Sep 25, 2024  
2021-2022 General Catalog 

Course Descriptions

See Course Description Information  for SUU practices on course prefixes and numbering.



  • BIOL 1620 - General Biology II

    3 Credit(s)

    This course introduces science majors to the study of biology and the diversity of life. It provides fundamental knowledge of morphological complexity, physiology, development, environmental adaptation, and the evolutionary history of life on Earth. Three (3) hours of lecture per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 1625 

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 1625 - General Biology Lab II

    1 Credit(s)

    Lab to accompany BIOL 1620 . One two-hour meeting per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 1620 

    Registration Restriction(s): Intensive English Program majors may not enroll

  • BIOL 2050 - Southern Utah Flora

    3 Credit(s)

    An introduction to the native plant populations of the intermountain region and the interaction of humans, animals, and other environmental factors with the plant kingdom. Students travel to a different regional ecosystem each week and learn the major plant species, discuss the historical and modern uses of plant species by man, and observe integrated effects of ecological environmental dilemmas. Students prepare personal plant resource books containing identification, historical, and ecological data on each plant observed. Recommended for non-majors, teaching, and biology majors. One five-hour field excursion per week. May be repeated for credit if taken at different seasons. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Registration Restriction(s): Intensive English Program majors may not enroll

    General Education Category: Life Sciences

  • BIOL 2060 - Introductory Microbiology

    3 Credit(s)

    Designed for non-majors and allied health students. This course provides an application-based approach to human-microbe interactions with an emphasis on disease control, pathogenicity, epidemiology, and the immune response. Topics include prokaryotic cell biology, viral replication, parasitology, and the role of microorganisms in the world around us. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 2065  

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1610   - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 2065 - Introductory Microbiology Lab

    1 Credit(s)

    Lab to accompany BIOL 2060 . Practical skills for working with microorganism and lab exercises to support lectures on biology of microorganism and their effect on human activities. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 2060 

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1610  - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 2120 - Service Learning

    1 Credit(s)

    This course is designed to take the student volunteer through the process of volunteerism and its application to themselves and their academic training in biology through practical experience and critical reflection. May be taken two (2) times for credit. This is a designated Service Learning course. (As Needed) [Pass/Fail]

    Repeatable for Add’l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 2

    Registration Restriction(s): Intensive English Program majors may not enroll

  • BIOL 2170 - Introduction to Human Pathophysiology

    3 Credit(s)

    Introduction to Pathophysiology for the health sciences student. Using a systematic approach to cellular and then organ system changes, students will gain an understanding of physical changes and methods of evaluating, diagnosing, and treating health alterations. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 2320  and (BIOL 2323  or BIOL 2325 ) and BIOL 2420  and (BIOL 2423  or BIOL 2425 - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 2320 - Human Anatomy

    3 Credit(s)

    The study of the structure of the human body with emphasis on surface, regional, and systemic anatomy of all body systems. Three (3) hours of lecture per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 2325  or BIOL 2323  

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1610   - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): Intensive English Program majors may not enroll

  • BIOL 2323 - Human Anatomy Lab (Online)

    1 Credit(s)

    A virtual lab using multimedia software with interactive activities and illustrations. One (1) campus day is offered for dissections and cadaver. (As Needed) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 2320  

    Registration Restriction(s): Intensive English Program majors may not enroll

    Equivalent Course(s): BIOL 2325  
  • BIOL 2325 - Human Anatomy Lab

    1 Credit(s)

    Lab to accompany BIOL 2320 . One two-hour meeting per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 2320  

    Registration Restriction(s): Intensive English Program majors may not enroll

    Equivalent Course(s): BIOL 2323  
  • BIOL 2420 - Human Physiology

    3 Credit(s)

    Systematic study of the functions of the human body from the cellular to the systems. Three (3) hours of lectures per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 2425  or BIOL 2423  

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1610   - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 2423 - Human Physiology Lab (Online)

    1 Credit(s)

    Lab to accompany BIOL 2420 . One two-hour meeting per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (As Needed) [Graded (Standard Grade)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 2420  

    Registration Restriction(s): Intensive English Program majors may not enroll

    Equivalent Course(s): BIOL 2425  
  • BIOL 2425 - Human Physiology Lab

    1 Credit(s)

    Lab to accompany BIOL 2420 . One two-hour meeting per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 2420  

    Registration Restriction(s): Intensive English Program majors may not enroll

  • BIOL 2500 - Environmental Biology

    3 Credit(s)

    Course investigates diverse ecosystems found in southern Utah. Ecosystems will be used to learn about cycling of matter/energy, patterns, scale, proportion, the link between structure/function, cause/effect, and evidence of stability and change. Students will gather data about ecosystems, describe possible problems, the causation and possible solutions. Recommended for Education Majors K-12. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Registration Restriction(s): Intensive English Program majors may not enroll

    General Education Category: Life Sciences

  • BIOL 2920 - Introductory Biology Workshop

    1 Credit(s) 3 Maximum Credit(s)

    In this course students will participate in various introductory workshops related to biology, biological techniques, or biological research; or introductory biological learning situations outside of the traditional class and lab. Workshop credit must be arranged by a Biology program faculty member and receive approval at the department level. May be repeated for credit up to a maximum of six (6) credits. Variable times. (As Needed) [Pass/Fail]

    Repeatable for Add’l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 6

    Registration Restriction(s): Intensive English Program majors may not enroll

  • BIOL 3010 - General Microbiology

    3 Credit(s)

    Microbiology for science majors. Explores the cell structure, physiology, metabolism, genetics and diversity of microbes. Emphasis placed on prokaryotes, viruses, protists and fungi including their impact on the environment and our daily lives. Topics include biotechnological applications, fermentation technology, industrial products, medical interactions, and recycling nutrients in ecosystems. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3015 

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1610  and BIOL 1615  - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3015 - General Microbiology Lab

    1 Credit(s)

    Lab to accompany BIOL 3010 . The student will use aseptic techniques and applied methodologies to isolate, cultivate, stain, and identify unknown bacteria. Laboratory exercises will include a survey of microorganisms and a demonstration of microbial properties. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3010  

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1610  and BIOL 1615   - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3030 - Ecology

    3 Credit(s)

    Biological and physical mechanisms related to the distribution, abundance, and adaptations of organisms. Topics include ecosystem structure and function, physiological ecology, population ecology, life-history strategies, community ecology, and geographical ecology. Three (3) hours of lecture per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. Students are encouraged to complete MATH 1040/2040 prior to taking this course. (Fall, Spring, Summer [As Needed]) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3035 

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1610  and BIOL 1615  and BIOL 1620  and BIOL 1625  - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3035 - Ecology Lab

    1 Credit(s)

    Lab to accompany BIOL 3030 . One three-hour meeting per week. Longer field trips may be required. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. Students are encouraged to complete MATH 1040  prior to taking this course. (Fall, Spring, Summer [As Needed]) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3030 

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1610  and BIOL 1615  and BIOL 1620  and BIOL 1625  - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3050 - Biomedical Ethics

    3 Credit(s)

    Exploration of current ethical problems in the medical research and psychological disciplines and their impacts on society through a Socratic seminar discussion. Additional consideration is given to how religion, culture, and experience contribute to individual perceptions and ethics. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Spring, As Needed) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Prerequisite(s): ENGL 2010  or equivalent - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3060 - Genetics

    3 Credit(s)

    Transmission and expression of genetic information, organisms, and populations. Topics include basic transmission and molecular genetics, regulation of gene expression, developmental genetics, genetics of cancer, the immune response and behavior, and population genetics and evolution. Three (3) hours of lecture per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0) or above must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3065  

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1610  and BIOL 1615  and BIOL 1620  and BIOL 1625  and [(CHEM 1110  and CHEM 1115 ) or (CHEM 1210  and CHEM 1215 )] - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3065 - Genetics Lab

    1 Credit(s)

    Lab to accompany BIOL 3060 . One three-hour meeting per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3060  

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3110 - Evolution

    3 Credit(s)

    Study of pattern and processes shaping the unity and diversity of life. Emphasis on natural selection theory, paleontological evidence, and a neo-Darwinian view of the genetic basis for variation and adaption, speciation, and phylogenetic patterns, including human evolution. Three (3) hours of lecture per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 3030  and BIOL 3035  and BIOL 3060  and BIOL 3065  - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3230 - Cadaver Practicum

    2 Credit(s)

    Supervised maintenance and dissection of human cadavers. Enrollment must be approved by instructor. Four hours work required per week. Course is repeatable for multiple credits up to a maximum of four. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 2320  and (BIOL 2325  or BIOL 2323 ) and instructor permission - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Repeatable for Add’l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 4

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3250 - Histology

    3 Credit(s)

    A clinically-oriented study of microscopic structure of cells, tissues, and organs of the human body. Students gain an understanding of the structural organization of cell types within different organs and organ systems. Though emphasis is placed on identification, the ultimate goal is functional morphology–understanding how cell/tissue structure enables function. Three (3) hours of lecture per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0) or above must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3255 

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1610  and BIOL 1615  and BIOL 1620  and BIOL 1625  - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3255 - Histology Lab

    1 Credit(s)

    Lab to accompany BIOL 3250 . One three-hour meeting per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3250 

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3270 - Vertebrate Physiology

    3 Credit(s)

    Study of mechanisms of function of major organ systems in the vertebrate body, especially the human, with emphasis on the cellular and molecular level. Three (3) hours of lecture per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Spring) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3275 

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1610  and BIOL 1615  and BIOL 1620  and BIOL 1625 ; MATH 1040  recommended - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3275 - Vertebrate Physiology Lab

    1 Credit(s)

    Lab to accompany BIOL 3270 . One three-hour meeting per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Spring) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3270 

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3290 - Developmental Biology

    3 Credit(s)

    A study of animal development including an introduction to the mechanisms of cell division and differentiation, embryonic patterning, organ development, and errors in developmental regulation. The course will focus on genetic control of the developmental process with a focus on signal transduction pathways and gene regulation. Experimental methods, readings from the primary literature, and model systems, including C. elegans, Xenopus, zebrafish, chicken, and pig, will be emphasized throughout. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Spring) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3295  

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1610  and BIOL 1615  and BIOL 1620  and BIOL 1625  and BIOL 3060  and BIOL 3065   - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3295 - Developmental Biology Lab

    1 Credit(s)

    Lab to accompany BIOL 3290  and will include preparation and examination of embryos of model organisms as well as student-driven projects. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Spring) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3290  

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3310 - Cell and Molecular Biology

    3 Credit(s)

    Study of structure and function of cells and organelles from the molecular and experimental perspectives. Three (3) hours of lecture per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Spring) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3315 

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 3060  and BIOL 3065  - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3315 - Cell and Molecular Biology Lab

    1 Credit(s)

    Lab to accompany BIOL 3310 . One three-hour meeting per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Spring) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3310  

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3350 - Immunology

    3 Credit(s)

    A course dealing with topics of current research in immunology, such as antigen-antibody interactions, antibody synthesis, hypersensitivity, and auto-immunity. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall - Odd Years) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 3060  - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3370 - Ichthyology

    3 Credit(s)

    Natural history and classification of fishes, including their diversity, distribution, ecology, reproduction, behavior, evolution, and conservation. Three (3) hours of lecture per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Spring - Even Years) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3375  

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 3030  and BIOL 3035   - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3375 - Ichthyology Lab

    1 Credit(s)

    Lab to accompany BIOL 3370 . One four-hour lab per week. Longer field trips may be scheduled. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Spring - Even Years) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3370 

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3390 - Mammalogy

    3 Credit(s)

    Structure, classification, life histories, and distribution of mammals; introduction to methods of field investigation. Three (3) hours of lecture per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall - Odd Years) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3395 

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 3030  and BIOL 3035  - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3395 - Mammalogy Lab

    1 Credit(s)

    Lab to accompany BIOL 3390 . One three-hour meeting per week. Longer field trips may be scheduled. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall - Odd Years) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3390 

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3400 - Primatology

    3 Credit(s)

    This course will provide a broad overview of the study of non-human primates. We will explore primatology from anthropological and biological perspectives, incorporating psychological perspectives when relevant. Topics addressed will include primate evolution, taxonomy, behavior, cognition, and conservation. (Spring - Even Years) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Prerequisite(s): ANTH 1020  or BIOL 1010  or BIOL 1610   - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

    Equivalent Course(s): ANTH 3400  
  • BIOL 3410 - Invertebrate Zoology

    3 Credit(s)

    Behavior, ecology, physiology, and morphology of the invertebrate animals from sponges to starfish. Three (3) hours of lecture per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall - Even Years) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3415 

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 3030  and BIOL 3035  - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3415 - Invertebrate Zoology Lab

    1 Credit(s)

    Lab to accompany BIOL 3410. Field trip to the Pacific Ocean. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall - Even Years) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3410 

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3430 - Entomology

    3 Credit(s)

    Behavior, ecology, evolution, and identification of major orders of insects and arachnids. Three (3) hours of lecture per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall - Odd Years) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3435 

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 3030  and BIOL 3035  - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3435 - Entomology Lab

    1 Credit(s)

    Lab to accompany BIOL 3430 . One three-hour meeting per week. Longer field trips may be scheduled. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall - Odd Years) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3430  

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3450 - Comparative Vertebrate Studies

    3 Credit(s)

    Evolutionary comparison of the development, structure, and behavior of vertebrates. Three (3) hours lecture per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Spring) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3455 

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 3110  - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3455 - Comparative Vertebrate Studies Lab

    1 Credit(s)

    Lab to accompany BIOL 3450 . One three-hour meeting per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Spring) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3450 

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3470 - Herpetology

    3 Credit(s)

    Natural history and classification of amphibians and reptiles, including their diversity, distribution, ecology, reproduction, behavior, evolution, and conservation. Three (3) hours of lecture per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall - Even Years) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3475 

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 3030  and BIOL 3035  - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3475 - Herpetology Lab

    1 Credit(s)

    Lab to accompany BIOL 3470 . One four-hour lab per week. Longer field trips may be scheduled. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall - Even Years) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3470 

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3490 - Ornithology

    3 Credit(s)

    Structure, identification, ecology, and life histories of birds; emphasis on the local fauna. Three hours of lecture per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Spring - Odd Years) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3495 

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 3030  and BIOL 3035  - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3495 - Ornithology Lab

    1 Credit(s)

    Lab to accompany BIOL 3490 . One three-hour meeting per week. Longer field trips may be scheduled. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Spring - Odd Years) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3490 

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3510 - Plant Anatomy and Diversity

    3 Credit(s)

    Comparative anatomy and developmental biology of major members of the plant kingdom. Topics include structure and development of cell types, tissues, tissue systems, and comparative development and reproduction of major groups within the plant kingdom. Three (3) hours of lecture per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall - Odd Years) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3515 

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1610  and BIOL 1615  and BIOL 1620  and BIOL 1625  - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3515 - Plant Anatomy and Diversity Lab

    1 Credit(s)

    Lab to accompany BIOL 3510 . One three-hour meeting per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall - Odd Years) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3510 

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3520 - Fungi and Plant Pathology

    3 Credit(s)

    Field and laboratory study of current methodologies in assessing plant disease with emphasis on fungal kingdoms. One three-hour meeting per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 3030  and BIOL 3035   - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3530 - Plant Physiology

    3 Credit(s)

    Study of functions of plants including water and mineral relations, biochemical processes, and growth. Three (3) hours of lecture per week. A minimum grade of “C”(2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall - Even Years) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3535 

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1620  and BIOL 1625  - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3535 - Plant Physiology Lab

    1 Credit(s)

    Lab to accompany BIOL 3530 . One three-hour meeting per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall - Even Years) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3530  

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3550 - Plant Taxonomy

    3 Credit(s)

    Identification, classification, and relationship of the vascular plants of the southwestern Utah region. Meets nine (9) hours per week for one session. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Spring - Even Years) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3555 

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1620  and BIOL 1625  - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3555 - Plant Taxonomy Lab

    1 Credit(s)

    Lab to accompany BIOL 3550 . One three-hour meeting per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Spring - Even Years) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3550 

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1620  and BIOL 1625  - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3630 - Freshwater Biology

    3 Credit(s)

    Introduction to the biology of freshwater organisms and the physical, chemical, geological, and human factors which shape their communities. Three (3) hours of lecture per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall [As Needed]) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3635 

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 3030  and BIOL 3035  - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3635 - Freshwater Biology Lab

    1 Credit(s)

    Lab to accompany BIOL 3630 . One three-hour meeting per week. Longer field trips may be scheduled. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall [As Needed]) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3630 

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3710 - Greenhouse Practicum I

    1 Credit(s)

    Greenhouse maintenance, plant care, pest control, and plant propagation techniques. One (1) hour of lecture per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3715  

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor permission
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3715 - Greenhouse Practicum I Lab

    1 Credit(s)

    Lab to accompany BIOL 3710 . One three-hour meeting per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3710 

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3730 - Greenhouse Practicum II

    1 Credit(s)

    Greenhouse practices including techniques of cutting, seeding, seedage, and plant care. One (1) hour of lecture per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3735  

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 3710   - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3735 - Greenhouse Practicum II Lab

    1 Credit(s)

    Lab to accompany BIOL 3730 . One three-hour meeting per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3730 

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 3990 - Advanced Topics in Biology

    2 Credit(s)

    Discussion and investigation of selected topics in advanced biology. One two-hour meeting per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1610  and BIOL 1615  and BIOL 1620  and BIOL 1625  - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Repeatable for Add’l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 8

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 4070 - Capstone: History and Literature of Biology

    3 Credit(s)

    Study of the historical development of biology relative to personal philosophies of scientists and to social, cultural, and technological factors by reading of science literature. Three hours (3) of lecture per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Spring - Even Years) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 3110  and satisfactory completion of the ETS Major Field Exam - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 4220 - Capstone: Plant Defenses and Medical Botany

    3 Credit(s)

    A discussion of the history, ecology, and importance of plant defenses; their relationship to modern medicinal compounds; and how plant defenses affect the physiology of organisms. Three (3) hours of lecture per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or higher) must be earned in this course to be counted in a biological sciences major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Spring - Odd Years) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 3110  and satisfactory completion of the ETS Major Field Exam - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 4400 - Neurobiology

    3 Credit(s)

    An introduction to the structure and function of the nervous system. Topics will include cellular neurobiology, how organisms sense and respond to environmental stimuli, and cognitive neuroscience. Three (3) hours of lecture per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0) or higher must be earned in this course before it can be counted in the biological sciences major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall - Odd Years) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Prerequisite(s): [(BIOL 3270  and BIOL 3275 ) or (BIOL 3310  and BIOL 3315 )] and satisfactory completion of the ETS Major Field Exam - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 4410 - Animal Behavior

    3 Credit(s)

    Study of adaptive value of animal behavior and behavioral diversity, including foraging, territoriality, communication, mating systems, sexual selection, and social behavior, with emphasis on evolutionary and ecological interpretations. Three (3) hours of lecture per week. Field trip to the Pacific Ocean may be scheduled. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 3110  and MATH 1040  and satisfactory completion of the ETS Major Field Exam - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 4500 - Capstone: Biology of Disease

    3 Credit(s)

    The goal of this course is to provide inquisitive, self-directed students with an appreciation of the complexity of biological systems. The emphasis is top-down, beginning with a condition, moving toward explication of the underlying biochemical, cell biological, and molecular biological mechanisms. Topics will be integrated with other courses, such as genetics, evolution, ecology, economics, etc. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall - Even Years, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 3060  and satisfactory completion of the ETS Major Field Exam - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 4650 - Capstone: Conservation Biology

    3 Credit(s)

    Principles and concepts of conservation biology with emphasis on management of biodiversity (including genetic diversity), ecosystems, and populations and on socio-economic and political factors related to conservation. Course requirements include a service learning project. Three (3) hours lecture per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Spring) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 3110  and satisfactory completion of the ETS Major Field Exam - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 4830 - Individual Study

    1 Credit(s) 9 Maximum Credit(s)

    Individual study of topics in biology arranged by contract with an appropriate faculty supervisor. Variable times. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring, Summer [As Needed]) [Pass/Fail]

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor permission
    Repeatable for Add’l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 9

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 4840 - Cooperative Education

    1 Credit(s) 3 Maximum Credit(s)

    Observation and activities in professional practice situations on or off campus arranged by contract with an appropriate faculty supervisor. Variable times. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring, Summer [As Needed]) [Pass/Fail]

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor permission
    Repeatable for Add’l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 4

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 4850 - Undergraduate Research

    1 Credit(s) 9 Maximum Credit(s)

    Original lab or field research in biology arranged by contract with an appropriate faculty supervisor. Variable times. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring, Summer [As Needed]) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor permission
    Repeatable for Add’l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 10

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 4890 - Internship

    1 Credit(s) 9 Maximum Credit(s)

    An off-campus experience with an employer, agency, or organization that will provide hands-on experiences. Internships must be initiated by a contract between the student, the provider, and the faculty advisor. The student may be paid or work as a volunteer. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring, Summer [As Needed]) [Pass/Fail]

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor permission
    Repeatable for Add’l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 12

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 4900 - Biology Teaching Methods

    3 Credit(s)

    Effective strategies for doing science in the classroom based on national standards for inquiry and the scope and benchmarks of biological literacy, with emphasis on science as a way of knowing. Three (3) hours of lecture per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 3110  - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 4920 - Advanced Biology Workshop

    1 Credit(s) 3 Maximum Credit(s)

    In this course students will participate in various advanced-level workshops related to biology, biological techniques, or biological research, or intensive biological learning situations outside of the traditional class and lab. Students may receive workshop credit for activities such as seminars, short courses, in-service training, or travel study. Workshop credit must be arranged by a biological program faculty member and receive approval at the departmental level. May be repeated for credit, up to a maximum of six (6) credits. Variable times. (Fall) [Pass/Fail]

    Repeatable for Add’l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 6

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 4980 - Student Teaching in Biology

    3 Credit(s)

    Supervised teaching in a secondary school. Hours arranged by contract. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring) [Pass/Fail]

    Co-requisite(s): SCED 4980  

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 4990 - Seminar

    1 Credit(s)

    Investigation and discussion of advanced topics in biology through faculty and invited speaker presentations. One one-hour meeting per week. A minimum grade of “C” (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (As Needed) [Pass/Fail]

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1610  and BIOL 1615  and BIOL 1620  and BIOL 1625  - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 5510 - Practicum

    0.5 Credit(s) 5 Maximum Credit(s)

    Description unavailable. (As Needed) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BIOL 5530 - Practicum

    0.5 Credit(s) 5 Maximum Credit(s)

    Description unavailable. (As Needed) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Repeatable for Add’l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 10

    Registration Restriction(s): None


  • BU 2120 - Service Learning

    1 Credit(s)

    This course is designed to take the student volunteer through the process of volunteerism and its application to themselves and their academic training through practical experience and critical reflection. May be taken two times for credit. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Pass/Fail]

    Repeatable for Add’l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 2

    Registration Restriction(s): Intensive English Program majors may not enroll

Business Administration

  • BA 1000 - Intro to Business Careers

    1 Credit(s)

    Students will learn about business majors, job opportunities and salaries, and career-related resources, as well as faculty expectations. They will have an opportunity to do some self-exploration to learn about their aptitudes for a specific business career and the knowledge and skills necessary for success in business. Course will be offered in large sections each semester. (Fall, Spring) [Pass/Fail]

    Registration Restriction(s): Intensive English Program majors may not enroll

  • BA 1010 - Business and Society

    3 Credit(s)

    The course provides an introduction to business functions, with particular emphasis on the American system. Its purpose is to create a better understanding of today’s business environment through an analysis of various economic and legal systems, business and employee management issues, marketing of products and services, accounting and financial operations including the stock market and insurance, and the relationships between business, government, and international economic and market forces. (Fall, Spring) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Registration Restriction(s): Intensive English Program majors may not enroll

    General Education Category: Social and Behavioral Sciences Knowledge Area

  • BA 2000 - Foundations of Business

    3 Credit(s)

    This course demonstrates to incoming business majors how disparate business functions work together to create high-functioning organizations. Students will be exposed to techniques and concepts from marketing, finance, and management to learn how they integrate to achieve organizational objectives, while also strengthening skills from prerequisite classes in accounting. (Fall, Spring) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2010   - Prerequisite Min. Grade: D-
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BA 2350 - Legal Issues in Society

    3 Credit(s)

    A course designed for non-business majors and vocational students covering a survey of legal issues in society. This course will cover basic aspects of business transaction including law of contracts, agency, sales, and negotiable instruments. (As Needed) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Registration Restriction(s): Intensive English Program majors may not enroll

    General Education Category: Social and Behavioral Sciences Knowledge Area

  • BA 2900 - Special Topics

    1 Credit(s) 4 Maximum Credit(s)

    This course will provide opportunities for special topics to be taught at the lower-division level. Topics will vary by semester. (As Needed) [Pass/Fail]

    Registration Restriction(s): Intensive English Program majors may not enroll

  • BA 4999 - Assurance of Learning

    0 Credit(s)

    This course has no content of its own. Its sole purpose is to conduct general business knowledge and skills assessment to ensure students meet minimum competency standards. Students will be assigned 2-4 tests to be taken during the semester and will receive a Passing grade for this course if a minimum standard is met on each test administered. (Fall, Spring) [Pass/Fail]

    Prerequisite(s): MGMT 4950   - Prerequisite Min. Grade: D-
    Prerequisite Can Be Concurrent? Yes

    Repeatable for Add’l Credit? Yes - Number of Times: 3

    Registration Restriction(s): Senior standing required

  • BA 6000 - Business Foundations

    3 Credit(s)

    This course provides an accelerated overview of the basic fundamentals of accounting, finance, marketing, statistics, and the use of Excel that MBA students will require for success in the program. 

    This course is waived for students with an undergraduate business degree from an AACSB-accredited institution. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Pass/Fail]

    Registration Restriction(s): MAcc or MBA majors only

  • BA 6010 - Legal/Social Environment of Business

    3 Credit(s)

    This course provides an accelerated overview of both the theories and methods of law in support of the common body of knowledge core required for all MBA students not having previous business coursework. (As Needed) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Registration Restriction(s): MAcc or MBA majors only

  • BA 6100 - Advanced Issues in Business

    1 Credit(s) 3 Maximum Credit(s)

    This course has variable credit (1-3) and is repeatable for credit. This course will be taught as a formal class once per year. It may also be taken any time under a directed readings approach on issues important to the individual graduate student. Approval of the mentoring faculty must be obtained prior to registration for the directed readings approach. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Repeatable for Add’l Credit? Yes - Number of Times: 2

    Registration Restriction(s): MAcc or MBA majors only

Business Analytics

  • ANLY 4100 - Data Analytics I

    3 Credit(s)

    An introduction to data science methods in business, finance, and economics. Includes an introduction to an appropriate programming language for data manipulation and modeling. Provides an overview of descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive methods in data analytics. (As Needed) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 1040  and (MATH 1100  or MATH 1210  or ECON 2500 ) - Prerequisite Min. Grade: D-
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • ANLY 4110 - Data Analytics II

    3 Credit(s)

    A continuation of ANLY 4100 . Covers the primary analytic techniques involved in data mining, including logistic regression, decision trees, kNN, Naive Bayes, and other es. Introduces unsupervised learning methods. Builds on the programming skills established in Data Analytics I. (As Needed) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Prerequisite(s): ANLY 4100   - Prerequisite Min. Grade: D-
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • ANLY 6100 - Data Analytics I

    3 Credit(s)

    An introduction to data science methods in business, finance, and economics. Includes an introduction to an appropriate programming language for data manipulation and modeling. Provides an overview of descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive methods in data analytics. (As Needed) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 1040  and (MATH 1100  or MATH 1210  or ECON 2500 ) - Prerequisite Min. Grade: D-
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • ANLY 6110 - Data Analytics II

    3 Credit(s)

    A continuation of ANLY 6100 . Covers the primary analytic techniques involved in data mining, including logistic regression, decision trees, kNN, naive Bayes, and others. Introduces unsupervised learning methods. Builds on the programming skills established in ANLY 6100. (As Needed) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Prerequisite(s): ANLY 6100   - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C-
    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • ANLY 6200 - Data Processing and Visualization

    3 Credit(s)

    This course covers prevalent methods and tools for data processing and visualization. Students are introduced to both the Python and R programming languages for processing, analyzing, and visualizing data. In addition, the course includes an overview of the Tableau software for data visualization. Course emphasis is on mastering basic software functionality and developing intermediate to advanced skills in working with and presenting data. (Fall) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Registration Restriction(s): Master of Science in Business Analytics majors only OR instructor permission required

  • ANLY 6300 - Marketing Analytics

    3 Credit(s)

    This course provides an overview of the most important analytics methods used in marketing decision making. Students are introduced to common marketing models such as probit, multinomial, and structural equation modeling. Well-established marketing research methods are covered, such as survey and experimental design, along with more recent marketing research tools such as sentiment mining and social-network analysis. (As Needed) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Prerequisite(s): ANLY 6100   - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Prerequisite Can Be Concurrent? Yes

    Registration Restriction(s): Master of Science in Business Analytics majors only or instructor permission required

  • ANLY 6400 - Big Data for Business

    3 Credit(s)

    This course introduces the theory of an “Internet of Things (IoT)” and how to deal with the massive amounts of data generated by the connections of the IoT. The course includes an introduction to the open-source technologies commonly used to deal with unstructured big data problems, such as Hadoop, Spark, Pig, Hive, and Amazon Web Services. Along with familiarizing students with big data techniques and tools, the course presents real-world business applications and gives students hands-on experience with obtaining valuable information from big datasets. (Spring) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Prerequisite(s): ANLY 6100  and ANLY 6200  and CS 6200   - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Prerequisite Can Be Concurrent? Yes (CS 6200)

    Registration Restriction(s): Master of Science in Business Analytics majors only OR instructor permission required

  • ANLY 6900 - Capstone Project

    3 Credit(s)

    With faculty input and supervision, students carry out a complex analytics project that applies methodologies from their coursework to enhance the performance of a business. (As Needed) [Graduate Thesis/Capstone Pass/Fail]

    Prerequisite(s): ANLY 6110  and ANLY 6300  and ANLY 6400  and ECON 6110  and instructor permission required - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Prerequisite Can Be Concurrent? Yes (ANLY 6110 and ANLY 6300 and ANLY 6400 and ECON 6110)

    Registration Restriction(s): Master of Science in Business Analytics majors only

  • ANLY 6901 - Capstone Project Continuation

    1 Credit(s)

    This course serves the MSBA student who needs additional support for a capstone project after completing ANLY 6900 . (As Needed) [Graduate Thesis/Capstone Pass/Fail]

    Prerequisite(s): ANLY 6900  and instructor permission required - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C
    Repeatable for Add’l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 5

    Registration Restriction(s): None

Business Education

  • BE 4900 - Teaching Business, Marketing, and Information Systems

    3 Credit(s)

    Designed to train prospective business teachers in instructional methods as applied to basic business and marketing subjects by developing course objectives, chapter/unit tests, lesson/unit plans, teaching skills, motivation techniques, evaluation procedures, and youth organizations. (Spring) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2010  and BA 2350  and ECON 1010  and FIN 3250  and MKTG 3010   - Prerequisite Min. Grade: D-
    Registration Restriction(s): Junior or Senior standing required

  • BE 4950 - Teaching Office and Computer Subjects

    2 Credit(s)

    Designed to train prospective business teachers in instructional methods as applied to the business skill courses: keyboarding, computer applications, and business procedures by developing course objectives, lesson and unit plans, presentation and motivation techniques, evaluation procedures, and youth organizations. (Fall) [Graded (Standard Letter)]

    Registration Restriction(s): None

  • BE 4980 - Student Teaching in Business Education

    3 Credit(s)

    Designed to place the prospective teacher in a secondary business department working with one or more cooperating teachers. Placement is through the College of Education. The student will receive additional credits through the Education Department. (Fall, Spring) [Pass/Fail]

    Co-requisite(s): SCED 4980  

    Registration Restriction(s): None


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