Mar 11, 2025  
2013-2014 General Catalog 

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BIOL 2060 - Introductory Microbiology

3 credits

Biology of microorganism and their effect on human activities. Students will gain an understanding of: 1) the history and development of microbiology and the scientific methods utilized in medical sciences, 2) the basic principles of chemistry and cell anatomy, 3) the basic principles photosynthesis and respiration, 4) industrial applications of microbiology, 5) role of microorganisms in the environment, 6) the basic principles of microbial growth and factors affecting growth, 7) the bacterial diseases of mankind, 8) the viral parasitic diseases of mankind, 9) the basic principles of epidemiology, 10) the basic principles of immunology. Three hours of lecture and one lab per week. Recommended for non-majors, teaching and biology majors. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course.  (Fall, Spring, Summer as needed)

Prerequisite: BIOL 1610 
Co-Requisite: BIOL 2065 
General Education Course: No

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