Please be aware that Secondary students are still required to pass the necessary background check.
Required PTEP courses that may be taken prior to PTEP Admission:
Elementary Education Program Admission Component: Admission applications can be found online at my.suu.edu/education/apply.
- Complete Professional Teacher Education Program Application. Online applications must be submitted to the Department of Teacher Education.
- Complete and receive Utah State Board of Education Background (Fingerprint) Clearance. A criminal background check is required before a Teacher Education candidate can work in the public schools in extended practicum and student teaching. Background Check information is available online at www.suu.edu/ed/teacher/background-checks.html.
- In compliance with the guidelines established by the Utah Professional Practices Advisory Commission for Standards of Ethical Conduct for Utah Educators, it is expected that any candidate for admission to the teacher education programs at all Utah teacher education institutions will voluntarily indicate to the teacher education institution that he/she has been convicted for a misdemeanor or a felony, or has been denied admission to any other teacher education program.
- Utah State Board of Education policy requires that teacher candidates’ fingerprints be submitted to the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI), a state agency, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), which will search regional and national files for criminal convictions. Licensure cannot be obtained until the background clearance is complete and approved. In some cases, sealed records may be accessed to determine the candidates’ fitness for teaching. Background checks are valid for three years from the date they are completed.
- Have the required 3.0 CUM GPA with a 3.0 CUM GPA for the semester (12 credit minimum) prior to admission. Failure to maintain a 3.0 once admitted to the PTEP will result in probation. Two semesters of probation with a GPA below 3.0 will result in revocation from the program. A formal appeal is required for reinstatement.
- For purposes of receiving state licensure, have received a “C” grade or higher on all required Education (and content area for secondary) courses, and have a 3.0 cumulative GPA in all coursework.
- Dispositions or Interview. Dispositions are an ongoing part of the admissions process in Teacher Education. They will be collected in EDUC 2200 and EDUC 2400 , and violating department, college, University, or community ethical standards will affect continued participation and/or admission into education courses and programs. If there is an issue at the time of admission, a group interview will be required.
- Applicants must have taken and passed all General Education requirements.
- Applicants must have scored 234 on the FoRT Assessment BEFORE being registered for Elementary “Block” coursework.
It is the responsibility of the student to ensure admission components are complete and appropriately submitted. Notification of admission status will be approximately three (3) weeks after a completed folder is submitted. Students who are denied initial admission may appeal through the Professional Practices Committee or reapply in the future.
Required PTEP courses taken after admittance to the PTEP:
* Requires BTS College of Education and Human Development PTEP and Student Success Advisor Approval.
Required PTEP Block courses must be taken prior to being admitted to Student Teaching:
Professional Teacher Education Program Capstone (Student Teaching): All prerequisites, general, and specialization education courses must be completed prior to recommendation to Student Teaching.
The Student-Teacher candidates must receive a unanimous recommendation from all PTEP professors. Student-Teacher candidates must submit an application to the Teacher Education Department Field Service Placement Office:
- Students will be invited to apply for Student Teaching during the beginning of their Block semester through the Sonia Portal.
- A Student Teaching License from the Utah State Board of Education. Application is at secure.utah.gov/elr/welcome.html.
- Fees for Student Teaching: Students will be assessed a variable credit hour fee for student teaching. This will include the following student teaching courses: ELED 4980 , SCED 4980 , or SPED 4980 /SPED 4981 .
- No teacher candidate will receive credit for student teaching while employed by a school district, other than an SUU-approved internship.
The Beverley Taylor Sorenson College of Education and Human Development is committed to a high-quality student teaching experience. They are also committed to promoting and maintaining standards of excellence that meet College, Department, University, State, and National competencies. Student teaching placements will be made based on the following information:
- Collaborative agreements made with cooperating school districts to place a specified number of teacher candidates in their district. This is based upon the school district’s needs and upon having sufficient numbers of mentor teachers and subject/grade availability. Each semester the Teacher Education Department will determine those districts that will be identified as cooperating school districts.
- Placement requests for districts that are not identified as cooperating districts will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. No placements will be made in such a district unless supervision requirements and arrangements are met.
- No placement made outside of the Field Services Placement Office will be accepted.
Teacher Education Department Field Service Placement Office will seek placement for the teacher candidate in a district and school approved by the department. Placement of teacher candidates will be done by the SUU Teacher Education Department Field Service Placement Office in collaboration with cooperating districts. Once placed, the teacher candidate will be notified in writing and will be given 10 days upon the receipt of placement notification to accept the placement or make written appeal.
Upon acceptance of student teaching placement, the student will be registered for the required number of student teaching hours and pay all required fees. Registration for student teaching will be done by the Teacher Education Department and will be completed no later than the final day of registration for seniors. Any student withdrawing from student teaching after registration will forfeit student teaching fees.
Students will be assigned to their student teaching placement for the time needed to complete their licensure requirements. Students must successfully complete their student teaching assignment and be evaluated by their mentor teacher(s) and Education supervisor. These evaluations and all other criteria are to be given to the Education Supervisor no later than one week prior to the last day of finals in any given semester. Student teaching accountability folders will be reviewed by the Teacher Education Department.
A graduation and licensure check will be completed by the Licensing Coordinator in the Dean’s office. Recommendations for licensure will be submitted to the Utah State Board of Education. Incomplete student folders will not be submitted to the licensure office until completed.
Student Teaching - Out of Utah: Any out of state placements are highly discouraged since the Beverley Taylor Sorenson College of Education and Human Development at SUU licenses teachers in Utah and follows guidelines established by the USBE and accreditation agencies. Out of state placements must meet rigorous standards and conditions. They are as follows:
- All Out of State Student Teaching placements are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Department Chair and Field Service Placement Office.
- Individuals requesting an Out of State Placement must be in good standing and present a compelling reason for such a placement. This is to be submitted in writing to the Field Services Director six (6) months prior to the deadline of the semester they desire to do their Student Teaching. All candidates, as well as schools/districts outside of Utah where placement is requested, must agree to follow all policies and procedures established by SUU’s College of Education and Human Development for Student Teaching.
- Candidates seeking Out of State Student Teaching Placement must be willing to pay any additional costs or fees related to supervision and the successful completion of Student Teaching. Candidates will be expected to cover all other expenses related to relocation based upon the placement.
- In the event a Candidate must be removed from an Out of State Placement, action will follow current procedures as identified in the College of Education and Human Development.
Teaching Internship Opportunities: Periodically the Teacher Education Department and Cooperating School Districts within the State of Utah collaborate and provide teaching internship opportunities for qualified teacher candidates. Such internships can provide teacher candidates with valuable experiences that enhance their professional skills and development. Teacher candidates who are interested in a teaching internship in a public school must have all course work completed including all of their professional education courses, with the exception of clinical practice. Teacher candidates must meet the same requirements necessary for student teaching. Any student who is interested in a teaching internship must contact the Field Services Office for admission requirements and application. (Forms are available online at www.suu.edu/ed/teacher.)
Undergraduate Transfer Students Policy
All transfer students must have their teacher education credit hours evaluated. They must meet the following conditions:
- Recency requirement: Professional education courses completed prior to the SUU elementary or secondary education program are evaluated for content and current educational standards. Courses older than ten (10) years will not be accepted. Some programs and endorsements may vary, check with the department.
- Practicum: Practicum experience will be permitted only when the following conditions have been satisfied:
- Time spent in practicum and student teaching is equivalent to SUU requirements.
- Evidence documenting successful participation and completion of such experiences.
- The student has completed all professional teacher education coursework and content majors and minors (or approved equivalents) as required by the Department of Teacher Education and Family Development.
- Course articulation: Transfer courses being considered must articulate with existing coursework at Southern Utah University.
Undergraduate Professional Practices Committee
The Southern Utah University PTEP Professional Practices Committee (PPC) is responsible for ensuring that all students admitted to PTEP are in compliance with all State of Utah licensure requirements as well as all Southern Utah University institutional requirements.
Students seeking educator licensure at Southern Utah University found to be in violation of the established Standards of Ethical Conduct for Utah Educators’ will be referred to the PPC. Students not in compliance may be referred to the Utah Professional Practices Advisory Commission in Salt Lake City, Utah.
The PPC shall also have the authority to review students’ appeals regarding such catalog requirements as admissions, completion of graduation and licensure requirements, student teaching evaluations, etc. The PPC schedules meetings on an as-needed basis.
Undergraduate Appeals Process: Due Process Procedure
Students who have applied for and been denied admission to college programs may appeal the decision to the College of Education and Human Development PPC. The BTS College of Education and Human Development Student Success Advisors will provide the students with an appeal form and a copy of the due process memorandum. Following consideration of the student appeal, the PPC, through the Student Success Advisor, will inform the student in writing of the appeal’s decision and any stipulation/conditions attached to the decision. This written notice and the action of the committee will be noted on the copy of the appeals form returned to the student. If the student wishes to appeal the decision or stipulations/conditions attached to the committee decision, the student may appeal to the Department Chair of Teacher Education; if the student does not agree with the decision, he/she may then appeal to the Dean. The Student Success Advisor will provide the student with another copy of the appeal form and will notify the Dean of a possible appeal by noting such on the original appeal and forwarding a copy to the Dean of the BTS College of Education and Human Development.
Undergraduate Probation, Revocation, and Reinstatement
After being admitted to the PTEP, a student’s GPA may not fall below the 3.0 standard. Should it be necessary to place a student on probation or revoke the student’s admission, the due process procedure will be followed. The definitions and procedures below will govern situations involving probation, revocation and reinstatement.
Students who have been admitted to the PTEP must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA each semester. Failure to maintain a 3.0 GPA for one semester will result in the Student Success Advisor sending a letter to the student informing him/her that he/she is on probation. Students on probation will be removed from probationary status by the Student Success Advisor if the student’s GPA, the next semester, is a minimum 3.0. Students on probation may continue enrolling in Education courses.
A student who fails to meet the 3.0 GPA any two (2) semesters will be informed that his/her admission to the PTEP has been revoked. The student will not be allowed to enroll in education courses until he/she has been reinstated.
A student whose admission has been revoked must apply through the Professional Practices Committee (PPC) for reinstatement to the PTEP. After submitting an application for reinstatement, the student may be readmitted after 12 credit hours of 3.0 GPA with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better.
Note: Students applying for reinstatement should be aware that the dates of registration and posting of grades may result in them not being reinstated in time to enroll in education classes they may need. By the time their 3.0 GPA has been verified the class(es) needed may be closed.
Undergraduate Special Education (Mild/Moderate) (K-12)
Statement of Philosophy
To facilitate inclusion with a collaboration emphasis, all students wishing to license in Special Education with a Mild/Moderate endorsement at SUU must also be licensed in elementary or secondary education.
Students planning to teach students with mild/moderate learning, behavioral, or intellectual disabilities must complete the program in mild/moderate special education in addition to either the elementary major or the secondary education licensure.
Admission to the Special Education (Mild/Moderate Endorsement) Licensure Program
Admission to the SUU Special Education (Mild/Moderate endorsement) program is contingent on the following:
- Admission to the PTEP.
- Completion of SPED 2030 with a grade of “C” or better.
Continued enrollment in the Special Education (Mild/Moderate endorsement) program is contingent on the maintenance of a “C” grade or better in all classes in the program. Application materials and further information regarding this program may be obtained by contacting the Teacher Education Department.
Specific Special Education/Dual-Licensure Student Teaching Requirements
To be eligible to complete student teaching in a special education school setting, the teacher candidate:
- Must have been officially admitted to the PTEP Capstone (Student Teaching)
- Must have completed all requirements for the major in elementary education or academic major for secondary education
- Will not register for any other course work during student teaching
- Will have completed all PTEP and Special Education Courses
Graduate Admissions Information
The Beverley Taylor Sorenson College of Education and Human Development’s Graduate Studies in Education programs have been tailored to meet the needs of practicing educators who desire to advance their educational training and expertise. The programs provide multiple distance learning opportunities for individuals who desire to obtain a Master of Education Degree and/or an Educational Leadership License. For a non-degreed licensure program of study, see Administrative/Supervisory License Leadership in Education & Administrative Development (LEAD).
Admission Requirements for M.Ed.
For detailed directions on graduate application procedures, potential candidates applying individually should refer to the Graduate Studies in Education web page at www.suu.edu/ed/graduate.
Supplemental Admission Requirements
In addition to the minimum requirements, applicants to the program must also submit (as applicable):
- Official transcript(s) and proof of a GPA of 3.0 or higher calculated off the last 60 semester hours of coursework;
- Participation in Program Orientation;
- Evidence of current teaching assignment;
- One (1) recommendation from a principal/administrator/other supervisor; and
- Writing prompt.
Admission Requirements for Administrative Licensure/M.Ed. LEAD
All requirements must be met prior to admission to the program. For specific requirements for M.Ed. with Administrative License or Administrative License only programs, see www.suu.edu/ed/graduate/administrative-license.html.
In addition to the minimum requirements, applicants to this program must also submit the following:
- Proof of Utah professional educator license;
- Confidential recommendation from immediate administrative supervisor or an LEA-level administrator with knowledge regarding the individual’s potential as a school leader;
- Admissions interview;
- Verification of background clearance; and
- Copy of most recent principal (or supervisor) evaluation.
Program Orientation
Before being admitted and cleared for appropriate coursework, applicants must also complete an orientation session. Orientation sessions will be held face-to-face or via Zoom at least two (2) weeks prior to the deadline for applications and submission of all required documents. Please contact Tammy Lovell at (435) 865-8759 or tammylovell@suu.edu for details.
Graduate Elective/Transfer Credit
Based on SUU credit transfer policies, in some situations, graduate-level coursework earned towards a teaching endorsement may be used as elective credit towards the Master of Education. Review of transcripts and other documentation (Utah CACTUS records, etc.) submitted during the application process is required to determine the number, if any, of credits accepted. Talk to Tammy Lovell in order to see if your endorsement qualifies.
Graduate Majors
Curriculum and Instruction
This program is designed to provide educators with advanced skills in curriculum design and instructional practice to effectively teach diverse students, and create and assess a variety of learning contexts. Candidates will study and implement various approaches to teaching and learning, including technology-supported instruction. The successful candidate will receive a Master of Education (M.Ed.) degree. This major is for practicing teachers and teacher leaders and can also prepare them to become K-12 Curriculum & Instruction Specialists.
Educational Administration Licensure
Master of Education candidates seeking state licensure in educational administration must achieve a passing score on the PRAXIS Educational Leadership: Administration and Supervision exam (#5412). Candidates must also demonstrate professional competency through submission of a professional portfolio and work sample addressing UELS Standards and an exit interview.
Educational Foundations and Policy
With the major in Educational Foundations and Policy (EFP), students will expand their understanding of education in a diverse society and educational policy. Students in this major will learn how to be change agents in their school districts and communities through examination of the historical, sociological, and philosophical aspects of education.
Higher Education and Student Affairs
The Beverly Taylor Sorenson College of Education and Human Development’s online M.Ed. major in Higher Education and Student Affairs (HESA) will prepare you for a career in student affairs through a curriculum taught by faculty who are both scholars and practitioners.
Special Education
The major in Special Education has been designed to prepare quality, entry-level candidates for teaching students with mild to moderate disabilities in special education programs grades K-12. Students successfully completing the program requirements will receive a Master of Education and a Level I Utah professional teaching license in mild/moderate disabilities K-12.
Note: Students will not be receiving a Master of Special Education. This is merely a program that helps lead to a Special Education (K-12) license along with the Master of Education.
Graduate Capstone Project
All M.Ed. candidates complete a Practitioner Research study. In order to complete this study, students must be currently working in an educational setting.
M.Ed. candidates who do not successfully complete the Capstone requirements (thesis) by the end of the semester in which they registered for their Capstone course must continuously enroll in EDUC 6931 - Capstone Master of Education Seminar (1 Credit) until their Capstone Project has been accepted as complete by program faculty. Candidates should meet with their Thesis Committee Chair for advisement and request to enroll in EDUC 6933 - Practitioner Research II for the semester they will defend their thesis project.
Graduate Graduation Information
- Master’s degree and Licensure programs must be completed within six (6) years of beginning coursework after admission. Credits earned before admission to the program may be no older than 10 years at the time of program completion.
- Graduate students must earn a 3.0 GPA each semester. If the overall GPA falls below 3.0, the student will be placed on probation for one semester. At the end of the probationary semester, if the GPA is not a 3.0, the student will be dropped from the program. A “B-” grade or below is considered a failing grade. If a student earns a “B-” or below in a course, the course must be retaken. Failure to raise the grade in two (2) subsequent attempts will result in the student being dropped from the program. Students dropped from the program may apply for readmission after a five-year period has passed.
- Graduate students must display professional dispositions, including, but not limited to, academic integrity, throughout their course of study. Student performance reviews occur routinely during graduate faculty meetings, where concerns regarding student dispositions are discussed. If warranted, concerns will be addressed through various means that may require action from the student before continuing in the program.
- Incidents of academic dishonesty will be investigated and could impact the final grade in the course and/or status in the program. Section II C. 2 b. of the SUU Student Handbook prohibits “cheating, forgery, plagiarism or other use of work belonging to another person.” As stated in the SUU Catalog, “If a student is guilty of academic dishonesty, the student may be dismissed from the class and may receive a failing grade. Other penalties may include suspension or expulsion from school.” The Graduate Studies in Education faculty use plagiarism detection software on submitted work.
- If a student misses more than two (2) consecutive semesters, excluding summer sessions, the student must apply for readmission and is subject to current Catalog requirements at the time of readmission.
- Due to the rigorous nature of graduate studies, students must have special permission from the Graduate Studies in Education Office to enroll in more than six (6) hours/credits during fall or spring semesters. Students may enroll for no more than nine (9) hours/credits during the summer.
- Policies and procedures are subject to change.
ProgramsAssociate’s DegreeBachelor’s DegreeMinorMaster’s DegreeTeaching/Education Endorsement (Undergraduate)Teaching/Education Endorsement (Graduate)Teaching/Education Licensure (Undergraduate)Teaching/Education Licensure (Graduate)