Oct 18, 2024  
2024-2025 General Catalog [Current] 
2024-2025 General Catalog [Current]

Department of Accounting and Finance

Person IconDepartment Chair & M.Acc. Program Director
Robin Boneck – BUS 201
Faculty IconFaculty & Staff
Person IconAdministrative Assistant
Heather Jones – BUS 229
Advisor IconUndergraduate & Graduate Advisors

Overview of Programs


This program prepares students for rewarding careers in accountancy. In addition to learning how to prepare, summarize, and analyze accounting data, undergraduate students gain more specialized knowledge of financial accounting, management/cost accounting, business law, accounting information systems, auditing, and taxation. Students also broaden their knowledge of business by taking courses in management, marketing, finance, and economics. The accounting undergraduate program helps students develop skills in communication, ethics, critical thinking, and quantitative methods. Most graduates stay to complete the Master of Accountancy degree.


Finance is a fundamental business discipline concerned with the concepts and methods underlying financial institutions and markets, investment theory, and the financial management of organizations. As well as being essential to successful business management, finance is vitally important to the economy as a whole since it is concerned with the allocation of capital to those individuals, firms, and sectors that can use it most efficiently.

The finance major prepares students for professional careers in areas such as business financial management, financial planning, investments, banking, insurance, and real estate. Many finance graduates get advanced degrees in business management, finance, and related fields. 

Master of Accountancy

This degree requires students to complete 30 hours of post-graduate education. The graduate program provides greater breadth and depth of learning to further develop the knowledge and skills required of professional accountants. With a placement rate of nearly 100%, the M.Acc. program at SUU emphasizes experiential learning through internships, CPA exam readiness courses, and case studies. Most M.Acc. graduates are employed by accounting firms or government agencies in the western United States. Typical jobs include positions in taxation, auditing, and controllership. This highly flexible program can be completed online or as a blend of online and on-campus courses.



The mission of the Accountancy Program in the School of Business at Southern Utah University is to achieve excellence in accounting education through teaching, intellectual contributions, and service. The program endeavors to provide high-quality preparation for professional careers to students, to make relevant intellectual contributions to the field of accounting, and to provide service to the university, community, and stakeholders.

  • The primary mission is to provide high-quality accounting preparation for professional careers in public accounting, industry, and other organizations.
    • The undergraduate program is devoted to providing basic accounting and business knowledge and skills, including experiential education, needed for career development.
    • The graduate program provides greater breadth and depth in accounting and other business disciplines to further develop the knowledge and skills to enter professional accountancy and related business careers.
      • The fostering of an active student accounting organization is fundamental to the career development process.
  • Intellectual contributions to the field of accounting are secondary, but fundamental to the mission of the program.
    • These include the dissemination of the results of accounting and pedagogical contributions, and the development and use of relevant accounting textbooks, case studies, and other instructional materials. The program seeks to address contemporary problems faced by the accounting profession, accounting education, or management primarily to enrich the educational experience of students in the classroom.
  • Tertiary, but also fundamental to the mission of the program, is service to the University, the accounting profession, and society in general.
    • Service is provided through participation in University committees, professional organizations and seminars, sponsoring student organizations, and consulting activities. In addition to assisting others, service experiences develop the knowledge and skills of those who serve, and provide relevant, practical examples for use in the classroom.


The primary mission of the finance program at Southern Utah University is to offer students high-quality courses, programs, and other educational opportunities that impart valuable life skills and excellent preparation for professional careers or graduate school. Highly effective teaching, focused on student learning, is the hallmark of the program. By providing outstanding training in finance, the program serves its own majors, the School of Business, and the general education program of the University.

In addition, the faculty strives to make meaningful intellectual contributions by conducting and disseminating the results of quality research and related scholarly endeavors, which activity complements and supports teaching. The faculty also provides worthwhile service to the University, the profession, the local community, and society in general. 

Department/Program Learning Outcomes


In addition to achieving the undergraduate learning objectives for all business composite degrees in the School of Business, accounting majors will acquire the following competencies:

  • Students will demonstrate a basic knowledge of each major functional area of business, including accounting, economics, finance, information systems, international, legal and social environment, management, and marketing.
  • Students will demonstrate a basic proficiency in fundamental professional skills, including written communication skills, oral communication skills, critical thinking skills, analytical skills, and ethical decision-making skills.
  • Students develop an increased level of ethical awareness and responsibility appropriate for the fiduciary role of accounting professionals through learning and applying professional codes of conduct specific to the accounting profession.
  • Students demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary for entering the profession in the areas of managerial accounting, tax, audit, financial accounting, accounting information systems, and accounting analytics.
  • Students demonstrate proficiency in accounting-specific technology (e.g., accounting software, data analytics, data visualization, and advanced EXCEL skills).


In addition to achieving the five undergraduate learning objectives for all business composite degrees in the School of Business, finance majors will acquire the following competencies:

  • Students will demonstrate a basic knowledge of each major functional area of business, including accounting, economics, finance, information systems, international, legal and social environment, management, and marketing.
  • Students will demonstrate a basic proficiency in fundamental professional skills, including written communication skills, oral communication skills, critical thinking skills, analytical skills, and ethical decision-making skills.
  • Understand financial markets, financial instruments, and the concepts and practices used by financial institutions to facilitate the flow of funds in an economy;
  • Be familiar with the principles and methods used by investors to manage and optimize financial position; and
  • Be familiar with the principles and methods used by organizations to manage funds and optimize financial structure.

Master of Accountancy

Graduate students will:

  • Use quantitative analysis and information technology to support decision making;
  • Effectively communicate information relevant to accounting;
  • Develop resolve to have moral courage in accounting; and
  • Prepare for a professional career in accounting.

Undergraduate Admission and Graduation Information

To major in a business field (Accounting, Finance, Management, or Marketing) in the Dixie L. Leavitt School of Business, students must meet certain requirements and apply for admission to the School as outlined below. 

Standard Admission Requirements

The standard requirements for full admission to business programs in the School of Business are the following:

  1. Complete all five (5) pre-business foundation courses (see below) with a grade of “C-” (1.7) or better in each course;
  2. Achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher in all pre-business foundation courses overall; and
  3. Complete at least 36 college credit hours with an overall GPA of 2.5 or higher.

Students who met these requirements are assured admission.

Pre-Business Foundation Courses

The following courses constitute the Pre-Business Foundation, which must be completed before full admission to business programs in the School of Business:

Alternative Paths to Admission

Students may apply for admission after completing all pre-business foundation courses OR during the semester in which they will complete their pre-business foundation courses, which would normally be the first or second semester of the sophomore year. Students meeting the conditions listed below will be conditionally admitted. To maintain admission, the Standard Admission Requirements must be fully met upon completion of the five (5) pre-business foundation courses.

Conditional Admission

  • Complete at least three (3) of the pre-business foundation courses with a grade of “C-” (1.7) or better in each course;
  • Be enrolled in the remaining pre-business courses;
  • Achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better in all pre-business courses completed overall; and
  • Complete at least 24 college credit hours with a total GPA of 2.5 or higher.

Students who do not meet the conditions for automatic or conditional admission but do meet the conditions specified below may apply for admission by committee review. The School Admission Committee will evaluate applications and grant or reject admission on a case-by-case basis.

Admission by Committee Review

  • Complete all five (5) pre-business foundation courses with a grade of “C-” (1.7) or better in each course; and
  • Complete at least 36 college credit hours with a total GPA of 2.0 or higher.

Along with the regular application materials, students seeking admission by committee review must submit an essay, of no more than 1,000 words, describing why they want to major in business and why they believe they can be successful.

Required Application Materials

  1. Complete application form
  2. Complete admission questionnaire
  3. Resume
  4. Application essay (for applicants requesting admission by committee review)

Repeating Failed Business or Pre-Business Courses

Students will be allowed to repeat a failed course only once. If the course is not passed with a minimum grade after the second attempt, that student will not be admitted into advanced standing or allowed to graduate with a composite degree in any of the other business majors. The required GPA for the upper-division major core is also 2.5. Every student must meet the minimum GPA standard to graduate with any business major.

Transfer Students

Transfer students, either from another college within the university or from another institution, must meet with a business advisor before enrolling in any upper-division courses to determine the extent to which the pre-business core has been fulfilled. No more than 9 credit hours in upper-division major courses will be allowed prior to achieving Advanced Standing status. For transfer information or equivalents, refer to the following web site: www.suu.edu/business/transfer.html.

Undergraduate Graduation Requirements

To graduate with a major in Accounting or Finance from SUU, the student must:

  • Be accepted to the School of Business.
  • Successfully complete the required business foundation, business core, and upper-division major classes, as listed in the catalog, with a GPA of 2.5 or better.
  • Meet the other requirements for graduation as defined by the University.
  • Complete the General Education  requirements. Transfer students can meet this requirement by the following means:
    1. Complete the GE requirements at one of the other four-year colleges in the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE), or
    2. Complete the associate of science or associate of arts degree from a community college within the USHE. (Transfer students from other community colleges must have the general education requirements evaluated by the Registrar.) Students pursuing a bachelor’s degree must take the American Institution requirement to graduate. (This course may be taken at a junior college or at SUU. See the Academic Advisement Center or Registrar’s Office for a suitable equivalent.)
  • Complete a minimum of 120 semester hours.
  • Complete a minimum of 40 upper-division semester hours (course number 3000 or above from an accredited four-year college or university).
  • Have an overall GPA of 2.0 or better.

Graduate Admission and Graduation Information

Admission Requirements

Applicants are required to submit an online application. Acceptance into the M.Acc. program is based upon the assessment of the following criteria:

  1. Bachelor’s Degree: Complete a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution prior to matriculation.
    • An accounting degree from an AACSB-accredited school requires no review of foundation courses.
    • An accounting degree from a school accredited by other accrediting bodies may require review of foundation courses.
    • A non-accounting major requires a transcript audit for the completion of the foundation courses.
  2. Official GMAT or GRE test scores: For students required to submit a GMAT or GRE test score, an index score of at least 1325 is required. The index score is computed as follows: (GPA [3.0 minimum] x 200) + (Total GMAT/GRE score x 1.5). This requirement may be waived for applicants who meet one of the following three conditions:
    • A minimum of 3.7 undergraduate GPA. For purposes of determining the minimum GPA the greater of the following is used: 1) cumulative GPA, 2) GPA for the last 60 credit hours, and 3) GPA for all foundation courses.
    • A minimum of 3.0 undergraduate GPA with two (2) or more years of significant accounting experience.
    • A GMAT/GRE waiver request may be submitted on the application form explaining why you should be admitted to the program without taking the exam (i.e. Senior Benefit as described below). The admission committee makes the final decision with regard to any GMAT/GRE waiver request.
  3. Resume: Submit a professional resume that includes employment history, academic accomplishments, and highlights professional accounting experience.
  4. International students: International applications from non-English-speaking countries must demonstrate competency in the English language. Students with a bachelor’s degree from an international university must provide an international evaluation and course content syllabi for review prior to acceptance into the M.Acc. program. Additional requirements for international students may be required. For additional information, please visit www.suu.edu/international/graduate-admission-requirements.html.

Provisional Admission

Under certain circumstances, and at the discretion of the admission committee, prospective students who do not strictly meet all acceptance requirements may be admitted to the M.Acc. program provisionally. For students admitted provisionally, continuation in the program is contingent on meeting requirements specified by the admission committee.

Senior Benefit

An SUU undergraduate student may earn up to 6 M.Acc. credit hours that can be applied towards a M.Acc. degree once admitted to the M.Acc. program (Senior Benefit). To qualify for the Senior Benefit, a student must meet the following conditions:

  1. Be an SUU student with Senior status and in the last semester of the student’s undergraduate degree.
  2. Graduate with an accounting degree or have earned the Master of Accountancy Foundation Course requirements at graduation.
  3. Have a GPA of at least 3.0.
  4. Total load for the semester cannot exceed 15.5 credit hours including the Senior Benefit courses.

The graduate credits cannot be applied towards the student’s undergraduate degree if the credits are to be used towards the M.Acc. degree. Graduate courses do not count toward eligibility for purposes of undergraduate federal student aid. A student who successfully completes the Senior Benefit is still required to submit an official application to the M.Acc. program. However, if a “B” or better grade is earned for all credits taken under the Senior Benefit, the GMAT/GRE requirement is waived for the student who submits a GMAT/GRE waiver request as part of the M.Acc. application.

Application Deadlines

Semester Start Date Domestic Application Deadline International Application Deadline
Fall semester July 15 July 15
Spring semester December 1 November 15
Summer semester May 1 April 1

Graduate Graduation Requirements

  • All graduate students must complete their program within six (6) years of matriculation.
  • Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 in graduate courses to graduate. Students who fail to maintain a 3.0 average GPA may be dropped from the program.
  • No grade below a “C” will be counted toward graduation.
  • Any graduate course may be repeated only once.


    Bachelor’s DegreeAcademic Certificate (Post-bachelor’s)MinorMaster’s DegreeJoint Master’s Degrees