Sep 27, 2024  
2017-2018 General Catalog 

Course Descriptions


Click here  for information on reading course descriptions.



Theatre Arts

  • THEA 2112 - Movement I

    2 Credit(s)

    This course focuses on the basic elements of physical movement from a variety of disciplines as they pertain to the craft of acting, leading to a greater awareness of the actors’ body. (Fall odd years, Spring)

    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 2140 - Rehearsal & Performance

    1 to 3 Credit(s)

    This course is designed for intermediate students to learn, develop, and apply performance techniques and learn how to function as part of a performance ensemble by working in an actual production for public presentation. Students will receive face to face instruction in a non-traditional classroom setting. May be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring)

    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 2203 - Costume Construction

    3 Credit(s)

    A beginning overview of the vocabulary and basic sewing methods of theatre and dance costuming. The course will also cover simple patterning and some dyeing techniques. (Fall, Spring)

    Co-requisite: THEA 2541 
    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 2303 - Shakespeare’s Plays

    3 Credit(s)

    Students in this course will analyze selected dramatic works of William Shakespeare, from among the genres of comedy, history, tragedy and romance.  Students will gain critical and creative understandings of these dramatic works of the greatest English-language playwright, and will gain or enhance abilities to communicate effectively about them. (Spring Even Years)

    Please Note: this course begins Spring 2016

  • THEA 2523 - Drafting for Theatre

    2 Credit(s)

    Practical examination and practice in drafting conventions with an emphasis on the development of hand drafting techniques for theatre. An introduction to basic scenic model construction will also be covered. (Spring)

    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 2533 - Drawing and Rendering for Theater

    2 Credit(s)

    This course teaches students of set, costume, and lighting design the fundamentals of visual communication using a variety of media and techniques.  Assignments are structured to develop fundamental skills in observation, drawing, and painting, with an emphasis on the application of these skills to the theatrical design process.  Students are expected to provide appropriate materials as needed. (Fall)

    Prerequisite: THEA 2543 
    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 2541 - Theatre Production Lab

    1 Credit(s)

    An intermediate course in practical application of technical theatre methods through production experience. May be repeated for additional credit. (Fall, Spring)

    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 2543 - Theatrical Design I

    3 Credit(s)

    Introduction to the analytical process required to understand and create theatre designs. The student will grasp the principles of design techniques through the completion of class projects focused on each of the major fields of design. (Fall, Spring)

    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 2553 - Scene Painting

    2 Credit(s)

    This course is designed to familiarize theatre students with the basic techniques and tools used in the painting of theatrical scenery. Emphasis will be placed on practical application of these skills. (Fall)

    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 2711 - Dramatic Literature

    1 Credit(s)

    This course is designed to give the theatre artist a grounding in the significant works of a Genre, Style, Playwright or Period. The specific topic for each semester is determined by the theatre faculty. (Fall , Spring)

    Prerequisite: THEA 1713
    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 3013 - Stage Management

    3 Credit(s)

    Students will learn the basics of stage management for theatre and dance at the introductory level. (Fall, Spring)

    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 3123 - Classical Acting Approaches

    3 Credit(s)

    Advanced preparation for performance of classical texts from influential periods of the World Theatre. Emphasis on voice, speech, movement, and character development. (Spring, Odd Years)

    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 3131 - Professional Aspects of Theatre

    1 to 3 Credit(s)

    Specialized course designed for those intending to enter the professional theatre. Special topics and techniques are taught by faculty and professional artisans in a variety of areas such as: performance, audition, design, management, and technical areas in preparation for pursuing post baccalaureate employment or graduate studies. May be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring)

    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 3133 - Musical Theatre I

    3 Credit(s)

    Practical application in musical theatre performance. Focus is on Broadway musical history, characterization, courage building and musical audition preparation. (Spring, Odd Years)

    Prerequisite: THEA 2033 
    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 3223 - Theatrical Design II

    3 Credit(s)

    This course builds on the basics of scenery, costume, lighting and sound design through multiple design projects.  Attention is focused on developing detailed designs complete with analytical, design, and technical paperwork within a collaborative approach. (Spring)

    Prerequisite: THEA 1513 , THEA 1713 , THEA 2543 
    General Education Course: No.
  • THEA 3313 - Costume Construction II

    3 Credit(s)

    Acquire and implement the fundamental skills and techniques of flat pattern drafting and draping, hand and machine sewing embellishments, costume crafts, millinery, jewelry making, leather work ,and fabric dyeing and modification in the construction of theatrical costumes. (Spring Odd Years)

    Prerequisite: THEA 2033  & THEA 2541 
  • THEA 3323 - Stage Craft II

    3 Credit(s)

    A continuation of Stagecraft I with a particular emphasis on the materials, tools, and processes involved in theatrical production. This course is designed to provide a deeper understanding of modern technical theatre practices, particularly in the area of construction materials, techniques, and applications. (Fall)

    Prerequisite: THEA 1513 
    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 3343 - Production Management and Safety

    3 Credit(s)

    A practical overview of the organizational tools needed to plan and implement a season of live stage productions.  Work is focused on planning the production side of live events including organizational management, season selection, scheduling, season and production budgeting as well as the role of the production manager in regards to both employee safety (OSHA) and life safety (NFPA). (Spring Odd Years)

  • THEA 3353 - Period Styles

    3 Credit(s)

    A survey and exploration course of the history of architecture, decorative arts, furniture, and fashion; providing a foundational understanding for theatrical design work in scenery, costumes, & lighting. (Fall Even Years)

    Prerequisite: THEA 1713  & THEA 2543 
  • THEA 3500 - Advanced Studies in Theatre Design/Tech

    1 to 3 Credit(s)

    Advanced course designed to allow the student to obtain valuable experience through realized projects in their focus area. Prerequisite: Permission by Instructor. (As Needed)

    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 3571 - Portfolio

    1 Credit(s)

    Studio course designed to develop student portfolios in the areas of theatrical design and technology with emphasis on placement in the theatrical job market or graduate programs. May be repeated for credit. (As needed)

    Prerequisite: Permission by Instructor. Junior or Senior Standing.
    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 3613 - Directing I

    3 Credit(s)

    A methods course designed for the beginning directing student. Students will learn the terminology and fundamentals of stage direction. A foundation course for Directing II. (Fall)

    Prerequisite: THEA 1033 , THEA 1713 , THEA 2543 
    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 3713 - Theatre History: The Classic Theatre

    3 Credit(s)

    Covers the Greeks through the Restoration. Special section on Asian and traditional African drama. Course modules are: Greek, Roman, traditional Asian, traditional African, Medieval, Renaissance Italy and Spain, early Tudor, Shakespeare and his contemporaries, Jacobean and Carolinian playwrights, Moliere and Racine, and the Restoration of theater in England. (Fall)

    Prerequisite: THEA 1713 
    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 3723 - Theatre History: Realism, Post Realistic, & Contemporary Theatre

    3 Credit(s)

    Course will cover the period from 18th Century through American and European Contemporary. Course Modules are: 18th Century England, France and Italy; early 19th century Germany; 19th century Romanticism; Sturm and Drang; Melodrama; and late19th century theatre: Realism vs. Spectacle. The course will also cover early 20th century theatre reactions against Realism, mid-20th century theatre; the rise of American drama and musical theatre and Late 20th century theatre: the rise of Hispanic, Asian, African-American and women’s theatre. (Spring)

    Prerequisite: THEA 1713  
    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 3733 - Dramaturgy

    3 Credit(s)

    The course teaches students the basics of dramaturgy through examining production and literary requirements needed to develop a production casebook. (Fall)

    Prerequisite: THEA 1713  or ENGL 2400  or THEA 1303 
    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 3900 - Theatre for Elementary Teachers

    1.5 Credit(s)

    A course especially designed for background, theory, and practice in the selecting, preparing, and presentation of plays on the elementary level. (Fall, Spring)

    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 3950 - Methods in Performing Arts Education

    3 Credit(s)

    Introduction to methods and theories in teaching dance and theatre arts.  Pedagogic theory, organizational techniques, unit/lesson plan development, assessment and technology in the classroom will be studied. (Fall Even Years)

    Prerequisite: THEA 3900  
  • THEA 4113 - Acting Shakespeare I

    3 Credit(s)

    Students will learn text analysis, scansion and performance techniques for the works of Shakespeare; viewing Shakespeare plays, learning to appreciate and use the language to create character and action. (Fall, even years)

    Prerequisite: THEA 2033 
    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 4123 - Movement II

    3 Credit(s)

    Application of recognized, advanced movement techniques designed for the theatre into solo and ensemble, performance-based, in-class projects. BA, BS & BFA Theatre majors only. (Fall, Odd Years)

    Prerequisite: THEA 1033 ,THEA 1713 ,  
    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 4133 - Stage Combat

    3 Credit(s)

    An introduction to the principles of conflict, combat safety, and standard S.A.F.D. proficiency skills for Unarmed Combat, Quarterstaff, and Rapier. Emphasis will be on the development of the actor’s approach to fight choreography and making a scene safe, truthful and interesting. (Fall)

    Prerequisite: THEA 2112 
    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 4140 - Rehearsal & Performance

    1 to 3 Credit(s)

    This course is designed for intermediate students to learn, develop, and apply performance techniques and learn how to function as part of a performance ensemble by working in an actual production for public presentation. Students will receive fact to face instruction in a non-traditional classroom setting. May be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring)

    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 4153 - Acting Shakespeare II

    3 Credit(s)

    A combination of both performance-driven studio work and lecture/coaching, this course expands and refines the classical actor’s skills through a more intensive study of acting techniques, breathing and vocal exercises and pedagogy developed by the Royal Shakespeare Company, Cicely Berry and other influential and respected artists in the field. Theatre Majors Only. (Fall-Odd Years, As Needed)

    Prerequisite: THEA 4113 
    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 4163 - Musical Theatre II

    3 Credit(s)

    A combination of both performance-driven studio work and lecture/coaching, this course expands and refines the musical theatre actor’s skills through a more intensive study of acting & musical techniques, breathing and vocal exercise and pedagogy developed by recognized influential and respected artist and professional in the field. (Spring Even Years, As Needed)

    Prerequisite: THEA 3133 
    General Education Course: No.
  • THEA 4203 - Theatre Aesthetics

    3 Credit(s)

    Students will analyze the collaborative art of theatre and related areas as seen through the prism of the aesthetic experience, the nature of art and the relation of art to truth, perception, and nature in each of the component parts. Senior standing. (Spring)

    Prerequisite: THEA 1713  & THEA 2543 
    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 4333 - Technical Direction

    3 Credit(s)

    This course is designed to provide an exploration into the role of the Technical Director within the framework of modern technical theatre. Course includes management practices, budgeting and estimating techniques, backstage organization, and scenery construction techniques. (As Needed)

    Prerequisite: THEA 2523  & THEA 3323 
    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 4343 - Scenic Design

    3 Credit(s)

    Advanced studio application of the principles of scenic design by use of sketches, scaled drawings, and scaled perspective renderings. (As Needed)

    Prerequisite: THEA 2523 THEA 2533 THEA 3223 
    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 4353 - Lighting Design

    3 Credit(s)

    An intermediate course in the principles and objectives of lighting design. Application of skills in: observation, communication, collaboration, and execution of lighting for performance by means of written critiques, journals, practical projects, drafting light plots, and generating paperwork necessary for light design. (As Needed)

    Prerequisite:  THEA 2523  THEA 2533 THEA 3223 
    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 4363 - Costume Design

    3 Credit(s)

    A basic course in design with emphasis on the practical approach to costume design. Included will be research and presentation techniques, examination of major designer’s works, and practical experience in designing for all manner of productions. (As Needed)

    Prerequisite: THEA 2203 THEA 2533 THEA 3223 
    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 4373 - Sound Design

    3 Credit(s)

    This course will provide students with the basic skills necessary for execution of sound design for the theatre. This will include the proper use and hookup of equipment, basic recording and playback of sound and digital audio editing. (As Needed)

    Prerequisite: THEA 2523 ,THEA 3223 
    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 4500 - Advanced Studies in Theatre Design/Tech

    1 to 3 Credit(s)

    Advanced course designed to allow the student to obtain valuable experience through realized projects in their focus area. (As Needed)

    Prerequisite: Permission by Instructor
    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 4513 - Theatre Technologies

    3 Credit(s)

    This course is designed to provide a forum for intensive study of a particular aspect of modern theatrical technologies. As such, various topics may be selected based on current industry trends, student needs, and available resources. Sample topics might include but are not limited to Rigging, Automation, Metal Fabrication, or Properties. May be repeated once for credit. (Spring)

    Prerequisite: THEA 1513 ,THEA 2203 ,THEA 2523  & THEA 3323 
    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 4541 - Theatre Production Lab

    1 Credit(s)

    An advanced course in practical application of technical theatre methods through production experience. May be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring)

    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 4611 - Directing II Lab

    1 Credit(s)


    Co-requisite: THEA 4613 
    Prerequisite: THEA 3613 
    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 4613 - Directing II

    3 Credit(s)

    A study of theories and actual experience in organization, interpretation, blocking, pacing, casting, and producing a play. (Spring)

    Co-requisite: THEA 4611 
    Prerequisite: THEA 3613 
    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 4640 - Performance Studies

    1 to 5 Credit(s)

    An in-depth seminar course for the study of a special topic in theatre. May be repeated for additional credit. May be used for Study -Abroad Credit. (As Needed)

    Prerequisite: Permission by Instructor
    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 4751 - Capstone

    1 Credit(s)

    Theatre and Dance artists will articulate their concept, process, realization and assessment of a specific project through a written and oral defense presentation to faculty within their discipline. (Fall, Spring)

    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 4830 - Cooperative Education

    4 to 12 Credit(s)


    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 4840 - Readings and Conferences

    1 to 5 Credit(s)


    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 4890 - Internship

    3 to 12 Credit(s)


    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 4900 - Methods Theatre Arts Education

    2 Credit(s)

    Methods in theatre education discuss issues related to the teaching of theatre in the public school system. Students will learn how to prepare and execute a lesson plan of study, develop benchmarks and grading criteria, develop course goals and objectives, and the execution of a variety of teaching methods in the classroom. Students will also discuss how to manage behavioral problems, time and the planning and organization of mounting a production. (Fall, Spring)

    Prerequisite: THEA 3900 , THEA 3950  
    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 4980 - Student Teaching

    2 Credit(s)


    General Education Course: No
  • THEA 5890 - Internship

    3 to 12 Credit(s)


    General Education Course: No

University Studies

  • EDGE 1010 - Becoming an Engaged Learner

    1 Credit(s)

    An on-line eight-week introduction to the concept of engaged learning and the strategies and campus resources that support this type of education. A portion of this course is dedicated to preparing students to be successful in SUU’s EDGE project-based learning graduation requirement. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    General Education Course: No
  • EDGE 3010 - Community Project Proposal and Planning

    1 Credit(s)

    An on-line eight-week workshop that guides students through the process of creating an EDGE Project proposal and plan tuned specifically to the Community Engagement Center. This course also prepares students for successful completion of the final course in the Community Engagement sequence. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    Prerequisite: EDGE 1010  with a minimum grade of C (2.0). To enroll in EDGE 3010 a student must complete the EDGE track declaration process
    General Education Course: No
  • EDGE 3020 - Creativity Project Proposal and Planning

    1 Credit(s)

    An on-line eight-week workshop that guides students through the process of creating an EDGE Project proposal and plan tuned specifically to the Creativity Engagement Center. This course also prepares students for successful completion of the final course in the Creativity Engagement sequence. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    Prerequisite: EDGE 1010  with a minimum grade of C (2.0). To enroll in EDGE 3020 a student must complete the EDGE track declaration process
  • EDGE 3030 - Global Project Proposal and Planning

    1 Credit(s)

    An on-line eight-week workshop that guides students through the process of creating an EDGE Project proposal and plan tuned specifically to the Global Engagement Center. This course also prepares students for successful completion of the final course in the Global Engagement sequence. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    Prerequisite: EDGE 1010  with a minimum grade of C (2.0). To enroll in EDGE 3030 a student must complete the EDGE track declaration process.
  • EDGE 3040 - Leadership Project Proposal and Planning

    1 Credit(s)

    An on-line eight-week workshop that guides students through the process of creating an EDGE Project proposal and plan tuned specifically to the Leadership Engagement Center. This course also prepares students for successful completion of the final course in the Global Engagement sequence. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    Prerequisite: EDGE 1010  with a minimum grade of C (2.0). To enroll in EDGE 3040 a student must complete the EDGE track declaration process.
  • EDGE 3050 - Outdoor Project Proposal and Planning

    1 Credit(s)

    An on-line eight-week workshop that guides students through the process of creating an EDGE Project proposal and plan tuned specifically to the Outdoor Engagement Center. This course also prepares students for successful completion of the final course in the Outdoor Engagement sequence. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    Prerequisite: EDGE 1010  with a minimum grade of C (2.0). To enroll in EDGE 3050 a student must complete the EDGE track declaration process.
  • EDGE 4010 - Community Project Reporting and Reflection

    1 Credit(s)

    An on-line eight-week course that guides students through the process of verifying, reporting, and reflecting on their EDGE Project, which is tuned specifically to the Community Engagement Center. Students will create a portfolio featuring their project and complete a professional development module prepared by SUU’s Career and Professional Development staff. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    Prerequisite: EDGE 3010  with a minimum grade of C (2.0).   
    General Education Course: No
  • EDGE 4020 - Creativity Project Reporting and Reflection

    1 Credit(s)

    An on-line eight-week course that guides students through the process of verifying, reporting, and reflecting on their EDGE Project, which is tuned specifically to the Creativity Engagement Center. Students will create a portfolio featuring their project and complete a professional development module prepared by SUU’s Career and Professional Development staff. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    Prerequisite: EDGE 3020  with a minimum grade of C (2.0).
  • EDGE 4030 - Global Project Reporting and Reflection

    1 Credit(s)

    An on-line eight-week course that guides students through the process of verifying, reporting, and reflecting on their EDGE Project, which is tuned specifically to the Global Engagement Center. Students will create a portfolio featuring their project and complete a professional development module prepared by SUU’s Career and Professional Development staff. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    Prerequisite: EDGE 3030  with a minimum grade of C (2.0).
  • EDGE 4040 - Leadership Project Reporting and Reflection

    1 Credit(s)

    An on-line eight-week course that guides students through the process of verifying, reporting, and reflecting on their EDGE Project, which is tuned specifically to the Leadership Engagement Center. Students will create a portfolio featuring their project and complete a professional development module prepared by SUU’s Career and Professional Development staff. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    Prerequisite: EDGE 3040  with a minimum grade of C (2.0).
  • EDGE 4050 - Outdoor Project Reporting and Reflection

    1 Credit(s)

    An on-line eight-week course that guides students through the process of verifying, reporting, and reflecting on their EDGE Project, which is tuned specifically to the Outdoor Engagement Center. Students will create a portfolio featuring their project and complete a professional development module prepared by SUU’s Career and Professional Development staff. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    Prerequisite: EDGE 3050  with a minimum grade of C (2.0).
  • UNIV 1020 - Strategies for Success

    2 Credit(s)

    This variable topics course explores subjects geared toward student success. Sample topics include career exploration, job search preparation, exploring vocabulary development, and in-depth academic skill development. This graded course may be taken twice for credit. (Fall, Spring)

    General Education Course: No
  • UNIV 1030 - Governors Honors Academy

    6 Credit(s)

    The academy is a ten-day program designed for Utah’s most gifted high-school leaders and scholars entering grade 12. The objective of the program is to cultivate the brightest of Utah’s high school students in high quality leadership, personal achievement, academics and community service. The program provides students with a stimulating curriculum of study with subjects ranging from science to Shakespeare and from creativity to leadership. These, and other subjects, are discussed by a dynamic Academy Faculty and many distinguished lecturers with corporate, government, media and other professional backgrounds. Students attending the Governor’s Honors Academy will obtain a broader vision of personal potential for leadership, develop a keener ability to create and implement new ideas, learn fresh approaches and new skills in group dynamics, acquire an increased awareness of personal goals and objectives, and achieve a collegiate orientation to develop their future. For information, visit the GHA website at, email or call the director of the Governor’s Honors Academy at (435) 865-8219.

    General Education Course: No
  • UNIV 1040 - Learning Communities Seminar

    1 Credit(s)

    This course serves as the common course for learning communities.  Students will engage in the process of deliberative democracy as they engage with each other on topics related to their clustered courses.  The course will focus heavily on discussion, communication skills, and understanding the interdisciplinarity inherent to higher education. (Fall, Spring)

    General Education Course: No.
  • UNIV 1050 - College Student Success

    3 Credit(s)

    This course focuses on student success through systematic exploration of values and skills that will assist student in becoming successful in their academic endeavors.  It is designed to help launch students’ university careers successfully and to equip students with tools and abilities to increase their career and academic skills. Admission requirement for students with index score of 95 or lower.  (Fall, Spring)



    General Education Course: No

  • UNIV 1057 - Student-Athlete College Success

    1 Credit(s)

    This course provides SUU student-athletes with valuable knowledge and tools that will aid in their transition from high school to college. This course will focus on initiatives of the NCAA’s Student-Athlete Affairs Department, including: Academic Development, Personal Development, Service Development, and Career Development. 

    Co-requisite: Must be a freshman SUU student-athlete.
    General Education Course: No
  • UNIV 2010 - University Passport and Orientation

    1 Credit(s)

    This course is designed to provide new students an immersion experience wherein they are introduced to cultural traditions and expectations associated with the Southern Utah University experience.  Students will write and reflect upon their personal growth and development as they engage in various activities designed to stimulate intellectual awakening as well as transition to university life. (Fall, Spring)

    General Education Course: No
  • UNIV 2120 - Service Learning

    1 Credit(s)

    This course is designed to take the student volunteer through the process of volunteerism and its application to themselves and their academic training through practical experience and critical reflection. May be taken two times for credit. This is a designated Service Learning course. (P/F) (Fall, Spring, Summer)

  • UNIV 2890 - Directed Project: [variable topics]

    1 to 4 Credit(s)

    A hands-on experience, completed either on or off campus, that requires the student to work in a closely supervised environment with professionals. Directed projects must be initiated by a contract between the student, the organization, and the faculty advisor. Students may or may not be paid for their work. A minimum of three hours of work per week for 15 weeks equates to one credit hour. Repeatable up to 8 credits. (As needed)

    Prerequisite: EDGE 1010  and Instructor Permission
  • UNIV 3000 - Health Career Explorations- Rural Health Scholars

    1 Credit(s)

    This course assists pre-med, pre-dental, pre-PA, Pre-optometry, pre-pharm, and other undergraduate health students prepare for entry into professional schools.  Includes opportunities to hear guest speakers, participate in health related service learning projects (25 hrs. required), and obtain CPR & First Aid certifications. Membership in the Rural Health Scholars program is required. (Fall, Spring, Summer) (P/F)

    Prerequisite: SCI 2120  
    General Education Course: No.
  • UNIV 3500 - Interdisciplinary Engagement [Variable Topic]

    1 to 6 Credit(s)

    A variable topic, team-taught, interdisciplinary course that employs an experiential approach to teach students about the complexity of the specific topic of study.  Professors from more than one discipline introduce students to a variety of ways to think about the chose topic.  Under the guidance of faculty mentors, students then carry out original projects related to the course topic. May be repeated up to 3 times for credit. Primary Instructor permission required. Junior standing recommended. (Summers As Needed)

    Prerequisite: EDGE 1010  
  • UNIV 4930 - EDGE Select Track Completion: [Engagement Center]

    1 Credit(s)

    The culminating course of the experiential education requirement, this workshop provides students the opportunity to reflect on and present their work in the “Select Track” of the EDGE Program. (P/F) (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    Prerequisite: Completion of an EDGE Project via the “Select Track” as monitored in the EDGE Tracker.

Women and Gender Studies

  • WGS 2010 - Intro to Women/Gender Studies

    3 Credit(s)

    The course explores women’s and gender experiences/issues from interdisciplinary perspectives while acquainting students with the major theories and debates of feminist and gender scholarship. (Spring)

    General Education Course: No
  • WGS 3010 - Research in Women/Gender Studies

    3 Credit(s)

    The history, theory, and practice of research in Women’s and Gender Studies. The course emphasizes collaborative, participatory, and alternative methodologies. (Fall even years)

    Prerequisite: WGS 2010  
    General Education Course: No
  • WGS 4010 - Women/Gender Internship

    3 Credit(s)

    This internship synthesizes concepts of women and gender studies into a final research, service-learning, and/or international project. (Fall, Spring)

    Prerequisite: WGS 2010  and WGS 3010 
    General Education Course: No

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