Jan 16, 2025  
2014-2015 General Catalog 

Course Description Information


SUU’s Course Numbering System

Each course offered at Southern Utah University is assigned a unique number, indicating what type of course it is and what credits may be earned in the course. Throughout this catalog, you will find courses numbered as follows:

Understanding Catalog Terminology

Table 15.1
SUU uses the following course numbering system:
0001-0999 Development courses, no graduation credit
1000-1999 Lower Division, intended for freshmen
2000-2999 Lower Division, intended for sophomores
3000-3999 Upper Division, intended for juniors
4000-4999 Upper Division, intended for seniors
5000-5999 Advanced Upper Division, Graduate Courses/Cont. Educ
6000-6999 Advanced Graduate Courses
7000-7999 Advanced Graduate Courses

The course title is followed by the number of credit hours for the course.

Some courses carry variable credit. These are specified by either a hyphen or slash. Examples: a theatre arts listing (1-3) indicates that an amount of credit between 1 and 3 hours are available. A chemistry seminar listing (2/4/6) indicates that the course can be taken for 2, 4, or 6 hours credit. Variable laboratory hours are similarly listed.

Special credit is available through most departments for work completed through readings and conferences (4830, 6830), workshops or institutes (2920, 4920, and 6920) cooperative education (2840, 4840, and 6840) and 4890/5890/6890 internship sponsored by SUU. Consult the department chair for more information on these programs.

NOTE: TBA denotes TO BE ARRANGED. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the course instructor.

Useful Definitions

The academic terms defined below are used throughout this catalog.

Area of Specialization (Education): 18 semester hour minimum in a regent approved discipline as approved by the Utah State Office of Education

Course: A subject, or an instructional subdivision of a subject, offered through a single semester.

Credit: Indicates one semester credit hour; representing approximately one hour of the student’s time each week in attendance in a class, lecture or seminar per semester. (Could require up to three hours effort per week.)

Composite teaching major: 47 semester hour minimum in a field approved by the Utah State Office of Education.

Composite major: 52 semester hour minimum in a discipline; no minor is required.

Curriculum: An organized program of study arranged to provide a sequence of professional education.

Discipline: A branch of learning or field of study such as history, chemistry or accounting.

Electives: Courses that students may choose to take, as contrasted with required courses.

Emphasis/Concentration: 12 semester hour minimum within the major.

Major: 36 semester hour minimum in a regent approved discipline that is nationally classified by the U.S. Department of Education.

Major (Education): 36 semester hour minimum in a regent approved discipline that is nationally classified by the U.S. Department of Education and is approved by the Utah State Office of Education.

Minor: 16 semester hour minimum in a regent approved discipline.

Option: A choice within a specialization as defined by a department.

Prerequisite: A course or other education requirement that must be completed prior to another course or before proceeding to more advanced study.

Semester: Approximately one-third of the academic year, either fall, spring or summer.

Seminar: A small group of advanced students studying a subject under a faculty member’s supervision.

Track: A focus within a graduate program.


Table 15.2
The following course prefixes are in accordance with the registrar’s classification system.
ACCT Accounting
AGSC Agricultural Science
ANTH Anthropology
ASL American Sign Language
ARTH Art History
AA Arts Administration
BIOL Biology
BU Business
BA Business Administration
BE Business Education
CCET CAD/CAM Engineering Technology
CPS Continuing and Professional Studies
CHEM Chemistry
CIET Computing, Integrated Engineering, & Tech
COMM Communication
CSIS Computer Science & Information Systems
CM Construction Management
CJ Criminal Justice
DANC Dance/Theatre Arts
ECED Early Childhood Education
ECON Economics
EDUC Education
EDRG Education Reading
EET Electronics Engineering Technology
ELED Elementary Education
ENGR Engineering
ENGL English
EESL English as a second language
FLHD Family Life & Human Development
FIN Finance
FREN French
GEOG Geography
GEO Geology
GERM German
HIST History
HONR Honors
HRHM Hotel, Resort, Hospitality Management
HSS Humanities and Social Science
HU Humanities
LANG Language
LM Library Media
MGMT Management
MKTG Marketing
MATH Mathematics
MILS Military Science
MSFS Master of Science in Forensic Science
MUSC Music
NR Natural Resources
NURS Nursing
NFS Nutrition & Food Science
ORPT Outdoor Recreation in Parks & Tourism
PLGL Paralegal
PVA Performing and Visual Arts
PE Physical Education
PHIL Philosophy
PSCI Physical Science
PHYS Physics
POLS Political Science
PSY Psychology
PADM Public Administration
RANG Range Management
SCI Science
SCED Secondary Education
SST Shakespeare Studies
SOSC Social Science
SOC Sociology
SPAN Spanish
SPED Special Education
STIT Short Term Intensive Training
THEA Theatre Arts
UNIV University
WGS Women and Gender Studies


Table 15.3
University-Wide Course Numbers
Readings & Conference 2830, 4830, 6830 description
Workshops 2920, 4920, 5920, 6920 description
Coop Education 2840, 4840, 6840 description
Internship 4890, 5890, 6890 description
Convocation 2010 description
Service Learning 2120 description
Undergraduate Research 2850, 2990, 3990, 4850
Graduate Research 6850