Feb 10, 2025  
2013-2014 General Catalog 

Obtaining A Degree at SUU: Academic Advising and Support


Academic Advising and Support

Academic Advisement

Academic advisors on campus assist students in understanding degree and program requirements, general university academic policies, and campus resources for personal, academic, and career growth. Advisors are available for each campus major as well as for Open Option students (those who have not yet declared a major). Advisor contact information and appointments are available at http://www.suu.edu/advising/advisors.html or by calling 435-586-5420.

Students should work with their advisor prior to registration to ensure progress toward a degree or certificate. In addition, prior to registration each semester, all students must obtain a Registration Access Code (RAC) via DegreeWorks

The Student’s Role in Advisement

  1.  Southern Utah University expects students to be responsible for their own academic progress as they move through the University. To accomplish this objective, each student will:Assume responsibility for knowing the rules, regulations, and policies of the university and the specific requirements of the student’s degree program per the appropriate university catalog.
  2. Make contact with an advisor upon admission to the University, and see him/her at least once each semester;
  3. Visit his/her advisor immediately after being placed on academic warning or probation;
  4. Notify the appropriate academic advisor and the Registrar’s Office of any change in intended academic program;
  5. Accept responsibility for decisions pertaining to personal academic progress;
  6. Notify the Director of Academic Advising of any problems experienced with advisement;

The Academic Advisor’s Role in Advisement

  1. Provide accurate degree, major, and course information to students to assist them in the timely completion of their desired academic objectives;
  2. Communicate with students the requirements and preparatory work expected for specific degree programs and courses;
  3. Be knowledgeable about University resources and give appropriate and accurate referrals; and
  4. Create a schedule that allows for regular and timely student appointments.

The Staff & Faculty’s Role in Advisement

  1. Each college, school or department can formulate its own plan to support advising and the undergraduate advising needs of declared majors.
  2. Faculty or staff with advising assignments will communicate with students who indicate an intended major, outlining requirements and preparatory work expected for the specific degree programs.

Open Option Students

 For students who have not declared a major, the Academic Advising Center provides academic advising and other services to help students explore options, select a major, and complete their general education requirements.

Students may remain Open Option until they have earned 75 semester hours. Some academic majors require that specific courses be taken during the freshman and sophomore years. Students should, therefore, declare their intended major as early as possible to ensure timely progress toward completion. 

Declaring a Program of Study

Students are encouraged to declare an intended major (as well as other academic program of study goals) as early as possible. This can be done at the time of admission to the University. Students may change their major at any time by obtaining an advisor’s signature on a Program of Study Change Form and returning the form to the Registrar’s Office.

Academic Support for Athletes

 A professional staff member provides academic guidance to students in intercollegiate athletics.  This support, mandated and supported by the NCAA, is intended to ensure academic success and progress toward graduation.  Advisement for athletes is an extension of the University’s approach to academic advisement for all students and is designed to assist student-athletes with the transition into college and with continued progress toward academic goals. 

Academic Advising Center

The Academic Advising Center, located in the Sharwan Smith Center, offers services to help students adjust to college life, select college courses, and identify academic and career options.

Academic advisors in the Academic Advising Center assist students with selecting an academic major, completing general education requirements, and evaluating educational goals.  In addition, advisors work with students in choosing appropriate fields of study and resolving issues that impact students’ academic success.

Testing Center

The Testing Center is part of University College and is located on the first floor of the Electronic Learning Center.  The Testing Center’s main focus is to administer on-campus quizzes, exams, mid-terms and finals for current SUU students.  These exams are set-up at the request of campus professors and instructors.  The Center also administers placement exams as needed for SUU students.  Testing Center staff also proctor exams for a variety of Universities, Colleges and state agencies.  Proctored exams are offered for SUU students as well as non-students.

Additionally the Testing Center administers the ACT Assessment, SAT I & II, College-Level Exam Program (CLEP), Police Officer Selection Test (POST), Law School Admission Test (LSAT), the PRAXIS Series, Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) (subject only), Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), and other testing programs as needed.  Applications, some study material, and other information for these exams are available in the Center.

Tutoring & Learning Assistance Center

The Tutoring & Learning Assistance Center, located in Suite 205 of the Sharwan Smith Center, is designed to help students enjoy academic success while becoming independent learners.  Free peer tutoring is available for math, chemistry, biology, physics, geology, foreign languages, business courses, writing, reading and study skills, and other subjects as needed.

Assistance in organizing and facilitating study groups is also available.  Contact the Tutoring and Learning Assistance Center for more information.

College Student Success (UNIV 1050)

University College offers a first-year course, College Student Success (UNIV 1050 ), to support the academic endeavors of freshmen students.  This elective course if designed to help increase student’ understanding of the brain and learning, to assist students in developing positive academic and planning skills, and to aid the student in transitioning to the demands and norms of higher education.  This course is required for students entering SUU with an admissions index of 90 to 94.9 but is open to any student wishing to increase his/her academic skills and awareness of personal strengths and challenges during the first year of college.

University Studies

Academic and Career Development Center
Sharwan Smith Room 177 ~ (435) 586-5419

University Studies courses are general courses that are designed to enhance the academic and personal life of the student.

Course Descriptions