Oct 22, 2024  
2013-2014 General Catalog 

Academic Policies & Procedures


The Admissions Office serves as the first point of contact for prospective students and those desiring more information about Southern Utah University. Complete information and applications are also available online at www.suu.edu/admissions

The following sections define the deadlines for applying for admission, the process by which admission is determined, and the standards that students must meet to be admitted. See Table 3.2 for a summary of admission requirements.

Application Deadlines

Students are encouraged to plan early to apply to Southern Utah University. Deadlines for undergraduate admission are listed on the application. Application materials may be submitted at any time before the admission deadline. Students who apply early are more likely to secure an early registration time and a seat in the courses desired. (See Registration Policies and Procedures). The application and deadlines may be found online at www.suu.edu/admissions.

Admission Standards

The University has adopted the following admission standards to prepare students for success in college.

Accredited High School Graduates

Students who have graduated from an accredited high school and are under 24 years of age will be considered for admission based on cumulative unweighted high school GPA and test scores on either the ACT or SAT test. SUU’s admission index (see Table 3.4) is used to determine admission. This index assigns more weight to high school grades than to test scores. For example, if a student’s GPA (grade point average) is a 3.0 on a 4-point scale, he/she is a likely candidate for admission. It is recommended, but not required, that students complete specific preparatory coursework in high school (see Table 3.1). Students who graduated from high school and are 24 or older will be considered for admission with at least a 2.0 cumulative high school GPA. (ACT/SAT scores are not required).

Completed GED Certificate

Students who have completed the GED will be considered for admission if the standard score average on the GED is at least 500 (50 if the GED was completed prior to January 2002) with minimum sub-scores of 450. Students under age 24 must have an ACT composite score of at least 21 (or SAT combined score of at least 990) and meet the minimum admission index.

Home School or Unaccredited High School Graduate

Students who graduated from a home school program or an unaccredited high school and did not complete the GED will be considered for admission with a transcript of courses that lists all courses studied and grades received and an ACT composite score of at least 21 (or SAT combined score of at least 990).

Table 3.1

University Preparatory Core

Courses recommended for high school students who intend to enter SUU (Not required for admission)

Subject Area Units
English 4 yrs (Composition & Literature emphasis)
Mathematics 3 yrs (at least 2 of which are elementary algebra or beyond)


Of these units that must be lab

3 yrs

1 yr

Foreign Language 2 yrs
Social Studies 3 yrs (1 of which is American History and Government)

Transfer Students

Students who have earned fewer than 24 post-high school transferable credits will be considered for admission on the basis of their high school transcript or GED, ACT/SAT scores, and their transcript of college work. Students who have earned more than 24 post-high school transferable credits will be considered for admission on the basis of their college transcript. Students will be considered for admission if they were in good academic standing at the last institution attended and have a cumulative GPA (grade point average) of 2.0 (based on transferable credits from all colleges and universities).

Applicants who have a GPA of less than 2.0 may be denied admission. Appeals of the denial may be made in writing to the Academic Standards and Admissions Committee and submitted via email to the Admissions Office. Information may be found online at https://www.suu.edu/admissions/admission-review.html

For students dismissed from a college or university for cause, admission is unlikely, but will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Academic Standards and Admissions Committee. Contact the Admissions Office for more information. Information is also online at https://www.suu.edu/admissions/admission-review.html

Returning Students

A student who has previously attended SUU and has been away for two semesters or more (summer not included), will be considered a returning student if he/she has not attended another college or university in the interim. Students who leave SUU and attend another college or university are considered transfer students. Returning students must have a previous cumulative SUU GPA of 2.0 or higher (see Table 3.2). Students who have been away from SUU for two or more semesters, or attended another institution, must submit an application for re-admission and pay the application fee.

Returning students who left on probation and were gone for more than two semesters or were required to withdraw must submit a written request for readmission from the Academic Standards and Admissions Committee. A letter should explain the reason for the academic standing, why they wish to return to SUU, and what will be done to ensure academic success. The letter should be emailed to the Admissions Office at least two weeks prior to the deadline of each semester. See General Catalog, Probation & Dismissal.

Returning students who have been approved for a leave of absence will not be required to submit a new application.

Second Baccalaureate Degree Students

If a student desires to obtain a second baccalaureate degree, he/she must have a 2.0 GPA for admission and submit an admission application. Once admitted, students are advised to meet with the department chair of his/her major to determine course requirements.

Non-Degree-Seeking Students

The University offers a non-degree admission category for students who are: 1) visiting students from another college who are in good academic standing; 2) adults living in the area who wish to take a course or two for their own personal or professional development.

Students applying for non-degree status are restricted to enrolling in no more than seven credit hours per term. Non-degree seeking students desiring to take courses for continuing semesters must contact the Admissions Office each semester. Additional hours may be taken upon approval by the SUU Admissions Office. Applying for non-degree-seeking status is a convenient option for students applying for admission solely to take courses of interest. Credits earned as a non-degree-seeking student may be applied toward a degree at a later date. Please be aware that non-degree-seeking students are not eligible to receive federal financial aid. Students who were dismissed from any college or university within the last semester are ineligible for non-degree-seeking status.

Early Admission

High school students who graduate from high school early and wish to apply for admission on a full-time basis must meet the following requirements:

  • complete admission requirements (application form, application fee, transcripts and test scores); and
  • meet the minimum requirements of the admissions index (see Table 3.4);
  • be a senior in high school with verification that they will have completed graduation requirements;
  • letter from student requesting early admission;
  • have written approval of parent or guardian;
  • have written approval of high school principal.

Concurrent Enrollment

Students who would like to attend high school and take college courses at the same time may be eligible for concurrent enrollment at SUU. Options include taking SUU courses at the students’ high school campus or taking courses at SUU. To take courses at a high school campus, consult a high school counselor. To take courses at SUU, contact SUU’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies or the Admissions Office. Applicants will need to:

  • complete the online concurrent admissions application the first semester;
  • pay the one-time, non-refundable application fee;
  • provide a copy of the high school transcript;
  • obtain permission of a parent and high school counselor or principal;
  • be of junior or senior standing in high school;
  • have a minimum high school GPA of 3.0;
  • meet minimum pre-requisites for each course.

Concurrent enrollment students are not eligible for financial aid. Students may apply as an undergraduate student after high school graduation by submitting a completed admissions application, high school transcript, and ACT scores. Once admitted as an undergraduate student, students are eligible for financial aid.


SUCCESS Academy applicants are students in grades 10-12 who have chosen to participate in the early college high school program.

Admission Criteria for Success Academy Students

Students wishing to participate in limited University experiences in the 10th grade must meet the following requirements:

  • Have a minimum cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 at the end of grade 9
  • Earn a minimum composite score of 17 on the ACT
  • All course pre-requisites must be met by the student before taking approved courses.

Non-Regionally Accredited Colleges

Students are eligible for admission as a transfer student with official college transcripts, high school transcripts, and ACT/SAT scores (if applicable).

College Connections Bridge Program      

Students whose admissions index is less than 90 may be considered for admission to the College Connections bridge program. During their first semester, students take a specialized section of College Student Success (UNIV 1050), a course that provides new students with an extended orientation to the academic expectations and demands of higher education. Students are admitted on probation and must pass UNIV 1050 with a minimum grade of C- and achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 for their first term in order to continue as an SUU student.

Students with Admission Indices Between 90-95

Students whose admission index falls between 90 and 94.9 will take College Student Success (UNIV 1050) during their first semester at SUU as a condition of their admission to the University. This course is designed to further students’ academic tools and understanding of the demands of higher education to assist students in being successful in their academic endeavors. 

Conditional Status

Students whose application is incomplete may occasionally be conditionally admitted. Once the Admissions Office receives all required documents, students will be assigned a final admission status. Admission under conditional status may remain in effect for no longer than one semester. Students will not be eligible to register for subsequent semesters until the admission status changes.

When Students Are Admitted

Once students are admitted, they will receive notice of their admission status by mail.

Denied Status

Applicants who do not meet the minimum standards for admission as stated above will be denied admission.


Applicants may file appeals for special consideration if unusual or extenuating circumstances prevent an applicant from meeting the minimum admission standards, the application deadline, or Utah residency requirements. Appeals for new or returning students must be received no later than one week prior to the deadline for each semester. To file an appeal, contact the Admissions Office. Information may be found online at https://www.suu.edu/admissions/admission-review.html

Probationary Status

Students who transfer with less than a 2.0 cumulative GPA may be admitted on a probationary status by the Academic Standards and Admissions Committee as indicated in the Appeals section above, Probationary status requires that students attain a minimum 2.0 grade-point average in the first semester at SUU.

Students may be assigned probationary status if any of the following apply:

  • The student transferred to SUU with less than a 2.0 GPA from another college or university.
  • The student attended SUU and left the university on academic probation.
  • Even if a student successfully completes courses at another institution since leaving SUU, he/she will reenter on a probationary status if their SUU GPA is below 2.0.

International Students

The following information will be required of all international students who are applying for admission to Southern Utah University:

  1. Application for admission: Admission application including a non-refundable application fee (U.S. currency only);
  2. Finances: The U.S. Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services requires an international student to show that funds are available for the first year of study, and that adequate funding will also be available for subsequent years. The official letter from a banking institution must accompany the financial statement found at https://www.suu.edu/iss/forms.html
  3. Transcripts: Official transcripts (record of courses taken and grades received) from each secondary school, college, or university attended must be submitted. Transcripts must be submitted on an official school document which lists the name and address of the school, the dates enrolled, grading systems, description of each subject or examination, and mark or grade earned in each subject or examination. Unless the school attended routinely issues transcripts in English, official records must be submitted in the original language with official English translations. Translations must be literal and complete and must be translated by an authorized translation service, found at https://www.suu.edu/graduatestudies/prospective/international-req.html Official transcripts must be sent directly from the school attended to the Southern Utah University International Admissions Office, 351 W. University Blvd., Cedar City, UT 84720. Transcripts (other than official documents) submitted become the property of the University and cannot be returned to the applicant. Faxed transcripts and other documents are not considered official. Notarized transcripts are not considered official.
  4. If transferring from a U.S. college or university, please complete the Transfer Clearance Form found at www.suu.edu/prostu/pdf/intl-transfer-clearance.pdf and send it directly to the SUU International Admissions Office.
  5. English Proficiency: Proof of English proficiency is required for all applicants whose first language is not English. Students may show proficiency in English by providing scores for any one of the following:
    Test of English as a Foreign Language - A minimum score of 525 on the paper based test, or 197 computer based, or a 71 IBT is required for undergraduate applicants to be admitted. Graduate applicants must achieve a minimum 79 IBT. The official TOEFL score must be sent directly to the International Admissions Office by the educational testing service and must not be over two years old at the time of application. Registration information regarding the TOEFL is available at www.toefl.org.
    IELTS International English Language Testing System- Students are required to have a minimum score of 6.0 or higher to be admitted. Students who wish to take the IELTS should visit the IELTS website www.ielts.org for information.
    Applicants with an undergraduate or graduate degree from an accredited college or university in the U.S. may not be required to take the tests listed above.
  6. Successful completion of approved English language programs.
  7. Insurance and Medical Health: Each new and transferring student must provide verification of adequate health and medical insurance. Each student MUST also submit immunization records and proof of a negative TB test within six (6) months of entering the United States. If you have not had a current TB test, you may elect to have the test taken within five (5) days of arrival at SUU at a minimal cost.

Maintenance of Status

Immigration Naturalization Service requirement for an F-1 student are:

  • Have a valid passport at all times.
  • Maintain full-time status by registering for at least 12 undergraduate semester hours or 9 graduate semester hours for fall and spring.
  • Limit employment on campus to 20 hours while school is in session.
  • Current address must be kept on file with the Admissions Office at all times and with Division of Homeland Security within 10 days of change.

Failure to maintain legal status may result in termination of F-1 visa, and deportation.

English as a Second Language (ESL) Transfers:

There is an English as a Second Language program operated by Southern Utah University. Students that have not yet mastered English well enough to be successful as a full-time student may be placed in a Half-Half program. Students will attend the ESL program half-time or six credits, and regular SUU classes half-time. If the SUU classes have been successfully completed the student may be fully admitted to SUU for subsequent semesters.

Once admitted to the University on a full-time basis students placed on academic probation because of a cumulative GPA of less than 2.0 may be required to return to the ESL program for additional remedial work.

Retention of Admission Records

If a student applied for admission but never enrolled, the Admissions Office keeps his/her records for one year. If a student requests admission to Southern Utah University beyond this retention period, he/she may be asked to furnish new application materials, such as an application and/or transcripts.

Table 3.2
Admission Requirements
To apply for undergraduate admission, students must submit all materials indicated in the appropriate list below to the Admissions Office. The application and fee may be submitted on the web at www.suu.edu/apply
Concurrent Enrollment for High School Students

High school seniors and juniors may take courses on a high school campus or on the SUU campus.

  • Concurrent Enrollment Application for admission form;
  • One-time, non-refundable application fee.
  • Official high school transcript showing all classes completed
  •  ACT or SAT scores (if taken)
First-time, Full-time Freshmen Students graduating from high school within one year of attendance.
  • Application for admission form;
  • One-time, non-refundable application fee;
  • Official high school transcript showing all courses completed and date of graduation OR GED test scores; (NOTE: Students currently enrolled in high school, may receive a preliminary admission decision by submitting high school transcripts after the junior year)
  • ACT or SAT scores.
Former High School Graduates

Students who graduated from high school more than one year prior to attendance.

  • Application for admission form;
  • One-time, non-refundable application fee,
  • Official high school transcript showing all courses completed and date of graduation OR GED test scores.
  • ACT or SAT results (required for students under the age of 24)
Transfer Students Students attending a college or university AFTER high school graduation.
  • Application for admission form;
  • One-time, non-refundable application fee;
  • Official transcript from each college or university attended. (NOTE: Students currently attending another college may receive a preliminary admission decision by sending an in-progress transcript of work to date.)

Students transferring to SUU with fewer than 24 post high school transferable credits, must also submit the following:

  • Official high school transcript showing date of graduation OR GED test scores;
  • ACT or SAT results (required for students under the age of 24)
Returning SUU Student

Former SUU students who have not enrolled for two semesters or more (not including summer) must reapply for admission by submitting a new application for admission. Returning Students must also submit any of the following that are needed to complete their file:

  • Non-refundable re-application fee;
  • Official transcripts from all other colleges attended.

(NOTE: Students who have deferred their attendance do not need to complete an application or pay the reapplication fee if they have not attended another school while away from SUU.)

Second Baccalaureate Degree Applicant in an Undergraduate Academic Program
  • Application for admission form;
  • One-time, non-refundable application fee;
  • Official transcript from each college or university attended
Non-Degree- Seeking Applicant
  • Application for admission form;
  • One-time, non-refundable application fee
International Applicant
  • Application for admission form;
  • One-time, non-refundable application fee;
  • Academic records;
  • Official TOEFL or IELTS scores;
  • Verification of financial resources to cover one full year of expenses;
  • Any other documents necessary listed under “International Students” concerning immigration information
Graduate Academic Programs Applicant

Students who wish to pursue graduate studies must apply through the SUU Admissions Office. Information about graduate programs and the application are also available online at: www.suu.edu/graduatestudies

Admission requirements for graduate students are summarized in Table 3.3. See Academic Programs  for detailed information.


Table 3.3
Graduate Studies Admissions
In order to apply for graduate admission, the following must be submitted to the SUU Admission office:
  1. Proof of completed bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university;
  2. Completed graduate admission application;
  3. One-time, non-refundable application fee;
  4. One official transcript from each college or university previously attended;
  5. Three recommendations;
  6. Additional documents as listed below and online at www.suu.edu/graduatestudies

Applicants for the Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Arts Administration program must also submit:

  1. Resume
  2. Writing sample
  3. Interviews will be schedule by the Chair of the MFA program

Applicants for the Master of Arts in Arts Administration online program must also submit:

  1. Official transcripts from each undergraduate college and/or university attended Earned bachelor’s degree transcript.
  2. Resume of Academic & Professional experience.
  3. Three (3) recommendations (online or written letters).
  4. Completed application.
  5. $60 application fee ($75 for international students).
  6. Written statement of purpose
  7. Interview and acceptance by the Program Director.

Applicants for the Graduate Studies in Education programs

  1. Please refer to http://www.suu.edu/ed/graduate or the Graduate Studies in Education  section of the catalog.

Applicants for either the Master of Accountancy (MAcc) or the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program must also submit:

  1. GMAT or GRE scores.
    (Note: Letters of recommendation are not required for SUU graduates with business majors.)

Applicants for the Master of Arts in Professional Communication (MA) program must also submit:

  1. Letter of intent
  2. Writing Sample
  3. GRE scores
    (Note: Letters of recommendation are not required for recent SUU graduates with communication majors.)

Applicants for the Master of Sports Conditioning and Performance program must also submit:

  1. Letter of intent
  2. GRE or GMAT, or LSAT scores

Please see the program for specific details.

Applicants for the Master of Public Administration program must also submit:

  1. Letter of intent
  2. GRE, GMAT, or LSAT scores
  3. Written letters of recommendation.  Electronic forms will not be accepted.

Applicants for the Master of Science in Forensic Science program must also submit:

  1. Letter of intent
  2. GRE or GMAT;
  3. Certification or license if baccalaureate degree is not in physical education, exercise science, wellness, sports medicine, health or related fields of study.
Rural Master of Social Work
Southern Utah University cooperates with the University of Utah in making this degree available on the SUU campus. For more information contact Scott Sorensen CN 225L ~ (435) 586-1938 or Sorensen_s@suu.edu.
Prospective graduate students should review the department website of their intended academic plan to determine if additional admissions requirements are necessary at www.suu.edu/graduatestudies

Application Deadlines & Dates

The application deadlines for SUU’s graduate programs are as follows:

MBA and MAcc

Fall = March 1
Spring = October 1
Summer = March 1

Graduate Studies in Education, Fall = Second Tuesday in July
Spring = Second Tuesday in November
Summer = Second Tuesday in April
MFA in Arts Administration Fall = March 1
MA in Arts Administration Fall = February 15
MA in Professional Communication Fall = June 15
Spring = October 15
MS in Forensic Science Fall = August 1
Spring = December 1
MS in Sports Conditioning & Performance Summer = February 15
Fall = July 15
Spring = October 15
Master of Public Administration Fall = July 15
Spring = November 15
Summer = April 15th

Graduate Assistantships

Graduate Assistantships are available in limited number in nearly all graduate programs.

Students applying for or participating in a graduate assistantship must meet or exceed all criteria for entering the program, maintain graduate status, and make satisfactory progress toward the degree. Information on graduate assistantships is available from deans or coordinators of graduate programs.

Questions About These Policies

If students have questions about these policies, they should contact the Admissions Office, Sharwan Smith Center Building, Room 166, (435) 586-7740.

Table 3.4

Admissions Index

Gray area indicates automatic admission. Candidates in non-shaded areas are considered for admission.

Test Score                    
ACT SAT 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2
36 1600 142 140 139 137 135 133 132 130 128 126 124 123 121 119 117 116 114 112 110
35 1580 140 138 137 135 133 131 130 128 126 124 122 121 119 117 115 114 112 110 108
34 1530 138 136 135 133 131 129 128 126 124 122 120 119 117 115 113 112 110 108 106
33 1460 136 134 133 131 129 127 126 124 122 120 118 117 115 113 111 110 108 106 104
32 1410 134 132 131 129 127 125 124 122 120 118 116 115 113 111 109 108 106 104 102
31 1360 133 131 130 128 126 124 123 121 119 117 115 114 112 110 108 107 105 103 101
30 1320 131 129 128 126 124 122 121 119 117 115 113 112 110 108 106 105 103 101 99
29 1280 129 127 126 124 122 120 119 117 115 113 111 110 108 106 104 103 101 99 97
28 1240 127 125 124 122 120 118 117 115 113 111 109 108 106 104 102 101 99 97 95
27 1210 126 124 123 121 119 117 116 114 112 110 108 107 105 103 101 100 98 96 94
26 1170 124 122 121 119 117 115 114 112 110 108 106 105 103 101 99 98 96 94 92
25 1140 122 120 119 117 115 113 112 110 108 106 104 103 101 99 97 96 94 92 90
24 1100 120 118 117 115 113 111 110 108 106 104 102 101 99 97 95 94 92 90 88
23 1060 118 116 115 113 111 109 108 106 104 102 101 99 97 95 94 92 90 88 86
22 1030 117 115 114 112 110 108 107 105 102 101 99 98 96 94 92 91 89 87 85
21 990 115 113 112 110 108 106 105 103 101 99 97 96 94 92 91 89 87 85 83
20 950 113 111 110 108 106 104 103 101 99 97 95 94 92 90 88 87 85 83 81
19 910 111 109 108 106 104 102 101 99 97 95 93 92 90 88 86 85 83 81 79
18 860 109 107 106 104 102 100 99 97 95 93 91 90 88 86 84 83 81 79 77
17 820 108 106 105 103 101 99 98 96 94 92 90 89 87 85 83 82 80 78 76
16 770 106 104 103 101 99 97 96 94 92 90 88 87 85 83 81 80 78 76 74

Residency Status: For a residency application and information, visit: https://www.suu.edu/admissions/residency.html. Residency is determined by Utah law on domicile, and the following rules apply:

  • Students who are classified as a non-resident of the state of Utah are required to pay non-resident tuition.
  • Students who believe they can qualify for resident status should file a petition with the Associate Director of Admissions. The deadline for filing the petition is within 30 days prior to and 21 days following the first day of class of the semester for which residency is requested. Petition forms are available online at https://www.suu.edu/admissions/residency.html or in the Admissions Office. Each petition will be considered in accordance with Utah law R512 (http://higheredutah.org/sbr/policy/pdf/R512.pdf).
  • To guide students, the meaning of the word “resident” shall be determined by reference to the general law of the subject of domicile, except, that the following rules shall apply:
  1. A United States Citizen or person with permanent residency who has come to Utah and established residency for the purpose of attending an institution of higher education shall, prior to registration as a resident student:
    • Maintain continuous domicile in Utah for twelve (12) or more months immediately preceding the term for which residency for tuition purposes is desired. Absences totaling less than thirty (30) days (excluding weekends) will not disrupt this requirement. Verification of physical presence is required;
    • Maintain continuous Utah residency (excluding summers) while completing 60 semester credit hours immediately preceding the term for which you are applying at a regionally accredited Utah higher education institution or an equivalent number of applicable contact hours at a Utah college of applied technology;
    • Demonstrate by additional objective evidence, including Utah voter registration, Utah driver’s license, Utah vehicle registration, employment in Utah, payment of Utah resident income taxes, declaration of financial independence, and the establishment of a domicile in Utah, and has abandoned domicile elsewhere.
    • Declaration of Financial Independence - In addition to submitting objective evidence of domicile, a person seeking resident student status following 12 months of continuous residence in Utah or completing 60 credits must also submit a declaration of financial independence, which must include, at a minimum, evidence that the person is not claimed as a dependent on the federal or state tax returns of any person who is not a resident of Utah. Institutional residency officers may require such documentation at the time of initial application for resident student status, and at any time thereafter to verify a student’s continued eligibility for resident student tuition. (R512.4.5)
    • Personnel of the United States Armed Forces assigned to active duty in Utah, and the immediate members of their families residing with them in this state are entitled to resident status for tuition purposes. Upon the termination of active duty status, the military personnel and their family members are governed by the standards applicable to nonmilitary persons.
  2. Aliens who have been granted immigrant or permanent resident status in the United States are classified for purposes of resident status according to the same criteria applicable to citizens.
  3. Any American Indian not otherwise qualified as a resident, who is enrolled on the tribal rolls of a tribe whose reservation or trust lands lie partly or wholly within Utah or whose border is at any point contiguous with the border of Utah, and any American Indian who is a member of a federally recognized or known Utah tribe and who has graduated from a high school in Utah is entitled to resident student status.
  4. A prospective student whose credentials indicate out-of-state status is classified as a non-resident.
    • A change in residence status is not an automatic procedure.
    • Consult with the staff in the Admissions Office for more information.

The following information and flow chart (see Table 3.6) have been provided to assist students in understanding the residency law for tuition purposes. The Admissions Office determines residency status for tuition purposes. Students are classified either resident or non-resident at the time the admission application is received. If there are questions regarding residency status, individuals are classified as non-residents.

The University honors the residency status determined by other Utah colleges or universities unless the classification was obtained under false pretense. Applicants who are denied Utah residency for tuition purposes may file an appeal to be reviewed by the Residency Appeals Committee. Applicants are notified of the decision of the Appeals Committee in writing. Appeals must be filed within 21 days of the beginning of the term for which residency is desired.

Individuals may also obtain residency status by:

  • marrying a Utah resident. Applicants are required to submit a marriage certificate, objective evidence listed above, and documentation that their spouse is a Utah resident.
  • being a spouse or dependent of an individual who establishes his/her domicile in Utah to work on a full-time, permanent basis. Applicants must submit documentation of Utah resident status as outlined above for the applicant and spouse/parent/guardian.
  • being a client of a Social or Rehabilitation Service Agency in Utah. Individuals must provide Utah documentation of domiciliary intent.

Please note: Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) and Legacy Scholarship recipients will not be eligible to apply for residency for tuition purposes using the time spent receiving the waiver/scholarship. To view Utah Residency FAQ (see Table 3.5).

A change in residence status is not an automatic procedure. If you need more information, consult with the staff in the Admissions Office or see SUU’s website: https://www.suu.edu/admissions/residency.html.

Table 3.5
Utah Residency FAQ

How does a student request residency status for tuition purposes?

Students may complete a residency application and submit it along with the required documentation to the Admissions Office. The application will then be reviewed for compliance with Utah Code and the Utah State Board of Regents Policy and Procedures.

Information on these procedures can be found online: http://higheredutah.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/pff_2012_r512.pdf

How long does a student have to live in Utah?

Live in Utah for twelve (12) continuous months immediately preceding the term residency for tuition purposes is desired. Absences totaling less than a total of thirty (30) days (excluding weekends) will not disrupt this requirement.

If a student leaves the state of Utah, can he/she still be a resident when school starts for the next semester?

If a resident student leaves the state of Utah for a short period of time without re-establishing ties in another state, he/she may not lose their Utah eligibility for tuition purposes.

Are there other circumstances where residency can be earned?

Yes. One of the following must apply:

  • One or both of the student’s parents have permanently moved to Utah and the student is their dependent, single and under age 24;
  • The student marries a Utah resident;
  • The student or parents are in the military and stationed in Utah or have declared Utah as Home of Record; or
  • The student is an American Indian enrolled on the tribal rolls of a tribe whose reservation or trust lands lie partly or wholly within Utah; or whose border is at any point contiguous with the border of Utah.

If the student, or his/her parents, work in Utah but live in another state, would the student be considered a resident?

The student must reside within the state, regardless of where the student or his/her parents work.

What if the student was born in Utah but his/her family moved away?

If residency is established in another state the student will no longer be a resident of Utah.

If a student’s family owns property and pays taxes in Utah, would the student be a Utah resident?

The principal residency must be in the state of Utah, regardless of whether the student or his/her parents own property or pay taxes in the state.

When can students apply for residency?

A completed residency application can be submitted thirty (30) days prior to the first day of class and no later than 21 days following the first day of class for the term for which residency is requested.

How long does it take for a decision to be made?

A decision will be made as soon as possible after receipt of the completed application and all required documentation.

Where should students turn in their residency application?

Students may submit the application and verification documents to the Admissions Office at Southern Utah University.

May students register prior to obtaining residency?

Students may register at any time they would like. If residency is granted, the student’s records will be adjusted.

Where can students obtain residency applications?

Students may obtain residency applications from the Admissions Office or online at: https://www.suu.edu/admissions/residency.html



Grades and Credits

This section defines the grading system used by Southern Utah University. In addition, this chapter contains information on probation and dismissal, as well as instructions for calculating your grade-point average (GPA). Finally, the chapter defines the university’s policy on attendance and the policies governing final examinations.

Southern Utah University’s Grading System

Southern Utah University uses a 4.0 grading scale. Table 5.1 lists the letter grades that instructors use to document their evaluation of your work and to document your academic status in the class. In addition, Table 5.1 defines the meaning of each letter grade and specifies the number of quality points that correspond to each grade. Quality points are used to determine your grade-point average (GPA). The procedure for calculating your GPA is described below, in “How to Calculate Your Grade-Point Average (GPA).” (See Table 5.2)

Table 5.1
Letter Grades
Letter Grade Meaning Quality Points per Credit Hour Used to Calculate GPA?
A Excellent 4.0 yes
A- Excellent 3.7 yes
B+ Above average 3.3 yes
B Above average 3.0 yes
B- Above average 2.7 yes
C+ Average 2.3 yes
C Average 2.0 yes
C- Average 1.7 yes
D+ Below average 1.3 yes
D Below average 1.0 yes
D- Below average 0.7 yes
F Failure 0.0 yes
UW Unofficial withdrawal 0.0 yes
AU Audit 0.0 no
I Incomplete (See) Incompletes in this chapter 0.0 (until changed to a letter grade) no
T Temporary 0.0 (until course is completed) no
P Passed 0.0 no
W Withdrawal 0.0 no
Z Grade not submitted 0.0 no
NR Incomplete thesis, graduate project or other comparable task 0.0 no

Courses with the following notations in the grade column are not used in computing the GPA, the graduation hours, or the total hours completed:

AU Audit: Indicates the student was allowed to attend a class without earning credit or a grade.

I Incomplete: Indicates the student was unable to complete the course for a legitimate reason after having completed a majority of the required work. A student must be passing the course at the time an incomplete grade is issued.

T Temporary: Indicates the course is being continued in the subsequent semester and a grade and credits will be calculated when the course is complete and a letter grade has been issued. The “T” grade is approved for specific courses only.

P Passed: Indicates a pass/fail course was passed; no points are assigned but credit is earned. Courses numbered 1000 or higher are also awarded graduation hours when passed.

W Withdrawal: Indicates the student withdrew from the course after the fourteenth calendar day of classes and prior to the final day of instruction for the semester.

NR Incomplete Thesis, Graduate Project or other comparable task: Indicates the student is in the process of completing a graduate thesis, project, or other comparable graduate task.

How to Calculate Your Grade-Point Average (GPA)

For each student, Southern Utah University calculates the grade point average (GPA) by dividing the total number of credits accumulated into the sum of all grade points earned. A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required for graduation but some departments maintain a higher GPA requirement. Grades of “P” or “F” may be given in certain courses where attendance or class activity is one of the major factors in determining performance.

Table 5.2
Formula for Calculating Grade Point Average

Total Quality Points Earned
——————— = GPA
GPA Hours

In calculating your cumulative GPA, Southern Utah University uses courses you have taken at the university in your current “career” and all courses you have transferred from other post-secondary institutions-but only if you received a final letter grade in those transferred courses. During any semester you can be enrolled in one of three possible careers - undergraduate, graduate, or continuing and professional studies. If you have repeated a course, only the highest grade is used in calculating your overall cumulative GPA. (See Repeated Classes section)

In calculating semester GPA, the formula uses only the quality points earned and quality hours taken that semester.

All GPA calculations exclude credits for:

  • pass/fail courses in which you received a final grade of P
  • courses that you registered for but later dropped from your schedule, even though the course may appear on your transcript with a final grade of W
  • courses in which you have received the grade of I for incomplete or T for temporary or NR
  • courses you took under audit status (AU)
  • remedial courses (courses numbered below 1000)

Incomplete Grades

An incomplete grade is placed on a student’s record by the instructor when for some unforeseen reason the student is unable to complete the assigned coursework by the end of the semester/term and, through contract with the instructor, with copies of the contract filed in the instructor’s department and submitted to the Registrar’s Office at the time that grades are due, the student agrees to complete the work within the contract time (not to exceed 12 calendar months beyond the end of that term). An incomplete grade should be granted only if the student has completed the majority of the course (75% of the course) and is passing the class at the time. If the contract is not satisfied by the student, then the incomplete shall be changed by the instructor (or, if the instructor is not available, by the department chair) to the grade of “F” or the grade agreed upon by virtue of the contract. If no report is received by the Registrar’s Office, the grade will be changed automatically to an “F.” The student should not register again to complete the work of an incomplete. Students shall not be allowed to submit assignments or other work for grade changes outside of the term in which they are taking a class, unless an incomplete contract has been submitted to the Registrar’s Office. The only exception to this policy is for clerical error. (See grade appeal). The instructor is responsible for submission of a completed grade when the student has completed the required work.

Repeated Classes

  1. A student may repeat a course for grade change or improvement. The highest grade received will be used in computing the grade point average at graduation with “E” (Exclude) added to all other attempts of that course (see exception in b). Courses taken at other colleges and repeated at SUU will not qualify for change of grade unless the student can provide the Registrar’s Office written proof from the appropriate SUU department that the courses involved were of similar content.
  2. A student may repeat a course more than once for credit which can apply toward graduation. However, a statement indicating the course can be repeated for credit must appear in the SUU Catalog course description. Unless such a statement is included in a course description, the repeated class shall not apply to the 120 credit hours required to graduate.
  3. The University reserves the right to deny access to courses for students wishing to enroll following a third attempt. The University will grant additional attempts based on the student’s ability to benefit as determined by the appropriate department or discipline. This is a general University policy; additional enrollment may be more restrictive in selective programs and courses (e.g., student teaching). As per Utah Board of Regent’s Tuition and Fees Policy 4.16, “tuition for repeating a course more than once shall be charged at the full cost of the instruction.”
  4. Courses which may be repeated for credit do not fall under (a) above when retaken for improvement of the grade. When requesting a GPA recalculation on these types of courses, the most recent grade must be used. Once a student has completed a course they may not receive credit for that course through credit by examination or replace a poor previous grade through credit by examination.
  5. Once a student has been awarded a baccalaureate degree, no factors related to that degree can be changed. Courses cannot be repeated to improve the GPA. 

Grade Reports

Grades are available via the mySUU student portal. If a student finds omissions or errors in a grade report, the student must make an application to the Registrar’s Office for a review of the record not later than the last day of the next semester in residence. All errors or omissions in student records will be researched and an attempt made to correct them.

Change of Grades

Grades may be changed only for legitimate reasons by the instructor who submitted the original grade. A grade appeal process is also available through SUU policy 6.19, Grade Appeal. The time limit on changing grades is two years after the posting of the incorrect grade.

The Registrar’s Office will process a change of grade upon receipt of a “Change of Grade Card” from the instructor. The cards are obtained from the Registrar’s Office. These cards must not be delivered by students or student workers. The instructor may send them by campus mail or take them to the Registrar’s Office.

Grade Appeal

A student may request a change of grade for any of three reasons: (1) a clerical or computational error was made by the instructor in assigning the grade, (2) the instructor lost or damaged student work that had been completed and submitted as assigned, or (3) the instructor evaluated the student’s work on the basis of different factors than were used to evaluate the work of the other students in the course.

The student will first discuss the request for change of grade with the instructor. If the matter cannot be resolved, the student may appeal to the department head. If a resolution is still not reached, the student may appeal to the dean of the College. Appeals to the dean must be initiated within six months of the end of the course. If discussion with the dean does not resolve the matter, the dean will refer the appeal to the College Grade Committee. The College Grade Committee will rule on the matter within two months of the date of the appeal to the dean. (Refer to the University Policies and Procedures 6.19 for additional information.)

Academic Credit

The number of hours of course credit granted is based on the number of clock hours per week required in class attendance, laboratory work and outside preparation. Credit is earned only when course requirements are met and a final exam or the equivalent is satisfactorily fulfilled. A one-credit course is equivalent to one hour of classroom instruction and a minimum of two hours out-of-class student work for approximately a fifteen-week semester*. An equivalent amount of work is expected for laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours. Credit granted for individual courses, labs, or studio classes range from one to 15 credit hours per semester.

* SUU’s academic calendar is formulated using a class meeting schedule of 40 to 45 contact hours per 15-week semester for a three-credit course, including finals week. Summer classes that operate on a compressed schedule are expected to be within the same 40 to 45 contact hour range for a three-credit course.

Full-Time Status

Full-time undergraduate student registration is 12 or more credits per semester, with 15 credits being considered a normal load. Undergraduate students receiving financial aid or scholarship assistance must carry 12 credit hours per semester to be full-time students. To receive Stafford or PLUS loans, students must be enrolled at least half-time (Undergraduate - 6 credits, Graduate - 5 credits).

Credit Hour Load

A full-time undergraduate student carries at least 12 credit hours each semester. (See Full-Time Status above.) Students may enroll in up to 18 credit hours for Fall and Spring semesters. Students may enroll in up to 12 credit hours for Summer semester. Students with an SUU grade point average of (3.5) or higher may enroll for additional credits, but additional tuition and fees may be incurred. To register for up to 21 credit hours (15 credit hours in the summer) a student must submit a Credit Overload Request form. To register for more than 21 credit hours (15 credit hours in the summer) written approval of the academic dean and academic advisor must be obtained. Approval must be obtained before registering.

A graduate student may enroll in 15 semester hours or less for Fall and Spring semesters. Graduate students may enroll in up to 12 credit hours for Summer semester, including Maymester. Beyond this maximum credit hour load, the academic advisor and dean’s approval is needed. Approval must be obtained before registering.

Old Credit

Students returning to college after a number of years should note that no credit earned more than 20 years prior to the date at which a the credit is evaluated will be counted toward the credit requirement of the major or minor fields. This does not apply to general education credit. Certain departments may have more strict requirements.

Graduate Courses for Undergraduates

An undergraduate student who has senior standing and a grade-point-average of at least 3.0 may enroll in 6000-level graduate courses provided that such enrollment does not cause the student’s total credit hour load to exceed 18 credits for the term. At the time of authorized enrollment, the student must choose whether the graduate credits will be applied toward electives within the baccalaureate program or reserved as graduate credit to be applied toward a graduate program at a future date. Graduate credits for a specific course earned under this provision cannot be applied simultaneously to both an undergraduate and graduate degree or program. Before registering for courses, the student must have the approval of the course instructor and the department chair where the credit will be applied. The graduate credit will be assessed graduate tuition and fees, and once earned, the credit may be used for graduate credit at SUU only after the student is admitted to a graduate program of the University. The maximum amount of such credit that will be accepted at SUU is six hours.


Auditing students have the right of full participation in class. Students must register to audit any class during the normal registration period. Such audit hours will be part of their total load, and they shall pay tuition at the same rate as students taking the course for credit. No credit toward graduation is awarded for audited courses.

Extended Day, Outreach & Electronic Delivery Credit

Extended day, outreach, or classes delivered through electronic media and taught by regular faculty at SUU shall count as resident credit. It is expected that some courses, particularly in major and minor fields, will have to be taught on campus due to facilities required.

Continuing Education Students

Students enrolled in continuing education classes are not automatically admitted to an undergraduate or graduate program. They may be admitted to the University upon meeting the admissions requirements published in this catalog. Successful completion of continuing education courses (minimum GPA of 2.0) may be taken into consideration in making the admissions decision, but do not guarantee admission or readmission into the University. Continuing education coursework may not be applied to a student’s undergraduate program. Graduate credit may be awarded with approval by the student’s academic dean. Continuing education coursework may include 5000 level or the CPS subject code.

Cooperative Education

The cooperative education program is to provide students an opportunity to participate in a directed work experience for academic credit. Prior approval must be obtained to participate. The employer and a departmental faculty member will evaluate the proposed work experience and determine the credit to be awarded. Up to 12 credits may be applied toward a student’s major and up to six may be applied to a minor program of study.

Work experience will not be offered until at least 27 credit hours have been earned in an associate degree program or until 80 credit hours have been earned in a baccalaureate program.

Additional information may be obtained through the appropriate academic dean’s office. Although the institution does not guarantee placement of every student who desires to participate, effort will be made to find a suitable work experience. Students participating in this program will register for credit and pay regular tuition and fees.

Academic Renewal

Undergraduate students currently enrolled at SUU may petition that their academic record be reviewed for the purpose of discounting, for cumulative GPA computation, a course with a D plus or lower grade. These classes must have been entered on the student’s academic record five or more calendar years prior to the time of the request for review. The following conditions and procedures apply:

  • The renewal option may be used only once during a student’s undergraduate career.
  • Students pursuing a second baccalaureate degree or a graduate degree are ineligible.
  • “Renewed” courses do not count toward the total hours required for graduation.
  • Petition is made to the dean and advisor of the student’s major college or school.
  • Please be advised that performing an Academic Renewal may have an adverse effect on future financial aid. Please consult your academic and financial aid counselors before making this decision.

Academic Standards

In order to remain in good academic standing, a student must achieve a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or “C” on all coursework. Students who are suspended from school for academic reasons in accordance with the above policy may apply for readmission, after two semesters, by writing a letter of application for readmission to the Chair of the Academic Standards and Admissions Committee. Information is available online at https://www.suu.edu/admissions/admission-review.html.

Appeals for returning students must be received no later than one week prior to the first day of classes for a given term.

Probation and Dismissal

Students who fail to maintain a cumulative GPA (including transfer credits) of at least 2.0 will be placed on probation. At the end of the next semester one of the following actions will occur:

  • Removal of student from probation (if cumulative and Southern Utah University GPAs are at or above 2.0).
  • Student continues probation status (if cumulative and Southern Utah University GPAs are below the minimum 2.0 but semester GPA is 2.0 or higher).
  • Student is dismissed from the university (if cumulative and Southern Utah University GPAs are below the minimum 2.0 and semester GPA is below 2.0).

Students who have been placed on academic suspension have fourteen days from the time grades are posted to appeal their suspension. If the appeal is not received within that time frame, their classes will be dropped for the subsequent semester. If an appeal is received within the specified time frame, the student’s classes will not be dropped until such time as a decision is made by the Academic Standards Committee. A hold, however, will be placed on the student’s account.

Note: If a student transfers credit to Southern Utah University and is admitted on probation, they must attain at least a 2.0 GPA in their first semester. If they fail to do so, they will be dismissed from the university. For more information on transferring credits and admission status, see Admissions  and Obtaining A Degree  .

If a student leaves the university while on probation, they will remain on probation when they return-even if in the meantime they have attended another institution. While on probation, students may be ineligible to receive financial aid and may be ineligible to participate in extracurricular activities sponsored by the university. For more information on these restrictions, see Financial Aid & Scholarships  and the Southern Utah University Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy.

If a student is dismissed from the university, they are barred from enrolling for two semesters after the dismissal and for one year after any subsequent dismissal. If they wish to appeal this waiting period, they must file an appeal within fourteen days of grades posting to the Academic Standards Committee. The letter should be addressed to the Chair of the Academic Standards Committee and should set forth in detail the reasons for the appeal, together with specific information on any extenuating circumstances which may have a bearing on the student’s academic status. The letter should be delivered to the Admissions Office in the Sharwan Smith Center, Room 166. The chair will call a meeting of the committee to review the appeal and upon reaching a final decision the student will be informed in writing of the committee’s decision.

Students who have questions regarding this policy should consult the Chair of the Academic Standards Committee.

Attendance Policy

A student is responsible for attending the courses for which they are enrolled. They are also responsible for making up any work missed by failing to attend class, even if the absence was approved by the university (see Policy 6.30 - Excused Absence) , necessitated by illness, or personal emergency. In this sense, then, there are no “excused” absences.

Last Week of Classes

No final examination is to be due or administered prior to or during the designated study day (please see the Academic Calendar 2013-14 for final exam period dates located online) with the following exceptions:

  • In-lab or performance classes where it is necessary
  • A take-home final examination may be distributed during this time period
  • Homework, papers, problem sets, and projects may be due during this time frame

Final Examinations

Each semester, a schedule for final examinations is published on the web. This schedule defines the dates and times during which all final examinations must be scheduled. All in-class final examinations must be given during the officially scheduled final examination period. An exception to the schedule is allowed only on an individual basis with the exception to be arranged between the instructor and the student. If a faculty member grants permission to take an early examination, students are charged an unscheduled final examination fee to be paid at the University Cashier’s Office.

Catalog Graduation Requirements

Entering students, including first-time and transfer students, will be required to complete the graduation, general education and program requirements listed in the catalog in effect when they first enroll, or in any subsequent catalog during their period of enrollment, which includes the catalog in effect when a student files for graduation. The following rules apply:

  • All graduation requirements must be met from a single catalog, with the following exception: students seeking education licensure and/or endorsement will meet current state requirements in their major.
  • If a student chooses a subsequent catalog different from the one they enrolled under, they may not return to their original catalog or any version of catalog that pre-dates the subsequent catalog they have chosen.
  • Students cannot graduate under a catalog older than 6 years for a bachelor’s degree (major or minor) or 3 years for an associate’s degree or 6 years for a master’s degree, respectively.
  • Students who seek and are approved for an enrollment deferral or interruption of their studies, through the Admissions Office, may take a leave of absence of up to five semesters, not including summers. Upon returning to SUU, students will have the option to select the original catalog at initial enrollment or the current catalog. The time a student is away, however, still counts toward the six year life of their chosen catalog. A returning student that did not receive an approved leave of absence must select the current catalog upon reentry.

Credit by Examination & Individual Study

A total of 30 semester hours of credit may be achieved by a combination of special course examinations, credit by portfolio, or individual study. A maximum of 16 semester hours of credit may be acquired in any one academic discipline by special course examination. Permission to take special examinations for course credit must be obtained from the faculty member. Such permission will not be granted for the purpose of a change of grade if the student has already taken the course.

SUU provides several opportunities for students to obtain credit by examination or individual study: (1) the Advanced Placement Program (AP) (see below); (2) the College Level Examination Program (CLEP); (3) foreign language experience; (4) Credit by Exam for a particular course of study; and (5) individual study or (IB) International Baccalaureate.

Request forms for Credit by Examination may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office.

The following are general guidelines in awarding credit for a particular course:

  1. Credit by Examination is given only to students currently enrolled at SUU.
  2. A maximum of 30 general education credit hours may be applied toward graduation from Credit by Examination and CLEP.
  3. A maximum of six credit hours may be awarded in any one area of general education from a combination of Credit by Examination and CLEP.
  4. Class work taken prior to CLEP examination will be considered and may reduce the hours of credit awarded for a CLEP examination.
  5. A maximum of 16 credit hours may be acquired in any one academic discipline by special course examination. Such credit will be given only with the consent of the faculty member and the department head.
  6. Special Examination credit for languages will receive only a pass/fail grade. Students may receive a maximum of 16 credit hours per language by examination.
  7. With the exception of language credit, Credit by Examination may be granted as a standard letter grade or a pass/fail as agreed upon by the instructor and student.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

A student may earn credit and complete some general education requirements by successfully completing selected CLEP examinations. Information regarding CLEP examinations and the credits a student may earn is available at www.suu.edu/testing-center/ (435) 586-5419.

Credit by Portfolio

Credit by Portfolio is designed specifically for people who have experience manifested by a portfolio and documented as their personal work by records or letters from those aware of the activity. The portfolio should already exist as a result of previous work and should not be something created for the purpose of gaining credit. The academic department granting credit must administer credit by portfolio on a course-by-course basis. The faculty, teaching the course for which credit is granted, award the pass/fail grade and credit. Credits by portfolio are excluded from residency for a baccalaureate degree. The credit by examination limits apply as stated above.

Advanced Placement (AP)

Up to eight semester hours of university credit will be granted for a composite grade of 5, 4 or 3 on any Advanced Placement examination taken by a high school student at the completion of a full-year course, according to the description published by the Committee on Advanced Placement of the College Entrance Examination Board. Credits earned through AP testing may be used to fill some of the general education requirements of the University. These credits may be earned in addition to the 30 semester hours of credit discussed above.

Credit for Military Service

The University may grant credit to students currently enrolled at the University who have served in the armed forces. Application for credit is made by submitting a DD214 or DD295 form to the Registrar’s Office. (See Catalog Graduation Requirements section above).

International Baccalaureate

High school students completing the International Baccalaureate Diploma will receive 30 credits and will have the knowledge areas of general education waived. The core areas of English, Mathematics, Computer Literacy, Information Literacy, and American Institutions must still be completed. Some of those areas may be waived with a score of 5, 6, or 7 in a higher level examination for the appropriate area. Those not completing the diploma may receive a maximum of 8 credits with a score of 5, 6, or 7 per higher level exam. Those students will receive the same credit awarded for Advanced Placement in the same subject. Credit is not given for standard (subsidiary) examinations. Students should request the posting of the eligible credit through the Registrar’s Office.

Graduation with Honors

Graduation honors are awarded to students receiving their first baccalaureate degree, according to the scale shown in Table 5.4. Honors are awarded on the basis of all semesters completed, and the student’s final transcript remains the official record of any honors granted. At the time of graduation, a grade point average of at least 3.8 is required for the award of Summa Cum Laude; an average of at least 3.6 is required for the award of Magna Cum Laude. (These are based on cumulative GPA including transfer credits). No honors are awarded for graduate degrees.

Table 5.4
Graduation Honors
Cumulative Grade-Point Average Honor
3.6 - 3.799 Magna Cum Laude
3.8 - 4.0 Summa Cum Laude

Questions about Grades

See the Registrar’s Office, Sharwan Smith Center, Room 166, (435) 586-7715.

General Policies

This chapter defines the general policies governing the following matters:

  • your rights and responsibilities as a student
  • academic honesty
  • student records
  • student classification
  • right of appeal

Additional information on these policies is available in the Southern Utah University Student Handbook and the Southern Utah University Policies and Procedures Manual. The Southern Utah University Policies and Procedures Manual is available for inspection at various administrative offices (including the Provost’s Office, Administration Building 304), and from the web at https://help.suu.edu/policies/

Your Rights & Responsibilities

Southern Utah University challenges its students to reach their highest levels of performance, encourages them to excel in academics and extra-curricular activities, and invites them to participate in the many cultural and social events available at the university. At the same time, Southern Utah University expects students to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the university’s function as an institution of higher learning. Therefore, we have published this catalog and the Southern Utah University Student Handbook to acquaint you with your rights and responsibilities as a student. In the Southern Utah University Student Handbook, you will find information about how to get involved in Student Involvement and Leadership, Notification of Rights, Process for Student Complaints, Student Responsibilities and Rights, and the University Conduct System. Each student is expected to be familiar with the information in the Student Handbook and in this catalog.

Academic Honesty

The university’s goal is to foster an intellectual atmosphere that produces educated, literate people. This can best be achieved in a community committed to honor, respect, trust and moral courage. These values define academic integrity which is expected of all SUU community members. Cheating and plagiarism are at odds with this goal and therefore will not be tolerated in any form. All work submitted by a student must represent that student’s own ideas and effort. When the work does not represent the student’s own work it must be properly cited; if it is not, the student has engaged in academic dishonesty. Cheating, forgery, plagiarism or the use of work belonging to another are all considered academic dishonesty.

The following are specific examples of such conduct:

  • purchasing a paper or other project for which one then seeks to receive credit;
  • copying from another student with the intent of receiving credit as one’s own work;
  • using “crib notes” or other stored information (in a computer or calculator) without expressed permission from the faculty member;
  • misrepresenting yourself or someone else in an exam setting;
  • collaborating on assignments or exams when such collaboration is forbidden;
  • failing to properly document source material in a paper or project; “cutting and pasting” source material from various internet sites and submitting it as your own work without proper citation.

Use of translation devices (print, electronic or otherwise) in an academic setting is only permitted when prior authorization from the instructor has been obtained.

NOTE: The list above is intended only to provide general guidelines in recognizing and avoiding common types of academic dishonesty. It is in no way an exhaustive or comprehensive list of all the types of academic dishonesty.

Except in cases of major offenses, responding to academic dishonesty is the responsibility of the instructor of the course in which the violation occurs. If a student is found responsible for academic dishonesty, the student may be dismissed from the class and may receive a failing grade. Other penalties may include suspension or expulsion from school, notated on of the student’s permanent University record.

Once a decision is rendered, a copy of the finding of facts and the corresponding sanctions will be forwarded to the office of the Vice President of Student Services. While a decision about a specific incident will be based solely on related information ( prior conduct history cannot be introduced), prior conduct history can be considered relative to a student’s ability to remain enrolled at Southern Utah University. When repeated violations occur, the University’s conduct process may determine whether the student shall be permitted to continue at the University. When this process is used, the focus of the Conduct Review will be on continued enrollment; such reviews will not be used to “re-hear” the facts of any case that has already been decided. (See SUU Policies 6.33 and 11.2)

For more information about academic honesty, see the following publications: Southern Utah University Student Handbook http://help.suu.edu/handbook/ and Southern Utah University Policies and Procedures https://help.suu.edu/policies/

Student Records

Southern Utah University routinely collects, and maintains information about prospective, current, and former students. These records include such items as your application for admission and any correspondence related to that application, your permanent transcript and all materials that document that transcript. Faculty members also maintain files containing advising records, grade sheets, and correspondence.

In general, you have the right to review and to request copies of the documents that constitute your official student record. If you request copies, Southern Utah University will provide them in accordance with FERPA guidelines and university policy.

The following sections provide more detail about your official record at Southern Utah University, about your rights and responsibilities regarding that record, and about policies and procedures governing the information that your record contains. Publications discussing these matters include the Southern Utah University Policies and Procedures Manual and the University Student Handbook.

Transcript Records

The Registrar’s Office maintains the records associated with your official university transcript. You have the right to appeal any information on your transcript that inaccurately reflects your academic history. However, information on a transcript is changed only in extraordinary or extenuating circumstances.

If there is an error or omission on your transcript, send a detailed description of the error or omission, along with copies of the relevant documents, to the Registrar’s Office, Sharwan Smith Center Building, Room 166C.

Confidentiality & Privacy

The purpose of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended, is to protect the privacy of education records, to establish the right of students to inspect and review their education records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings. FERPA affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. They are:

  1. the right to inspect and review the student’s education records;
  2. the right to request the amendment of a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading; and
  3. the right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent

The following information is designated as directory information by SUU:

  • Student name
  • Local and permanent address
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Program/major field(s) of study
  • Dates of attendance
  • Student Classification (fr, so, jr, sr)
  • Enrollment status (full or part time)
  • Degrees, certificates, honors, and awards and dates earned
  • Student image

A student may inform the Registrar’s Office that he/she does not give permission for the university to release his/her directory information by submitting a written and signed request to not release his/ her directory. The requests for nondisclosure are valid until a subsequent written request to release directory information is received. By placing a directory hold on their account, students should understand that they will only be able to discuss their account or perform university business, including log-in and other technology assistance, with university staff or faculty in person after showing picture ID.

In addition, SUU is required by federal law (The Solomon Amendment) to provide student information (name, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, level of education, academic major, degrees received, the educational institution in which the student most recently was enrolled) to United States Military Recruiting and Reserve Officer Training Corps personnel upon their request unless the student has submitted a nondisclosure request according to SUU procedures. For detailed information on FERPA see Appendix C .

Verification of your Enrollment Status

Southern Utah University regularly receives requests from third parties to verify student enrollment. Requests for verification often come from employment agencies, insurance companies, and lending agencies. For example, a lending agency may request verification of your enrollment status to determine if you are enrolled at least half-time and therefore are eligible for continued deferment of a student loan.

Student enrollment status is considered directory information unless you have made a written request that your records be made confidential (see “Confidentiality and Privacy,” above). In responding to inquiries from outside the university, Southern Utah University calculates your enrollment status according to Table 2.1.

Table 2.1
Schedule Used to Determine Undergraduate Enrollment Status
  Number of Credits
(currently enrolled)
Enrollment Status
Undergraduate 12 and over Full-time
  fewer than 12 Part-time
Graduate 9 and over Full-time
  fewer than 9 Part-time
Note: To qualify for full benefits of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, or to be eligible for an SUU scholarship, students must be full-time. Occasionally, other agencies outside the University, in order to qualify students for certain benefits, may require a different level of enrollment than that which is defined above.

Address Changes

Whenever Southern Utah University policies or procedures call for the Registrar’s Office to send written notification to a student, that obligation is fulfilled when the Registrar’s Office mails the notification to the student’s last address on record. It is the responsibility of the student to immediately inform the Registrar’s Office, of any change in your address. Past students may do so in person, by telephone, online, or by sending in a change-of-address form. Currently enrolled students should update address information through mySUU.

Name Changes

Currently enrolled students should promptly report a change of name to the Registrar’s Office. You may do so by completing a Personal Information Change form and returning the form to the Registrar’s Office. You must provide evidence that your name has officially changed, such as a social security card, certified copy of a court order, a marriage certificate, or a dissolution decree reflecting the new name in full. If you are also an employee of the University you must report your name change to the Department of Human Resources, Administration Building, Room 106; documentation requirements may differ.

Student Classification

The university classifies each student according to the definitions provided in Table 2.2, below.

Table 2.2
Student Classifications
Classification Definition
Freshman Has earned 0-29 credits
Sophomore Has earned 30 to 59 credits
Junior Has earned 60 to 89 credits
Senior Has earned 90 or more credits or is pursuing a second baccalaureate degree
Graduate Has earned a baccalaureate degree, has been admitted to the Graduate College, and is pursuing a graduate degree

Right of Appeal

You have the right to appeal any academic policy or requirement if either of the following conditions is present:

  • Extenuating circumstances make it impossible for you to comply with the policy or requirement
  • An undue hardship would result from a strict application or interpretation of the policy or requirement.

Please note, however, that extenuating circumstances must be beyond your control and that undue hardship must be a condition far more serious than simple inconvenience. Documentation will be required and the timeliness of the appeal will be taken into consideration.

If you appeal an academic policy or requirement, that appeal will most likely be reviewed by the dean of the college/school responsible for your major. (Please see SUU Policy 11.4- Student Complaints) For more information about appeals and grievances, see the Southern Utah University Student Handbook and the Southern Utah University Policies and Procedures Handbook.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

It is the policy of Southern Utah University to comply fully with the terms, provisions, and intent of the Family Educational rights and Privacy Act of 1974. A complete statement of the SUU policy and procedures relative to this act may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office. For specific rights and protections granted to students see Appendix C: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act .

Student Conduct Code (Policy 11.2)

Southern Utah University establishes high expectations and community standards for its students through its policies and procedures. The University’s Student Conduct Code (the Code) identifies actions and behaviors that are prohibited. The Code also establishes the process and procedures that are used to resolve allegations of student misconduct. Students are encouraged to review the Code at http://help.suu.edu/uploads/attachments/PP112Student.pdf. Additional information about student conduct can also be found in the University’s Student Handbook. These two documents provide students with information about their rights which are consistent with state and federal laws.

Classroom Expectations for Performance and Conduct

Academic expectations are outlined in course syllabi and must be met in order to earn a passing grade. Instructors may make reasonable accommodations for students who confront unforeseen unique circumstances that limit or restrict class participation or performance; however, instructors are not expected to minimize expectations. To ask faculty to do so devalues the work of all other class participants; therefore, students who are unable to complete required coursework and attend class regularly should talk with their instructors or their advisor about alternatives. In the classroom, subject to the responsibility of the instructor to maintain order and to monitor time limitations, the discussion and expression of all views relevant to the subject matter are permitted. In addition, the following shall apply:

  1. Student academic performance shall be evaluated solely on an academic basis.
  2. Students shall be free to take exception to the material or views offered in any course of study and to reserve judgment about matters of opinion, but they are responsible for learning the content of any course of study in which they are enrolled. This right to take exception does not permit the disruption of class or infringement on the rights of others to learn.
  3. Requirements of participation in classroom discussion and submission of written exercises are not inconsistent with this section.
  4. Information about student views, beliefs, and political associations acquired by faculty in the course of their work as instructors, advisers, and counselors, is confidential and is not to be disclosed to others unless under legal compulsion.
  5. Should a faculty member determine that a student is disrupting a class and ask the student to leave the classroom, the student shall do so immediately.
  6. Children are not permitted in institution classrooms or laboratories unless they are an integral part of instruction; nor should parents/guardians leave children unattended in hallways and restrooms.

When a student believes that he/she has been unjustly treated in the classroom, either by the denial of freedom of expression or by improper evaluation, or on any other right enumerated above, the student should discuss the concern with the instructor. The student may appeal the faculty member’s decision first to the department chair, and then to the appropriate academic dean.  

Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA)

The sharing of copyrighted material through peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing, except as provided under U.S. copyright law, is prohibited by law. Detailed information can be found at www.suu.edu/heoa/index.html.

Emergency Management

In case of emergency, the University’s Emergency Notification System (ENS) will be activated. Students are encouraged to maintain updated contact information using the link on the homepage of the mySUU portal. In addition, students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the Emergency Response Protocols posted in each classroom. Detailed information about the University’s emergency management plan can be found at http://www.suu.edu/ad/em/

Registration Policies and Procedures

This section discusses the process of registration, during which students meet with advisors to select courses, then register to attend those courses and (if necessary) drop or add courses after the semester has begun.

Registration takes place each semester and summer session. It consists of two distinct phases: advanced registration and open registration. Each offers students the opportunity to select courses before classroom instruction begins. General descriptions of registration policies are provided below.


Each student should complete registration for classes at the time and place designated by the University. Times and dates for each semester are on the web. No student will be permitted to register for a course later than the fourteenth calendar day of the semester. Registration during the second week of instruction must be approved by the course instructor. Exception: open-entry open-exit courses in which registration must be approved by the course instructor.

Advanced Registration

If you are a continuing, degree-seeking student, you may register during advanced registration. New and non-degree seeking students may register at the end of advanced registration.

Senior Citizen Registration

Utah residents, age 62 and over, are permitted to enroll, on a space available basis, at any of the state’s public universities and colleges, on a tuition-free, audit basis. They will be required to pay a semester administrative fee. Where applicable, senior citizens will be charged a fee for use of consumable materials. Senior Citizens must register at the Registrar’s Office on or after the first day of class.

Credit/Audit Status

During open registration, if space in the class is available, you may register for a course under audit status; that is, you may register for the course with the understanding that you will receive neither credit nor a grade. On your transcript, audit status indicates that you had a seat in the class, but may or may not have participated in class activities. Please note that the normal registration deadlines apply. No course may be changed to audit status after the fourteenth calendar day of the semester.

Changes in Registration (Add or Drop)

Any student may change his or her schedule of courses by completing an official form available at the Registrar’s Office or online during applicable registration times, subject to the following limitations:

  1. No course may be added after the fourteenth calendar day of the semester. Additions the eighth through the fourteenth calendar day of the semester must be approved by the course instructor. Any exception to the add policy requires instructor and dean signatures.
  2. For regular fall or spring semester, withdrawal from an individual course must be made prior to the end of the ninth week of the term. If the student withdraws during the first fourteen calendar days, no record of the course will appear on his/her transcript. If the withdrawal occurs between the 15th calendar day and ninth week, a “W” for that course will appear on the transcript. For other sessions and terms, such as summer terms, withdrawal must be made before 60 percent of the term has expired.
  3. A student should be aware that all classes he/she drops must be properly processed through the Registrar’s Office. If a student stops attending a class without officially withdrawing, he/she will receive a “UW” (failure) for the course. This grade is calculated in the GPA as an “F.”


Students are encouraged to make class selections only after consultation and guidance from an advisor.

*Note: The University has placed limits on the number of times you may enroll in a course. For more information, see Grades and Credits.

*Note: If you intend to drop a class in which you have been issued university property-such as uniforms, instruments, or lab equipment-you must return the property before dropping the class. If you fail to do so, the Registrar’s Office will place a hold on your record.

Faculty-Initiated Withdrawals

An instructor can withdraw a student from a course if the student has not satisfied the entrance requirements for the class. To do so, the instructor or department must notify the student of the impending withdrawal and then request the withdrawal through the Registrar’s Office. Students should not expect that an instructor will withdraw them for nonattendance. The primary responsibility for course withdrawal rests with the student.

Prerequisite Waivers

Students wishing to enroll in a course, for which they have not completed the necessary prerequisites, must obtain Departmental approval. If the prerequisite being waived is a requirement for the student’s degree, this does not waive the need to take the course. It merely allows the student to take a higher level course prior to completing the prerequisite.

Withdrawal from the University

Students are permitted to completely withdraw from the University any time prior to the start of the week of final exams. A student withdrawing after the fourteenth calendar day of the semester will have a “W” recorded for each course for which he/she is registered. To withdraw from the University the student must complete the online university withdrawal process. This is available through the mySUU portal. Please contact the Registrar’s Office 435-586-7715 with any questions regarding this process.

The university recognizes that in certain circumstances a health issue may so significantly impact a student’s academic work that an Emergency Withdrawal for the term is needed. The student must complete an Emergency Withdrawal Petition (available in the Registrar’s Office), provide written evidence from a physician and a personal explanation to the Registrar. This must be completed in a timely manner and in no case later than the last day of class in any given term. If granted, normal withdrawal grading policies will be followed.

Important Information Concerning Withdrawals for Students Receiving Financial Aid

Students who withdraw from the University need to be aware of a federal law impacting financial aid eligibility. Complete withdrawals may result in a financial obligation by the student to return the unearned portion of any federal aid disbursed. The student may have to repay Southern Utah University and/or the U.S. Department of Education for the unearned aid which had applied toward tuition and fee charges. A repayment may also be required for unearned aid disbursed directly to the student. Students considering withdrawal from the university are strongly encouraged to discuss the potential financial consequences with a representative in the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships, Sharwan Smith Center, Room 167.

Questions About These Policies?

If you have questions about these policies, contact the Registrar’s Office, Sharwan Smith Center, Room 166, (435) 586- 7715.

Policy Statement Concerning Catalog Contents

The purpose of the Southern Utah University Catalog is to provide current, articulate and accurate information about Southern Utah University to all University constituencies including faculty, staff, students, educational agencies and administrators.

Catalogs, bulletins, course and fee schedules, etc., are not to be considered as binding contracts between Southern Utah University and students. The university and its divisions reserve the right at any time, without advance notice, to: (a) withdraw or cancel classes, courses, and programs; (b) change fee schedules; (c) change the academic calendar; (d) change admission and registration requirements; (e) change the regulations and requirements governing instruction in, and graduation from, the university and its various divisions; and (f) change any other relations affecting students. Changes shall go into effect whenever the proper authorities so determine, and shall apply not only to prospective students but also to those who are degree-seeking at the time in the university. When economic and other conditions permit, the university tries to provide advance notice of such changes. In particular, when an instructional program is to be withdrawn, the university will make every reasonable effort to ensure that students who are within two years of completing the graduation requirements, and who are making normal progress toward the completion of those requirements, will have the opportunity to complete the program which is to be withdrawn.

It is the policy of Southern Utah University to provide equal education and employment opportunities, services, and benefits to students and employees without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, creed, age or handicap in accordance with title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972. Sections 799A and 845 of the Public Health Act, and Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, where applicable, as enforced by the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.

Note: The courses contained in this catalog do not preclude or limit the university in its offerings for any semester or session nor do they restrict the university to the time block (semester) represented by the approved academic calendar.

Registration Calendars

Registration information and dates are available through the Registrar’s Office. Semester start and end dates, registration change deadlines, and refund dates are available in the SUU Academic Calendar.